(Act No. 48 of May 6, 1970)
Chapter I General Provisions
Section 1 General Rules
(Purpose) Article 1 The purpose of this Act is to provide for, and to secure protection of, the rights of authors, etc. and the rights neighboring thereto with respect
[copyrightable] works as well as performances, phonograms, broadcasts and wirebroadcasts, while giving due regard to the fair exploitation of these cultural products, and by doing so, to contribute to the development of culture.
Article 2 (1) In this Act, the meanings of the terms listed in the following items shall be as prescribed respectively in those items:
(iii) "performance" means the [theatrical] acting, dancing, musical performances, singing, reciting, declaiming or performing in other ways of a work, including similar acts which do not involve the performance of a work but which have the
nature of pubic entertainment;
(vii) "commercial phonograms" means copies of phonograms made for the purpose of sale to the public;
(vii2) "public transmission" means the transmission, by wireless communications or wiretelecommunications, intended for direct reception by the public; excluding, however, transmissions (other than transmissions of a computer
program work) by telecommunication facilities, one part of which is located on the same premises where all remaining parts are located or, if the premises are occupied by two or more persons, all parts of which are located within the area (within such premises) occupied by the same person(s);
(viii) "broadcast" means the form of public transmission involving a transmission transmitted by wireless communication intended for simultaneous reception of identical content by the public;
(ix) "broadcasting organizations" means persons who engage in the broadcasting business;
(ix2) "wirebroadcast" means the form of public transmission involving a transmission transmitted by wiretelecommunication intended for simultaneous reception of identical content by the public;
(ix3) "wirebroadcasting organizations" means persons who engage in the wirebroadcasting business; (ix4) "automatic public transmission" means the form of public transmission which occurs automatically in response to a request from the public, excluding, however, public transmissions falling within the term "broadcast" or "wirebroadcast";
(ix5) "to make transmittable" means making an automatic public transmission possible by any of the acts set out below:
(a) to record information on public transmission recording medium of an automatic public transmission server already connected with a telecommunications line that is provided for use by the public; to add to such an automatic public transmission server, as a public transmission recording
medium thereof, a recording medium which stores information; to convert a recording medium that stores information into a public transmission recording medium of such an automatic public transmission server; or to input information into such an automatic public transmission server. For the purpose of this item (ix5), " automatic public transmission server" means a device which, when connected with a telecommunications line provided for
use by the public, functions to perform automatic public transmission of
information which is either recorded on the public transmission recording medium of the transmission recording medium of such device or is inputted into such automatic public transmission server; and in this item (ix5) and below, "public transmission recording medium" means such part of the
recording medium of an automatic public transmission server as is provided for automatic public transmission use.
(b) to connect with a telecommunications line that is provided for use by the public, an automatic public transmission server the public transmission
recording medium of which stores information or into which information has
been inputted. For the purpose of this provision, if connection with a
telecommunications line that is offered for use by the public is made through
a series of acts, such as wiring, starting of the automatic public transmission
server and putting into operation computer programs for transmission or
reception the last to occur of such series of acts shall be considered to constitute the act of connection.
(x) "maker of a cinematographic work" means the person who takes the initiative in, and the responsibility for, the making of a cinematographic work; (x2) "computer program" means an expression of a combination of instructions to cause a computer to function in order to be able to obtain a certain result; (x3) "database" means a collection of information, such as dissertations,
numerical values or diagrams, which is systematically organized so that such information can be searched by use of a computer;
(xi) "derivative work" means a work created by translating, arranging musically, or transforming, or dramatizing, cinematizing or otherwise adapting a preexisting work;
(xii) "work of joint authorship" means a work collaboratively created by two or more persons with respect to which the contribution of each person cannot be severed and separately exploited;
(xiii) "sound recording" means the fixation of sound on an object and also the production of one or more copies of such fixation;
(xiv) "visual recording" means the fixation of a sequence of images on an object and also the production of one or more copies of such fixation;
(xv) "reproduction" means the reproduction in a tangible form by means of
printing, photography, photocopy, sound or visual recording or other methods; and
(xvi) "stage performance" means the performance of a work, excluding, however, musical performances ("musical performances" include singing; the same shall apply hereinafter);
(xvii) "screen presentation" means the projection of a work (other than a publicly transmitted work) on a screen or other object, and includes the replaying, in accompaniment with such projection, of sounds which have been fixed in a
cinematographic work;
(xviii) "recitation" means oral communication by means of reading aloud or any
other method, but excluding any oral communication falling within the term "performance";
(xix) "distribution" means the transfer or rental of reproductions of a work to the public, whether with or without charge, and in the case of cinematographic
works or works reproduced therein, "distribution" includes the transfer of ownership or rental of, reproductions of a cinematographic work for the purpose of making such cinematographic work itself or the works reproduced therein, as
the case may be, available to the public;
(xx) "technological protection measures" means electronic, magnetic or other measures not discernible by human senses ([all of the aforementioned measures being collectively referred to] in the next item as "electromagnetic means") used to prevent or deter acts that would constitute infringements of the moral rights of author or copyrights as provided for in Article 17, paragraph (1) or the moral
rights of performer as provided for in Articles 89, paragraph (1) or the neighboring rights as provided for in Article 89, paragraph (6) ([all of the aforementioned rights being] hereinafter in this item collectively referred to as "copyright, etc.") (excluding, however, measures used without the intent of the owner of copyright, etc.), through systems which, when works, performances, phonograms or, broadcasted or wirebroadcasted sounds or images are recorded on a recording medium or transmitted, also record or transmit signals that cause certain specific responses by machines that attempt to exploit such works, performances, phonograms, broadcasts or wirebroadcasts (in the next item collectively referred to as "works, etc."). In this item, "deter" means to deter such acts as would constitute infringements on copyright, etc. by causing
extreme obstruction to the results of such acts; the same shall apply in Article 30, paragraph (1), item (ii). In this item, "exploit" includes acts which if done without the consent of the author or the performer would constitute an infringement of the moral rights of the author or the moral rights of the performer.
(xxi) "rights management information" means information concerning the moral rights of author or copyrights (each provided for in Article 17, paragraph (1)) or the rights provided for in Article 89, paragraphs (1) to (4) ([all of the aforementioned rights being] hereinafter in this item collectively referred to as "copyright, etc."), which said information falls within any of (a), (b) or (c) below and which, together with works, performances, phonograms, or broadcasted or
wirebroadcasted sounds or images, is recorded on a recording medium or transmitted by electromagnetic means; excluding, however, information not used for ascertaining a work, etc.'s exploitation, for the administrative
handling of authorizations to exploit the work, etc. or for other matters pertaining to copyright, etc. management (in each case, only to the extent the same is done by computer):
(xxii) "within this country" means the jurisdiction where this Act is effective.
二十三 国外 この法律の施行地外の地域をいう。
(xxiii) "outside this country" means outside the jurisdiction where this Act is effective.
constituting public transmissions).
(Publication of a work)
Article 3 (1) A work has been "published" when reproductions of it have been made and distributed, in reasonably sufficient quantities to meet the public demand therefor given the nature of the work, by a person entitled to the right provided for in Article 21 or with the authorization of such person ("authorization" means the authorization provided for under Article 63, paragraph (1) to exploit a work;
the same shall apply in this Chapter and the Chapter below, with the exception of Article 42 and Article 63) or by a person in favor of whom the right of publication provided for in Article 79 has been established; provided, however that the
foregoing shall not apply to situations where the making and distributing of reproductions harms the rights of a person entitled to a right provided for in Article 26 or Article 262, paragraph (1) or Article 263.
