Hague Express
The Hague Express Database, updated weekly, includes bibliographical data and reproductions of industrial designs relating to international registrations that have been recorded in the International Register and published in the International Designs Bulletin as of issue No. 1/1999. International registrations that have lapsed are not removed from the database.
International Designs
Current Status
Registration under 1999 Act
International Registration Number
Designated contracting parties:
Statement of Grant of Protection: NO: Bulletin No. 05/2011
International registration number
Designated Contracting Party which made the notification, followed by the date on which protection was granted where that date was communicated to the International Bureau
Date of recording in the International Register
Statement of Grant of Protection: EM: Bulletin No. 02/2011
International registration number
Designated Contracting Party which made the notification, followed by the date on which protection was granted where that date was communicated to the International Bureau
Date of recording in the International Register
Correction: Bulletin No. 01/2011
International Registration Number
Name and address of the holder(s)
Date of the international registration
Original Registration under 1999 Act: Bulletin No. 12/2010
International Registration Number
Date of the international registration
Filing date
Name and address of the holder(s)
Viuhonpääntie 66,
FI-54800 Savitaipale (FI)
Contracting Party of which the holder is a national
Contracting Party in the territory of which the holder has a domicile
Contracting Party in the territory of which the holder has an industrial or commercial establishment
Contracting Party to the 1999 Act in the territory of which the holder has a habitual residence
Applicant's Contracting Party
Name and address of representative
Mechelininkatu 1 a,
FI-00180 Helsinki (FI)
Name and address of creator of designs
Number of designs included in the international registration
Class and subclass of the Locarno Classification
Cl. 07-04
Indication of products
Designated Contracting Parties