E-Learning platform for IP courses at basic and advanced levels in up to seven languages
Since 1999, we have been offering distance learning courses, covering all aspects of intellectual property (IP), to both professionals and those new to the field.
We are the only institution offering online IP courses in up to seven languages.
Interaction between our students and faculty of renowned academics from universities worldwide, takes place online through forums and e-mail.
Inscrição Datas:
Curso Datas:
O Programa de Formação Contínua Judiciária sobre Propriedade Intelectual (PI) é uma proposta acadêmica metodológica da Academia da OMPI sobre PI, concebida por juízes para juízes e outros membros do corpo judiciário.
O Programa de Formação Contínua Judiciária sobre Propriedade Intelectual (PI) foi desenvolvido com vista a reforçar a capacidade de as instituições de formação judiciária oferecerem programas de formação contínua customizada sobre Propriedade Intelectual e a construir capacitações e competências dos juízes para adjudicarem com eficiência no âmbito de litígios relativos à PI.
Programa especializado de capacitação e formação em PI para atores dos setores público e privado.
No Programa de Formação Executiva, a Academia oferece formações especializadas em propriedade intelectual (PI), ministradas em parceria com instituições de grande renome, para aprimorar as competências de servidores públicos, empreendedores, inovadores, empresários, executivos e outros profissionais de PI que buscam usar a propriedade intelectual como ferramenta de promoção do crescimento e do desenvolvimento. As formações especializadas ajudam os interessados a desenvolver suas habilidades profissionais e empresariais no campo da propriedade intelectual. Os participantes que concluírem com sucesso o programa receberão um certificado.
Formação Datas:
Master Degrees in IP Law and advanced training courses for teachers of IP
This program provides advanced intellectual property (IP) education to graduate students, young university professionals, researchers and government officials and dealing with IP rights. It also provides training opportunities for teachers of IP.
Courses are taught by skilled and experienced faculty members. The focus is on regional and multilateral negotiations and implementation of international conventions, taking into account the wide range in levels of development within which IP systems operate. Teaching methods include lectures, case studies, group discussions, in some cases practical training and distance learning. Participants are given the opportunity for hands-on experience through internships at WIPO, certain regional IP offices, national IP Offices or in private companies.
Short IP courses for senior students and young professionals
The Summer School program provides an opportunity to senior students and young professionals to acquire deeper knowledge of each domain of intellectual property (IP) and of the role and functions of WIPO.
The program consists of lectures, case studies, simulation exercises and group discussions on selected IP topics, with an orientation towards the interface between IP and other disciplines.
A certificate of participation is awarded to participants who successfully complete the program requirements.
The International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants
The International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) is an intergovernmental organization with headquarters in Geneva (Switzerland).
UPOV was established by the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants. The Convention was adopted in Paris in 1961 and it was revised in 1972, 1978 and 1991.
UPOV's mission is to provide and promote an effective system of plant variety protection, with the aim of encouraging the development of new varieties of plants, for the benefit of society.
The UPOV Distance Learning Courses are hosted on the WIPO eLearning Center.
A Academia da OMPI presta assistência aos Estados membros na criação de instituições de formação em propriedade intelectual (IPTI).
A Academia da OMPI presta assistência aos Estados membros para estabelecer e consolidar Instituições de Formação em PI (IPTIs) autossustentáveis para responder à procura local de conhecimentos sobre PI. Entre os resultados destes esforços estão o desenvolvimento de capacidades e recursos de formação em PI e espaços de rede para IPTIs.
The objective of this program is to provide higher education on IP and development for policy-makers, students and professionals in developing countries
The main objectives of the Funds-in-Trust for Intellectual Property Education of the Republic of Korea (FIT-KREDU, “the Fund”) are as follows:
Nenhum curso oferecido atualmente.