(2) An original work shall be deemed to have been "published" when reproductions of its translation (a form of derivative works) have been made and distributed, in such quantities as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, by a person who, pursuant to Article 28, is entitled to the same right as that provided for in Article 21 or by a person with authorization from such a person; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply to situations where the making and distributing of reproductions harms the rights of a person who, pursuant to the provisions of
Article 28, is entitled to the same right as one of those provided for in Article 26, Article 262, paragraph (1) or Article 263 pursuant to the provisions of Article
(3) A person who would be entitled to a right under either of the preceding two paragraphs if its work were protected under this Act, as well as a person with authorization from such a person to exploit such work, shall be considered to be a
person entitled to such right or a person who with authorization from such a person (as the case may be), and the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall apply on that basis.
(Making a work public) Article 4 (1) A work has been "made public" when it has been published, or when, by
means of stage performance, musical performance, screen presentation, public transmission, recitation or exhibition, it has been made available to the public [in either case,] by a person entitled to the rights provided for in Articles 22 to 25 or by a person with authorization from such a person. In the case of an architectural work, a work has been "made public" when it has been constructed by a person possessing the right provided for in Article 21 or by a person with authorization
from such a person.
screen presentation, public transmission or recitation, or (b) when such translation has been made transmittable by a person who, pursuant to the provisions of Article 28, is entitled to the same rights as those provided for in Article 23, paragraph (1) or by a person with authorization from such a person.
(4) An artistic work or a photographic work shall be deemed to have been "made
public" when it has been exhibited by such a person as provided for in Article 45, paragraph (1), in such a manner as provided for in said paragraph.
(5) A person who would be entitled to a right provided for in paragraphs (1) to (3) of this Article if his work were protected under this Act, as well as a person with authorization from such a person to exploit the work, shall be considered to be a
person entitled to such right or a person with authorization from such a person (as the case may be), and the provisions of these paragraphs shall apply with respect to such persons.
(Publication of phonograms)
Article 42 A phonogram has been "published" when reproductions of the phonogram have been made and distributed, in reasonably sufficient quantities to meet the public demand therefor given the nature of the phonogram, by a person who is entitled to the right provided for in Article 96 or with authorization from such a person; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply to situations where the making and distributing of reproductions harms the rights of a person entitled to a right provided for in Article 972, paragraph (1) or Article 973, paragraph (1). "Authorization" means the authorization to exploit a phonogram under the provision of Article 63, paragraph (1), as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 103; the same shall apply in Chapter IV, Sections 2 and 3).
(Effect of international treaty) Article 5 If an international treaty provides otherwise with respect to the rights of authors and the rights neighboring thereto, the provisions of such international treaty shall prevail.
Section 2 Scope of Application
(Protected works)
Article 6 Only those works falling under one of the following items shall receive protection under this Act:
(iii) works in addition to those listed in the preceding two items, with respect to which Japan has the obligation to grant protection under an international treaty.
(Protected performances)
Article 7 Only those performances falling under one of the following items shall receive protection under this Act:
(iii) performances transmitted through the broadcasts listed in Article 9, item (i) or (ii), excluding, however, those incorporated in sound or visual recordings before transmission with the consent of the performers concerned;
excluding, however, those recorded in sound or visual recordings before transmission with the consent of the performers concerned;
(vii) in addition to those listed in the preceding six items, any of the following performances:
(Protected phonograms)
Article 8 Only those phonograms falling under one of the following items shall receive protection under this Act:
(iii) in addition to those listed in the preceding two items, any of the following phonograms:
parties to the WPPT ("nationals" includes juridical persons established under the laws and regulations of such contracting party and those who have their principal offices in such contracting party; the same shall apply hereinafter);
persons established under the laws and regulations of such member state and those who have their principal offices in such member state; the same shall apply hereinafter.);
(Protected broadcasts)
Article 9 Only those broadcasts falling under one of the following items shall receive protection under this Act:
(iii) in addition to those listed in the preceding two items, any of the following broadcasts:
(Protected wirebroadcasts) Article 92 Only those wirebroadcasts falling under one of the following items shall receive protection under this Act:
Chapter II Rights of Author
Section 1 Works
(Illustrations of works) rticle 10 (1) As used in this Act, examples of "works" include, in particular, the following:
(iii) choreographic works and pantomimes;
(vii) cinematographic works;
(viii) photographic works;
(iii) "[computer programming] algorithm" means the method of combining, in a computer program, the instructions given to a computer.
(Derivative works)
Article 11 The protection granted by this Act to derivative works shall not affect the rights of an author to the original work.
Article 12 (1) Compilations (not falling within the term "databases"; the same shall apply hereinafter) which, by reason of the selection or arrangement of their contents, constitute intellectual creations shall be protected as independent works.
(2) The provision set forth in the preceding paragraph shall not affect the rights of the author to each of works forming a part of the compilations set forth in said paragraph.
(Database works) Article 122 (1) Databases which, by reason of the selection or systematic construction of information contained therein, constitute intellectual creations
shall be protected as independent works.
(2) The provision set forth in the preceding paragraph shall not affect the rights of
an author to a work which constitutes a part of a database set forth in said paragraph.
(Works not protected) Article 13 A work falling under any of the following items apply shall not constitute the subject of the rights granted by the provisions of this Chapter:
Local Incorporated Administrative Agencies (Act No. 118 of 2003); the same shall apply hereinafter);
(iii) judgments, decisions, orders and decrees of courts, as well as rulings and judgments made by government agencies in proceedings of a quasijudicial nature;
(iv) translations and compilations prepared by organs of the State or local public
entities, incorporated administrative agencies or local incorporated administrative agencies of [any of] the materials listed in the preceding three items.
Section 2 Authors
(Presumption of authorship)
Article 14 A person whose name or appellation (hereinafter referred to as "true name"), or whose widely known pen name, abbreviation or other substitute for his true name (hereinafter referred to as "pseudonym"), is indicated as the name of the author in the customary manner on the original of his work or when his work is offered to or made available to the public, shall be presumed to be the author of such work.
(Authorship of a work made by an employee in the course of his duties)
Article 15 (1) The authorship of a work (except a computer program work) which, on the initiative of a juridical person or other employer (hereinafter in this Article referred to as "juridical person, etc."), is made by an employee in the course of the performance of his duties in connection with the juridical person, etc.'s business and is made public by such juridical person, etc. as a work under its own name, shall be attributed to such juridical person, etc., unless otherwise stipulated by
contract, work regulations or the like at the time of the making of the work.
(2) The authorship of a computer program work which, on the initiative of a juridical person, etc. is made by an employee in the course of his duties in connection with the juridical person, etc.'s business, shall be attributed to such
juridical person, etc., unless otherwise stipulated by contract, work regulations or the like at the time of the making of the work.
(Authorship of cinematographic work)
Article 16 The authorship of a cinematographic work shall be attributed to those who, by taking charge of producing, directing, filming, art direction, etc., have creatively contributed to the creation of such cinematographic work as a whole, excluding, however, authors of novels, [play/film] scripts, music or other works adapted or reproduced in such cinematographic work; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply where the provisions of the preceding Article are applicable.
Section 3 Contents of Rights
Subsection 1 General Provisions
(Rights of author)
Article 17 (1) An author shall enjoy the rights provided for in paragraph (1) of the next Article, Article 19, paragraph (1) and Article 20, paragraph (1)(hereinafter referred to as "moral rights of author") as well as the rights provided for in Articles 21 to 28 (hereinafter referred to as "copyright").
(2) Enjoyment of the moral rights of author and copyrights shall not be subject to any formality.
Subsection 2 Moral rights of author
(Right to make the work public)
Article 18 (1) An author shall have the right to offer and to make available to the public any work of his which has not yet been made public (which shall include a work already made public without the author's consent; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article). The same shall apply to any derivative works arising from the author's said work.
(iii) where the ownership of copyright in a cinematographic work belongs to the maker of the cinematographic work pursuant to the provisions of Article 29: the offering and the making available to the public of such work by exercising the
copyright thereto.
