Ideas and creative abilities to solve problems in the society and around us become innovation. In delivering the inventions to people and safely applying those inventions require use of IP. It is also important to respect the creations and creativity of others in order to maintain inventive society that can solve the challenges it faces.
WIPO Japan Office published an educational material ‘How to Explore Ideas’ to illustrate the importance of creativity and respect for creativity in an easy to learn approach. It explains the importance of creative thinking and the roles of IP by drawing an example of cup noodles invented by Momofuku Ando, which is now an internationally consumed product. It also helps readers with develop their creativity.
‘How to Explore Ideas’ can be widely used by IP beginners, students and educators who brings creativity and IP into classrooms.
The guidebook, or teaching note created for educators and lectures to use with ‘How To Explore Ideas’ in classes are also available for free in both Japanese and English.
We hope that it will help you make the most effective use of this teaching material.
・”How to Explore Ideas” Guidebook for educators and lectures (The Teaching Note for lectures)

In 2021, WIPO Japan Office commissioned a research project on the review and improvement of the use of teaching materials for the promotion of intellectual property education for youth. The project illustrated that the "How to Explore Ideas" textbook can be a useful material for classes taught in high schools as proven in demonstration classes in four high schools and technical college. For detailed outcome report, please see here.
‘How to Explore Ideas’ is edited by Japan Institute for Promoting Invention and Innovation (JIPII) under the supervision of WIPO Japan Office and Nisshin Food Holdings Co., Ltd., and with financing from the Funds-In-Trust Japan Industrial Property Global.