December 8, 2022
WIPO Japan Office has organized an international symposium on Youth. The event took place on 29 November 2022 and was attended by the total of 273 participants from about 20 countries. Developing countries constituted about 20% of those states. This event was financed by the Funds-In-Trust Japan Industrial Property Global.
In recent years, the world is focusing on the SDGs and 2030 agenda adopted by the United Nations for the earth and human prosperity and it is getting more important that the youths work on and approach to the world-scale issues actively. The event explored IP roles, IP co-creations with youth, and activities for SDGs from perspective of SDGs and youth and enjoyed a special dialogue and presentations by young entrepreneur, startup executive, patent attorney, and WIPO’s special representative.
Throughout the event, following issues were discussed:
All presentations are available at the event page.