Organs Information Disclosure Act")), except, however, in the case where
manifestation of intention of the author to the contrary has been made by the
time when the decision to disclose has been made pursuant to the provision of Article 9, paragraph (1) of the Administrative Organs Information Disclosure Act: the offering and the making available to the public of such work by the head of the administrative organ pursuant to the provisions of the Administrative Organs Information Disclosure Act;
(ii) where a work not yet made public has been offered to incorporated administrative agencies, etc. ("incorporated administrative agencies, etc." means any of those provided for in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Act on Access to Information Held by Incorporated Administrative Agencies (Act No. 140 of
2001; hereinafter referred to as "the Incorporated Administrative Agencies, etc. Information Disclosure Act")), except in the case where the author's manifestation of intention to the contrary has been made by the time when the decision to disclose has been made pursuant to the provision of Article 9, paragraph (1) of the Incorporated Administrative Agencies, etc. Information Disclosure Act: the offering and the making available to the public of the work
by an incorporated administrative agencies, etc. pursuant to the provisions of the Incorporated Administrative Agencies, etc. Information Disclosure Act;
(iii) where a work not yet made public has been offered to a local public entity or local independent administrative agency (except in the case where the author's
manifestation of intention on the contrary has been made by the time when the decision to disclose has been made): the offering and the making available to the public of the work by the relevant organ of a local public entity or local
independent administrative agency pursuant to the provisions of the relevant
Information Disclosure Ordinance ("the Information Disclosure Ordinance" means the regulations of the relevant local public entity or local independent
administrative agency which provide for the right of residents, etc. to request the Disclosure of Information possessed by such entity or agency; the same
shall apply hereinafter).
prescribed in Article 5, item (i) (b) or (c) or the proviso to Article 5, item (ii) of the Administrative Organs information Disclosure Act has been recorded, is offered or made available to the public by the head of an administrative organ
pursuant to the provisions of said Article, or where a work, which has not yet been made public, is offered or made available to the public by the head of an administrative organ pursuant to the provisions of Article 7 of the Administrative Organs Information Disclosure Act;
(ii) where a work, which has not yet been made public and in which information prescribed in Article 5, item (i) (b) or (c) or the provisions of Article 5, item (ii) of the Incorporated Administrative Agencies, etc. Information Disclosure Act has been recorded, is offered or made available to the public by an independent administrative agency, etc. pursuant to the provisions of said Article, or where
a work which has not yet been made public, is offered or made public to the public by an independent administrative agency, etc. pursuant to the provisions of Article 7 of the Incorporated Administrative Agencies, etc. Information Disclosure Act;
(iii) where a work which has not yet been made public (and in which information equivalent to that provided for in Article 5, item (i) (b) or the proviso to Article 5, item (ii) of the Administrative Organs Information Disclosure Act is recorded) is offered or made available to the public by an organ of a local public entity or a local independent administrative agency pursuant to the provisions of the information Disclosure Ordinance (which have provisions equivalent to Article 13, paragraphs (2) and (3) of the Administrative Organs Information Disclosure Act; the same shall apply in item (v));
(iv) where a work which has not yet been made public (and in which information equivalent to that provided for in Article 5, item (i) (c) of the Administrative Organs Information Disclosure Act has been recorded) is offered or made available to the public by an organ of a local public entity or a local
independent administrative agency pursuant to the provisions of the Information Disclosure Ordinance;
(v) where a work which has not yet been made public is offered or made available to the public by an organ of a local public entity or a local independent administrative agency pursuant to provisions of the Information Disclosure Ordinance that are the equivalent of those of Article 7 of the Administrative Organs Information Disclosure Act.
(Right to determine the indication of the author's name)
Article 19 (1) The author shall have the right to determine whether or not his name should be indicated as the work's author, and if so, whether his true name or a pseudonym should be indicated as such on the original of his work or when his work is offered or made available to the public. The author shall have the same right with respect to the indication of the author's name when derivative works from his work are offered or presented to the public.
the exploitation of the work.
Act, the provisions of Article 6, paragraph (2) of the Incorporated Administrative Agencies, etc. Information Disclosure Act or the provisions of the Information Disclosure Ordinance equivalent to Article 6, paragraph (2) of the Administrative Organs Information Disclosure Act.
(Right to maintain integrity)
Article 20 (1) The author shall have the right to maintain the integrity of his work and its title, and no distortion, mutilation or other modification thereof shall be made against his intent.
(iii) a modification which is necessary to enable the use on a particular computer of a computer program work that is otherwise unusable on such computer, or to make more effective use of a computer program work on a computer;
(iv) in addition to those listed in the preceding three items, modifications that are
considered unavoidable in light of the nature of a work as well as the purpose of and the manner of its exploitation.
Subsection 3 Types of Rights Comprising a Copyright
(Right of reproduction) Article 21 The author shall have the exclusive right to reproduce his work.
(Right of performance)
Article 22 The author shall have the exclusive right to perform his work publicly ("publicly" means for the purpose of making a work seen or heard directly by the public; the same shall apply hereinafter).
(Right of screen presentation)
Article 222 The author shall have the exclusive right to make his work publicly available by screen presentation.
(Rights of public transmission, etc.) Article 23 (1) The author shall have the exclusive right to effect a public transmission of his work (including, in the case of automatic public transmission, making his work transmittable).
(2) The author shall have the exclusive right to communicate publicly any work of
his which has been publicly transmitted, by means of a receiving apparatus receiving such public transmission.
(Right of recitation)
Article 24 The author of a literary work shall have the exclusive right to recite his work publicly.
(Right of exhibition) Article 25 The author of an artistic work or of an unpublished photographic work shall have the exclusive right to exhibit the original of his work publicly.
(Rights of distribution)
Article 26 (1) The author of a cinematographic work shall have the exclusive right to distribute his work by distributing reproductions of said cinematographic work.
(2) The author of a work reproduced in a cinematographic work shall have the exclusive right to distribute his work by distributing reproductions of the same.
(Right of ownership transfer) Article 262 (1) The author shall have the exclusive right to offer his work (with the exception of cinematographic works; the same shall apply below in this Article) to
the public by transferring ownership of the original or reproductions of his work (excluding, however, reproductions of a cinematographic work where the author's work has been reproduced in said cinematographic work; the same shall apply
below in this Article).
(iii) the original or reproductions of a work the ownership of which has been transferred to a small number of specific persons by a person who possesses the right prescribed in the preceding paragraph or by a person with authorization
of such a person;
(iv) the original or reproductions of a work the ownership of which has been transferred outside this country, (a) without prejudice to a right that is the equivalent to that prescribed in the preceding paragraph, or (b) by a person who has a right equivalent to that prescribed in the preceding paragraph or by
a person with authorization from such a person.
(Right of rental)
Article 263 The author shall have the exclusive right to offer his work (with the exception of a cinematographic work) to the public through the rental of reproductions of the work (excluding, however, reproductions of a cinematographic work where the author's work has been reproduced in said
cinematographic work).
(Rights of translation, adaptation, etc.) Article 27 The author shall have the exclusive right to translate, arrange musically or transform, or dramatize, cinematize, or otherwise adapt his work.
(Right of the original author in the exploitation of a derivative work)
Article 28 In connection with the exploitation of a derivative work, the author of the original work shall have exclusive rights of the same types as those possessed by the author of the derivative work under the provisions of this Subsection.
Subsection 4 Ownership of Copyright in Cinematographic Works
(Ownership of copyright in cinematographic works)
Article 29 (1) The copyright to a cinematographic work (excluding, however, those to which the provisions of Article 15, paragraph (1), the next paragraph or paragraph (3) of this Article are not applicable) shall belong to the maker of said cinematographic work, provided that the authors of the cinematographic work have undertaken to participate in the making of the same.
make an automatic public transmission (including making a work transmittable by means of inputting information into an automatic public transmission server already connected to a telecommunications line which is provided for use by the public) of said broadcasted work, or (B) to transmit said broadcasted work to the public by means of a receiving apparatus;
paragraph (1) are not applicable), the following rights, which are among the various rights comprising in the copyright thereto, shall belong to said wirebroadcasting organization as the maker of the cinematographic work:
(i) (a) the right to wirebroadcast said work, and (b) the right to transmit said
wirebroadcasted work to the public by means of a receiving apparatus [receiving the wirebroadcast];
(ii) the right to reproduce said work and the right to distribute said work to other wirebroadcasting organizations by distribution of reproductions thereof.
