Previous editions of the Nice Classification
- Tenth edition - List of goods and services: alphabetical order | class order
- Ninth edition - List of goods and services: alphabetical order | class order
- Eighth edition - List of goods and services: alphabetical order | class order
- Seventh edition - Introduction | List of goods and services: alphabetical order | class order
- Sixth edition - Introduction | Class headings and list of classes, with explanatory notes | List of goods and services: alphabetical order | class order
- Fifth edition - Introduction | Class headings and list of classes, with explanatory notes | List of goods and services: alphabetical order | class order
- Fourth edition - Introduction | Class headings and list of classes, with explanatory notes | List of goods and services: alphabetical order | class order
- Third edition - Introduction | List of classes, with explanatory notes | List of goods and services: alphabetical order | class order
- Second edition - Introduction | List of classes, with explanatory notes | List of goods and services in alphabetical order (published in French only)
- First edition - Introduction | List of classes, with explanatory notes and class headings | List of goods and services: alphabetical order | class order (published in French only)