Subsection 5 Limitations on Copyright
(Reproduction for private use)
Article 30 (1) Except in the cases listed below, it shall be permissible for the user of a work that is the subject of a copyright (below in this Subsection simply referred to as a "work") to reproduce the work for his personal use or family use or other equivalent uses within a limited scope (hereinafter referred to as "private use"):
to be obstructed, and (b) reproduction is made with the knowledge of the facts described in (a) above. For purposes of this item and Articles 1202, items (i) and (ii), "circumvention" means to enable acts prevented by technological protection measures or to cause cessation of the obstruction of the results of acts deterred by such technological protection measures, in each case, by removal or modification of signals used for such measures; provided, however,
that "removal" or "modification" shall not include removal or modification which necessarily occurs because of technological restrictions accompanying the conversion of recording or transmission systems.
(2) Any person who, for private use purposes, makes sound or visual recordings on a recording medium used for digital sound and visual recordings (as specified by Cabinet Order) by means of a machine possessing functions to make digital sound or visual recordings (as specified by Cabinet Order) (excluding, however, (i) machines having special capacities generally not for private use, such as capacities for broadcast business purposes, and (ii) machines having sound or
visual recording functions incidental to their primary functions, such as telephones with a sound recording function) shall pay a reasonable amount of compensation to the copyright holders concerned.
(Reproduction in libraries, etc.)
Article 31 In the following cases, it shall be permissible to reproduce a work included in library materials (in this Article, "library materials" means books, documents and other materials held in [the collection of] libraries, etc.) as an activity falling within the scope of the nonprofitmaking activities of libraries, etc. (in this Article, "libraries, etc." means libraries and other establishments designated by Cabinet Order and having among their purposes, the providing of library materials for use by the public):
(i) where, in response to the request of a user of a library, etc. and for the purpose of his research or study, such user is furnished with a single reproduction of (a) a part of a work already made public, or (b) in the case of an individual work
reproduced in a periodical already published for a considerable period of time, all of such individual work;
(ii) where the reproduction is necessary for the purpose of preserving library materials;
(iii) where, in response to the request of other libraries, etc., a reproduction of [a work constituting] library materials is furnished because such work is difficult to obtain due to such work being out of print or other similar reasons.
Article 32 (1) It shall be permissible to quote from and thereby exploit a work already made public, provided that such quotation is compatible with fair practice and to the extent justified by the purpose of the quotation, such as news reporting, critique or research.
(2) It shall also be permissible to reproduce, as explanatory materials, in newspapers, magazines and other publications informational materials, public relations materials, statistical materials, reports and other similar works which have been prepared by organs of the State or local public entities or incorporated administrative agencies or local incorporated administrative agencies for the purpose of general public dissemination and made public under their authorship; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply where there is an express indication [on the work] that such reproduction has been expressly prohibited.
(Reproduction in school textbooks, etc.)
Article 33 (1) It shall be permissible to reproduce in school textbooks ("school textbooks" means textbooks authorized by the Minister of Education and Science or those compiled under the authorship of the Ministry of Education and Science for use in the education of pupils or students in primary schools, junior or senior high schools, schools for secondary education or other equivalent schools; the same shall apply in the next Article) works already made public, to the extent deemed necessary for the purpose of school education.
(2) A person who makes such reproduction in a school textbook pursuant to the preceding paragraph shall notify the author thereof and pay to the copyright holder compensation, the amount of which will be fixed each year by the Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs, taking into account the spirit of
the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the type and the usage of the work, the ordinary royalty rate, and other factors.
with respect to the reproduction of works in textbooks intended for correspondence courses of senior high schools (including the senior grade course at schools for secondary education) and in teachers' manuals for school textbooks set forth in paragraph (1) (such teachers' manuals shall be limited to those
published by the same publisher of the related school textbooks).
(Reproduction in order to prepare a textbook, etc. in large print)
Article 332 (1) It shall be permissible to reproduce a work already reproduced in a school textbook, by enlarging letters and characters, illustrations, etc. used in said school textbook for the purpose of providing the same for use by weaksighted pupils or students in their studies.
(2) A person who intends to prepare a textbook for school education by reproduction of a work or works contained in a school textbook by enlarging the letters and characters, illustrations, etc. [of such work(s)] pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph (textbooks for school education shall in this paragraph be limited to only those which reproduce the whole or a considerable portion of a
work that is printed in the relevant school textbook; such textbooks for school education being in this paragraph referred to as "largeprint textbooks for school education") shall give advance notice to the publisher of the said textbook and, in the case where copies of such largeprint textbook for school education are to be distributed for profitmaking purposes, pay to the holder(s) of the copyright
compensation, the amount of which will be fixed each year by the Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs in proportion to the amount of compensation provided for in paragraph (2) of the preceding Article.
(3) The Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs shall give public notice in the Official Gazette of the amount of compensation fixed in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(Broadcast, etc. in school education programs)
Article 34 (1) It shall be permissible, to the extent deemed necessary for school educational purposes, to broadcast, or wirebroadcast, or make an automatic public transmission (including making a work transmittable by means of inputting information into an automatic public transmission server already connected to a telecommunications line which is provided for use by the public) for the purpose of such broadcasts being transmitted and simultaneously received exclusively in a Broadcasting Service Area pertaining to these broadcasts ("Broadcasting Service Area" means such Broadcasting Service Area as provided for in Article 22, paragraph (2), item (ii) of the Broadcast Act (Act No. 12 of 1950), or for broadcasts for areas not provided in this law a Service Area as provided in Article 14, paragraph (3), item (iii) of the Radio Law (Act No.131 of 1950); the same shall apply hereinafter), a work already made public, in educational broadcast programs or educational wirebroadcast programs which conform to the education course standards established by the laws and regulations on school education, and to reproduce such alreadymadepublic work in teaching materials for these broadcasted and wirebroadcasted programs.
(2) A person who exploits a work pursuant to the preceding paragraph shall give notice to the [work's] author and pay to the copyright holder a reasonable amount of compensation.
(Reproduction, etc. in schools and other educational institutions)
Article 35 (1) A person who teaches a lesson, and those who receive the lesson, in a school or other educational institutions (excluding, however, those institutions established for profitmaking purposes) may, if and to the extent deemed necessary for use in the course of the lesson, reproduce a work already made public; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply in the case where such reproduction is likely to unreasonably prejudice the interests of the
copyright holder in light of the type and the usage of the work as well as the
number of copies and the manner of reproduction.
(2) When, in the course of a lesson at an educational institution set forth in the preceding paragraph, exploiting a work already made public, by (a) offering or presenting the original or reproductions of such work to those who directly take lessons, or (b) by performing, presenting or reciting it pursuant to the provisions of Article 38, paragraph (1), it shall be permissible to make public transmissions of such work (including, in the case of an automatic public transmission, making
such work transmittable) for reception by those who are receiving the same lesson at the same time but at a location other than where such lesson is being given; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply in the case where such public transmission is likely to unreasonably prejudice the interests of the copyright holder in light of the type and the usage of the work as well as the manner of the public transmission. Since there is no Japaneseequivalent, this should be deleted.
(Reproduction, etc. as examination questions)
Article 36 (1) It shall be permissible to reproduce or make public transmissions (excluding, however, broadcasts or wirebroadcasts, but including, in the case of automatic public transmission, making a work transmittable; the same shall apply in the next paragraph) of, a work already made public, as questions for an entrance examination or other examinations of knowledge or skill or for a license, to the extent deemed necessary for such purposes; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply in the case where such reproduction or public transmission[, as the case may be,] is likely to unreasonably prejudice the interests of the copyright holder in light of the type and usage of the work as well as the manner of the public transmission.
(2) A person who, for profitmaking purposes, makes such reproduction or public transmission as set forth in the preceding paragraph shall pay to the copyright holder compensation in an amount which corresponds to the ordinary royalty
(Reproduction in Braille, etc.) Article 37 (1) It shall be permissible to reproduce in Braille a work already made public.
permissible, solely for the purpose of renting by or making automatic public transmission (including making transmittable; the same shall apply in this paragraph hereinafter) to the persons with visual disabilities, to make sound
recordings or make automatic public transmissions exploiting such sound recordings solely for the persons with visual disabilities of a work already made public.
(Automatic public transmission for persons with aural disabilities)
Article 372 A person, designated by Cabinet Order, who engages in activities for the promotion of the welfare of persons with aural disabilities, may, solely for the purpose of providing the same for use by persons with aural disabilities, make automatic public transmissions (including making a work transmittable by means
of inputting information into an automatic public transmission server already
connected to a telecommunications line which is provided for use by the public) of broadcasted or wirebroadcasted work (including broadcasted work when such work will be transmitted by automatic public transmission; the same shall apply in this Article hereinafter), by converting oral words of such broadcasted or wirebroadcasted work into written words.
(Performances, etc. not for profitmaking purposes)
Article 38 (1) It shall be permissible to publicly perform, present and/or recite a work already made public, for nonprofitmaking purposes and if no fees are charged to the audience or spectators ("fees" includes consideration of any kind whatsoever for the offering and the making available of a work to the public; the same shall apply below in this Article), to audiences or spectators. The foregoing, however, shall not apply when the performers or reciters concerned are paid any remuneration for such performance, presentation or recitation.
to the audience or spectators, to communicate to the public, by means of a receiving apparatus, a work already broadcasted or wirebroadcasted (including broadcasted work when such work will be transmitted by automatic public transmission). The same shall apply to such public communication made by
means of a receiving apparatus of a kind commonly used in private homes.
(4) It shall be permissible, for nonprofitmaking purposes and if no fees are charged to borrowers, to offer to the public a work (excluding a cinematographic work) already made public, by renting reproductions of the work (excluding, in the case
of a work reproduced in the cinematographic work, reproductions of the cinematographic work).
(5) For audiovisual education establishments and other notforprofit establishments designated by Cabinet Order and having among its purposes the providing of cinematographic films and other audiovisual materials for use by the public, it shall be permissible to distribute a cinematographic work already made public by renting reproductions of the work, if no fees are charged to borrowers of such reproductions. In such case, the person who makes such distribution shall pay a reasonable amount of compensation to the owner of the right prescribed in Article 26 (including the owner of the same right as that prescribed in Article 26 pursuant to the provisions of Article 28) with respect to such cinematographic
work or a work reproduced in such cinematographic work.
(Reproduction, etc. of editorials on current topics)
Article 39 (1) It shall be permissible to reproduce in other newspapers or magazines, and to broadcast, or wirebroadcast or make an automatic public transmission (including making a work transmittable by means of inputting information into an automatic public transmission server already connected to a
telecommunications line which is provided for use by the public) for the purpose of such broadcasts being transmitted and simultaneously received exclusively in a Broadcasting Service Area pertaining to these broadcasts, editorials published in newspapers or magazines on current political, economic or social topics
(excluding, however, those of an academic nature); provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply if there is an indication [in or near the editorial] that such exploitation is prohibited.
(2) It shall also be permissible to communicate to the public, by means of a
receiving apparatus, editorials broadcasted or wirebroadcasted or transmitted by automatic public transmission pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(Exploitation of political speeches, etc.)
Article 40 (1) It shall be permissible to exploit, by any means (other than exploitation involving a compilation of works of the same author), political speeches and statements that were delivered in public and statements delivered in the course of judicial proceedings (including administrative trials of administrative agencies and other quasijudicial proceedings; the same shall
apply in Article 42, paragraph (1)).
(Reporting of current events)
Article 41 For the purpose of reporting current events by means of photography, cinematography, broadcast or otherwise, it shall be permissible to reproduce a work involved in such event or a work seen or heard in the course of the event,
and to exploit any such work in conjunction with the reporting of such event, in
each case to the extent justified for purposes of news reporting.
(Reproduction for judicial proceedings, etc.)
Article 42 (1) It shall be permissible to reproduce a work if and to the extent deemed necessary for the purpose of judicial proceedings or for internal use by
legislative or administrative organs; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply where such reproduction is likely to unreasonably prejudice the interests of the copyright holder in light of the type and the usage of the work as
well as the number of reproductions and the manner of reproduction.
pharmaceutical matters (including matters pertaining to medical equipments ( "medical equipments" means those provided for in Article 2, paragraph (4) of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act (Act No. 145 of 1960)); the same shall apply in
this item hereinafter) conducted by a government agency or incorporated
administrative agency, or proceedings pertaining to reports to a government agency or incorporated administrative agency concerning pharmaceutical matters.
(Exploitation for purposes of disclosure pursuant to the Administrative Organs Information Disclosure Act, etc.) Article 422 For the purpose of offering or making available to the public a work
pursuant to the provisions of the Administrative Organs Information Disclosure Act, the Incorporated Administrative Agencies, etc. Information Disclosure Act or the Information Disclosure Ordinance, the head of an administration organ, an independent administrative agency, etc., an organ of a local public entity or a
local independent administrative agency may, if and to the extent deemed necessary for purposes of disclosure, exploit the work in accordance with the method(s) prescribed, respectively, in (a) Article 14, paragraph (1) of the Administrative Organs Information Disclosure Act (including the provisions of the Cabinet Order based upon said paragraph), (b) Article 15, paragraph (1) of the Incorporated Administrative Agencies, etc. Information Disclosure Act (including the method(s) established by the relevant independent administrative agency, etc. based upon said paragraph, other than those provided for by the Cabinet Order based upon the provisions of Article 14, paragraph (1) of the Administrative Organs Information Disclosure Act), or (c) the Information Disclosure Ordinances (excluding the method(s) other than those prescribed in Article 14, paragraph (1) of the Administrative Organs Information Disclosure
Act, which in turn includes the provisions of the Cabinet Order based upon said
(Exploitation by means of translation, adaptation, etc.)
Article 43 When exploitation of a work is permitted under any of the items listed below, such exploitation may be done pursuant to the method and in accordance with the provisions set forth in each respective item below:
paragraph (2), or Article 41 or 42: translation.
(iii) Article 372: adaptation (limited to summary forms only).
(Ephemeral recordings by broadcasting organizations, etc.)
Article 44 (1) Broadcasting organizations may make ephemeral sound or visual recordings of a work which they are in a position to broadcast without infringing the rights [of the author] provided for in Article 23, paragraph (1), for purposes of their own broadcasts and through use of their own facilities or those of other broadcasting organizations which are also in a position to broadcast the same work.
(2) Wirebroadcasting organizations may make ephemeral sound or visual recordings of a work which they are in a position to wirebroadcast without
infringing the rights of [the author] provided for in Article 23, paragraph (1), for purposes of their own wirebroadcasts (except those made upon reception of broadcasts) and through use of their own facilities.
(3) It shall not be permissible to preserve ephemeral sound or visual recordings made pursuant to the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs for a period beyond six months of their recordation, or, if the recordings are broadcasted or wirebroadcasted within this period, for a period beyond six months of said broadcast or wirebroadcast. The foregoing, however, shall not apply when preservation in official archives is authorized by Cabinet Order.
(Exhibition of an artistic work, etc. by the owner of the original) Article 45 (1) The original of an artistic work or a photographic work may be publicly exhibited by its owner or by a person with authorization from said owner.
(2) The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply with respect to a permanent installation of the original of an artistic work in open places accessible
by the public, such as streets and parks, or at places easily seen by the public, such as the outer walls of buildings.
(Exploitation of an artistic work, etc. located in open places)
Article 46 With the exception of the following instances, it shall be permissible to exploit, by any means whatsoever, an artistic work permanently installed in an open place as provided for in paragraph (2) of the preceding Article and an architectural work:
(iii) reproduction of a work for the purpose of permanent installation in an open place as provided for in paragraph (2) of the preceding Article;
(iv) reproduction of an artistic work exclusively for the purpose of selling its reproductions and the sale of such reproductions.
(Reproduction required for exhibition of artistic works, etc.) Article 47 A person who publicly exhibits the originals of artistic works or photographic works in a manner that does not harm the rights [of the author] provided for in Article 25, may reproduce such works in pamphlets for the purpose of explaining or introducing them to viewers.
(Reproduction, etc. by the owner of the reproduction of a computer program work) Article 472 (1) The owner of a reproduction of a computer program work may make reproductions or adaptations (including reproductions of derivative works created
by means of such adaptation) of said work if and to the extent deemed necessary for his own exploitation of said work on a computer; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply where the provisions of Article 113, paragraph (2)
applies to the use made of such reproductions in connection with such
(2) If the owner of the reproductions discussed in the preceding paragraph ceases to have ownership of any of such reproductions (including reproductions made pursuant to the provisions of said paragraph), for reasons other than the destruction of the same, he may not thereafter preserve other reproductions, in the absence of any declaration of intention of the copyright holder to the contrary.
(Ephemeral reproduction for maintenance, repairs, etc.)
Article 473 (1) In the case of maintenance or repairs on reproducing machines with a builtin memory ( "reproducing machine with a builtin memory" means a machine with a reproduction function that makes reproductions by recording information to a memory built into the machine (referred to in this Article as "builtin memory" hereinafter); the same shall apply in next paragraph), works recorded on the builtin memory may be recorded ephemerally to a memory other than that builtin memory , and recorded to such builtin memory in question after said maintenance or repairs to the extent deemed necessary.
(2) When exchanging reproducing machine with a builtin memory for the same kind of machine because of a manufacturing defect or breakdown caused during the processes until sale, works recorded on the builtin memory may be recorded ephemerally to a memory other than that builtin memory, and recorded to the builtin memory of the same kind of such machine to the extent deemed
(3) A person who recorded a work on a memory other than the builtin memory pursuant to the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall not preserve copies of such work that was recorded in such memory after maintenance, repair or exchange pursuant to these provisions.
(Transfer of ownership of reproductions made pursuant to the provisions of limitations on the right of reproduction)
Article 474 Works permitted to be reproduced pursuant to the provisions of Article 31, item (i), Article 32, Article 33, paragraph (1) (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (4) of the same Article), Article 332, paragraph (1), Article 34, paragraph (1), Article 35, paragraph (1), Article
36, paragraph (1), Article 37, paragraph (1) or (2), Article 39, paragraph (1), Article 40, paragraph (1) or (2), Article 4l, 42, 422, 46 or 47 (excluding, however, in cases involving the provisions of Article 31, item (i), Article 35, paragraph (1), Article 36, paragraph (1) or Article 42, reproductions of cinematographic works (including, in the case of works reproduced in cinematographic works, reproductions of such cinematographic works; the same shall apply below in this Article)) may be offered to the public by transferring ownership of the
reproductions made pursuant to these provisions. The foregoing, however, shall not apply where the ownership of reproductions of Works made pursuant to the provisions of Article 31, item (i), Article 332, paragraph (1), Article 35, paragraph (1), Article 41, 42 or 422 (excluding, however, in cases involving the provisions of Article 3l, item (i), Article 332, paragraph (1), Article 35, paragraph
(1) or Article 42, copies of cinematographic works) is transferred to the public for
purposes other than those provided for in Article 31, item (i), Article 35, paragraph (1), Article 41, 42 or 422.
(Clear indication of source)
Article 48 (1) In each of the cases listed in the items below, the source of the work as provided for in such item must be clearly indicated in the manner and to the extent deemed reasonable in light of the manner of the reproduction and/or exploitation:
(iii) where exploitation of works, by means other than by reproduction, is made pursuant to the provisions of Article 32, or where exploitation of works is made pursuant to the provisions of Article 35, Article 36, paragraph (1), Article 38, paragraph (1), or Article 41 or 46, if, in each case, standard practice so requires.
(Uses, etc. of reproductions for other purposes)
Article 49 (1) The following person shall be deemed to have made a reproduction as provided for in Article 21:
(i) a person who either (a) distributed reproductions of works made pursuant to, but for purposes other than those provided for in, the provisions of Article 30, paragraph (1), Article 31, item (i), Article 332, paragraph (1), Article 35,
paragraph (1), Article 37, paragraph (3), or Articles 41 to 422, or Article 44, paragraph (1) or (2), or (b) made available to the public works through such reproductions;
(ii) a broadcasting organization or wirebroadcasting organization which preserved ephemeral recordings in violation of the provisions of Article 44, paragraph (3);
(iii) a person who either (a) distributed reproductions of works made pursuant to the provisions of Article 472, paragraph (1) (excluding, however, reproductions
falling within those provided for in item (ii) of the next paragraph) or reproductions of works recorded ephemerally in a memory other than the builtin memory as provided in Article 473, paragraph (1) or (2) pursuant to the provisions of Article 473, paragraph (1) or (2), or (b) made these works available to the public through these reproductions;
Article35, Article 37, paragraph (3), or Article 41 or 42, by virtue of the
application of the provisions of Article 43, paragraph (1) or (2), or (b) made such derivative works available to the public through such reproductions, in each case, for purposes other than those provided for in the aforementioned provisions;
(ii) a person who either [(a)] distributed reproductions of a derivative work made pursuant to the provision of Article 472, paragraph (1), or [(b)] made such derivative work available to the public through such reproductions;
(iii) a person who preserves reproductions set forth in the preceding item in violation of the provisions of Article 472, paragraph (2).
(Relationship with moral rights of author)
Article 50 The provisions of this Subsection shall not be construed as affecting the moral rights of an author.
Section 4 Term of Protection
(In general) Article 51 (1) The duration of a copyright shall begin at the time of the creation of the work.
(2) Unless otherwise provided in this Section, the copyright shall continue to subsist
until the end of the fifty year period following the death of the author (or in the case of a work of joint authorship, following the death of the last surviving coauthor; the same shall apply in paragraph (1) of the next Article).
(Term of protection for anonymous or pseudonymous works)
Article 52 (1) The copyright in an anonymous or pseudonymous work shall continue to subsist until the end of the fifty year period following the making public of the work; provided, however, that if the fifty year period following the death of the work's author is found to have ended before the expiration of said fifty year period following the making public of the work, then the copyright in such work shall be deemed to expire at the time found to be the end of the fifty year period
following the death of said work's author.
paragraph (1);
(iii) where, within the period set forth in the preceding paragraph, the author
makes public his work on which he indicates his true name or a widely known pseudonym of his, as the name of the author.
(Term of protection for works under the name of a corporate body)
Article 53 (1) The copyright in a work bearing the name of a juridical person or other corporate body as that of its author [including a work which does not bear any name as the name of its author but which, if made public, would bear the name of a juridical person or other corporate body as the name of its author] shall continue to subsist until the end of the fifty year period following the making public of the work, or if the work is not made public within the fifty year period following its creation, then until the end of the fifty year period following said
work's creation.
attributed to a juridical person or other corporate body pursuant to the provisions of Article 15, paragraph (2), the provisions of paragraph (1) shall apply even to a work which does not qualify as a work dealt with in paragraph (1), as if such work bore the name of such corporate body as that of its author.
(Term of protection for cinematographic works)
Article 54 (1) The copyright in a cinematographic work shall continue to subsist until the end of the seventy year period following the making public of the work, or if the work has not been made public within the seventy year period following its creation, then until the end of the seventy year period following the work's creation.
Article 55 Deleted.
(Time when serial publications, etc. are made public)
Article 56 (1) The time when a work is made public for the purposes of Article 52, paragraph (1), Article 53, paragraph (1), and Article 54, paragraph (1), shall be, [(a)] in the case of a work made public in successive volumes, issues or
installments, at the time when each volume, issue or installment is made public, and [(b)] in the case of a work gradually made public in parts, at the time when its last part is made public.
(2) In the case of a work gradually made public in parts, the part last made public
shall be deemed to be the last part for the purpose of the preceding paragraph if the part that is supposed to follow next is not made public within three years after the immediately preceding part was made public.
(Calculation of the term of protection)
Article 57 In the case of Article 51, paragraph (2), Article 52, paragraph (1), Article 53, paragraph (1), and Article 54, paragraph (1), when determining the end of the fifty year period following the death of the author, the end of the fifty year period
following either the making public of a work or the creation of a work, as well as the end of the seventy year period following either the making public of a work or the creation of a work, calculation shall be made from the beginning of the year following the year in which the death of the author, the making public of the work
or the creation of the work, as the case may be, occurred.
(Special provisions for the term of protection)
Article 58 If the country of origin of a work (other than a work with respect to which Article 6, item (i) is applicable) is a foreign state which is a member of the International Union established by the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, a contracting party to the WIPO Copyright Treaty or a member state of the World Trade Organization pursuant to the provisions of the Berne Convention, the WIPO Treaty or the Marrakech Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, as the case may be, and if the duration of the copyright therein granted by that country of origin is shorter than that provided for in Articles 51 to 54, then the duration of the copyright shall be that granted by said country of origin.
Section 5 Personal Nature of Moral Rights of Author, etc.
(Personal nature of moral rights of author) Article 59 The moral rights of author shall be personal and exclusive to the author and cannot be transferred.
(Protection of moral interests after author's death)
Article 60 (1) Even after the death of the author, no person who offers or makes available a work to the public may commit an act which would constitute an act of infringement upon the moral rights of author if the author were alive; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply to such act where it is found to not be against the will of the author in light of the nature and extent of the act as well as changes in social circumstances and other conditions.
Section 6 Transfer and Expiry of Copyright
(Transfer of copyright) Article 61 (1) A copyright may be transferred in whole or in part.
(2) Where a contract for the transfer of a copyright makes no particular reference to the rights provided for in Article 27 or 28 as the rights being transferred thereunder, it shall be presumed that such rights have been reserved to the transferor.
(Termination of copyright in the absence of heirs, etc.) Article 62 (1) A copyright shall terminate in the following cases:
Treasury) of the Civil Code or the provisions of other equivalent acts.
(2) The provisions of Article 54, paragraph (2) shall apply mutatis mutandis in the case where the copyright in a cinematographic work terminates pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
Section 7 Exercise of Rights
(Authorization to exploit works) Article 63 (1) The copyright holder may authorize another person to exploit the work which is the subject of his copyright.
(2) A person who obtains authorization pursuant to the preceding paragraph may
exploit the subject work in the manner and to the extent so authorized.
(Exercise of moral rights of coauthors) Article 64 (1) The moral rights of coauthors of a work of joint authorship may not be exercised without the unanimous agreement of all coauthors.
(Exercise of joint copyright)
Article 65 (1) A coholder of a copyright in a work of joint authorship or of any other coowned copyright (hereinafter in this Article referred to as "joint copyright") may not transfer or pledge his share without the consent of the other coholders.
grounds, refuse to give the consent provided for in paragraph (1) or prevent the agreement provided for in the preceding paragraph from being reached.
(4) The provisions of paragraphs (3) and (4) of the preceding Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the exercise of a joint copyright.
(Copyright which is the subject of a pledge)
Article 66 (1) The copyright holder shall be entitled to exercise the copyright even when a pledge has been established thereon, unless otherwise provided by the act of establishment.
(2) A pledge on a copyright may also be exercised on the money or any other thing to be received by the copyright holder in connection with the transfer of said copyright or the exploitation of the work which is the subject of the copyright
(including any consideration for establishment of a right of publication); provided, however, that before payment or delivery [of the money or other thing], the right to receive the same has been attached.
Section 8 Exploitation of Work under Ruling [for Compulsory
(Exploitation of work where the copyright holder thereof is unknown, etc.) Article 67 (1) When, despite reasonable efforts, it is not possible to contact the
copyright holder because his identity is unknown or for other [similar] reasons, then it shall be possible to exploit, under authority of a ruling [for compulsory license] issued by the Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs and upon depositing, for the benefit of the copyright holder, compensation in the amount fixed by the Commissioner as corresponding to the ordinary amount of royalty
therefor, a work which has been made public or a work as to which it is clear that it has been offered or made available to the public for a considerable period of time.
(2) A reproduction of a work made pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall indicate that it is a reproduction made pursuant to a ruling [for compulsory license] issued pursuant to the provisions of said paragraph and the
date when said ruling [for compulsory license] was issued.
(Broadcasting of a work)
Article 68 (1) A broadcasting organization which wishes to broadcast a work that has already been made public may, after first requesting consultation with the work's copyright holder regarding authorization to broadcast the work and failing
to reach agreement through such consultation, or when unable to enter into consultation with the work's copyright holder regarding such authorization, broadcast such work under the authority of a ruling [for compulsory license]
issued by the Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs and upon payment to the copyright holder of compensation in the amount fixed by the Commissioner as corresponding to the ordinary amount of royalty therefor.
(2) Works broadcasted pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph may also transmitted by wirebroadcast or automatic public transmission to be received exclusively in a Broadcasting Service Area pertaining to these broadcasts (including making a work transmittable by means of inputting information into an automatic public transmission server already connected to a telecommunications line which is provided for use by the public) , or communicated to the public by means of a receiving apparatus. In such case, the person making such wirebroadcast, automatic public transmission or
communication to the public must pay to the copyright holder compensation in an amount corresponding to the ordinary amount of royalty therefor, except in the case where the provisions of Article 38, paragraph (2) or (3) are applicable.
(Recording, etc. on a commercial phonogram)
Article 69 When a commercial phonogram has been sold for the first time in this country and three years have passed from the date of the first sale of such commercial phonogram, a person wishing to make a sound recording of a musical work recorded on such phonogram with the authorization of such musical work's copyright holder and to thereby manufacture a different commercial phonogram may, after first requesting consultation with the music work's copyright holder
regarding authorization to make a sound recording of such work or to offer such sound recording to the public and failing to reach agreement through such consultation, or when unable to enter into consultation with the work's copyright holder, make such sound recording or offer such sound recording to the public by transfer of ownership under the authority of a ruling [for compulsory license] issued by the Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs and upon payment to the copyright holder of compensation in the amount fixed by the Commissioner as corresponding to the ordinary amount of royalty therefor.
(Procedures and standards for a ruling [for compulsory license])
Article 70 (1) Applicants for a ruling [for compulsory license] provided for in Article 67, paragraph (1), Article 68, paragraph (1) or the preceding Article shall pay an application fee, the amount of which shall be fixed by Cabinet Order taking into account the actual costs thereof.
compulsory license] when he finds that any of the following items applies:
provided for in Article 68, paragraph (1) to give the authorization to broadcast said work.
(5) When, as per the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs intends to not issue the ruling [for compulsory license], it shall give advance notice to the applicant of its reasons for such refusal and afford the applicant an opportunity to explain his case and furnish evidence in support thereof. When [finally] making the decision to refuse to issue
a ruling [for compulsory license], the Commissioner shall notify the applicant of such denial, in writing, accompanied by the reasons therefor.
Section 9 Compensation
(Consultation with the Council for Cultural Affairs)
Article 71 When fixing the amount of compensation provided for in Article 33, paragraph (2) (including the case where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4) of the same Article), Article 332, paragraph (2), Article 67, paragraph (1), Article 68, paragraph (1), and Article 69, the Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs shall consult with the Council for Cultural Affairs.
(Action with respect to the amount of compensation fixed)
Article 72 (1) Concerned parties who are dissatisfied with the amount of compensation fixed pursuant to the provisions of Article 67, paragraph (1), Article 68, paragraph (1) or Article 69 may, within six months of learning that a ruling [for compulsory license] has been issued in accordance with such provisions, bring an action for an increase or decrease of the amount of compensation.
(2) In the action set forth in the preceding paragraph, the copyright holder shall be the defendant when the person who brings the action is the exploiter of the work, and the exploiter of the work shall be the defendant when the person who brings the action is the copyright holder.
(Limitations on objections to the amount of compensation fixed)
Article 73 In an objection raised under the Administrative Dissatisfaction Inspection Act (Act No. 160 of 1962) to a ruling [for compulsory license] issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 67, paragraph (1), Article 68, paragraph (1) or Article 69, dissatisfaction with the amount of the compensation fixed shall not
constitute a reason for dissatisfaction with the issuance of the ruling [for compulsory license]; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply in the case where the person who obtains a ruling [for compulsory license] provided for
in Article 67, paragraph (1) is unable to bring an action provided for in paragraph
(1) of the preceding Article because the identity of the copyright holder is unknown or for other equivalent reasons.
(Deposit of compensation) Article 74 (1) In any of the following cases, a person who is required to pay the compensation provided for in Article 33, paragraph (2) (including the case where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4) of the same
Article), Article 332, paragraph (2), Article 68, paragraph (1) or Article 69 shall, instead of paying the compensation [to the copyright holder], deposit said compensation:
(iii) where said person brings an action provided for in Article 72, paragraph (1) with respect to the amount of the compensation;
copyright holder, the person who is required to pay the compensation shall pay [to the copyright holder] an amount based upon his own estimate and deposit the difference between his estimated amount and the amount of compensation fixed in the ruling [for compulsory license].
unknown or for other [similar] reasons.
Section 10 Registration
(Registration of true name)
Article 75 (1) The author of a work that is made public, anonymously or pseudonymously, may have his true name registered with respect to said work, regardless of whether he actually owns the copyright therein.
(Registration of the date of first publication, etc.)
Article 76 (1) The copyright holder [of any work], as well as the publisher of an anonymous or pseudonymous work, may have registered said work's date of first publication or the date when the work was first made public.
(2) Works as to which the date of first publication or the date of its first having been
made public has been registered shall be presumed to have been first published or first made public on said registered date.
(Registration of the date of creation)
Article 762 (1) The author of a computer program work may have the date of the creation of his computer program work registered. The foregoing, however, shall
not apply where six months have passed since the creation of said work.
(2) A work as to which the date of [its] creation has been registered as set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be presumed to have been created on said registered date.
(Registration of copyright)
Article 77 Unless registered, the matters set forth in the following items may not be asserted against a third party:
(Procedures, etc. for registration)
Article 78 (1) The registrations provided for in Article 75, paragraph (1), Article 76, paragraph (1), Article 762, paragraph (1) and the preceding Article are accomplished by the Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs' entry [of
the relevant matters] in the copyright registry.
and the documents annexed thereto.
Information Held by Administrative Organs (Act No. 58 of 2003) shall not apply to governmentpossessed personal information recorded in the copyright registry and the documents annexed thereto. The term "governmentpossessed personal
information" means such information as provided for in Article 2, paragraph (3) of said Act.
(9) In addition to those matters provided for in this Section, other matters necessary in connection with registrations provided for in paragraph (1) shall be provided by Cabinet Order.
(Special provisions for the registration of a computer program work) Article 782 In addition to those matters provided for in this Section, other matters pertaining to the registration of computer program works shall be provided by other acts.
Chapter III Right of Publication
(Establishment of the right of publication)
Article 79 (1) The holder of the right provided for in Article 21 (in this Chapter referred to as "the holder of right of reproduction") may establish a right of publication in favor of a person who undertakes to publish the work in a document or picture.
(2) If a pledge is established on the right of reproduction, the holder of the right of reproduction shall only be able to establish a right of publication with the consent of the pledgee.
(Subject matter of the right of publication)
Article 80 (1) The holder of a right of publication shall, for the purpose of distribution and as provided by the act of establishment, possess the exclusive right to reproduce the original of the work with respect to which the right of publication has been established, without change and in a document or a picture, by means of printing or other mechanical or chemical processes.
(2) If [(a)] the author of the subject work dies within the duration of the right of publication or [(b)] unless otherwise provided by the act of establishment, three years have passed since the first publication following the establishment of the right of publication, the holder of the right of reproduction may, notwithstanding the provisions set forth in the preceding paragraph, reproduce the work in compilations, such as complete collections, comprised only of the works of the
same author.
(3) The holder of the right of publication may not authorize a third person to reproduce the work with respect to which the right of publication has been
(Obligation of publication) Article 81 Unless otherwise provided by the act of establishment, the holder of the right of publication shall have the following obligations:
(Revision and/or additions or deletions of work)
Article 82 (1) In the case of a new reproduction made by the holder of the right of publication, the author may, to the extent reasonable, make revisions, and additions or deletions, to his work.
(2) Whenever the holder of the right of publication intends to make a new reproduction of the work with respect to which his right of publication has been
established, the holder of the right of publication shall notify the author [of such work], in advance, of such intention.
(Duration of the right of publication)
Article 83 (1) The duration of the right of publication shall be as stipulated by the act of establishment [of said right of publication].
(2) When the duration of the right of publication is not stipulated by the act of establishment [of said right of publication], the right of publication shall expire at
the end of the threeyear period following the day of first publication after the establishment of said right.
(Right to terminate the right of publication)
Article 84 (1) When the holder of the right of publication is in breach of his obligation under Article 81, item (i), the holder of the right of reproduction may terminate said right of publication by notice to the holder thereof.
author who is also the holder of the right of reproduction, he may, by notice to the owner of the right of publication, terminate the right of publication in order to effect the permanent cessation of the publication of the work; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply unless said author compensates the holder of the right of publication, in advance, for any damages that ordinarily arise as a result of the permanent cessation of publication.
Article 85 Deleted.
(Limitation on the right of publication)
Article 86 (1) The provisions of Article 30, paragraph (1), Articles 31 and 32, Article 33, paragraph (1) (including where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the provision of paragraph (4) of the same Article), Article 332, paragraph (1), Article 34, paragraph (1), Article 35, paragraph (1), Article 36, paragraph (1), Article 37, paragraph (1), Article 39, paragraph (1), Article 40, paragraphs (1) and (2), Articles 41 to 422, and Article 46 and Article 47 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the reproduction of works with respect to which the right of publication has been established. In these cases, the term "the copyright holder" in Article 35, paragraph (1) and Article 42, paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the holder of the right of publication".
(2) The person who, for purposes other than those provided for in Article 30, paragraph (1), Article 31, item (i), Article 332, paragraph (1), Article 35, paragraph (1), Article 41, 42 or 422, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the
preceding paragraph, distributes reproductions of a work which have been made by virtue of the application of said provisions or makes said work available to the public by distributing said reproductions, shall be deemed to have made reproductions as provided for in Article 80, paragraph (1).
(Transfer, etc. of the right of publication) Article 87 The right of publication may be transferred or pledged only with the authorization of the holder of the right of reproduction.
(Registration of the right of publication) Article 88 (1) Unless registered, the matters set forth in the following items may not be asserted against a third party:
(i) the establishment, transfer (other than by inheritance or other universal successions; the same shall apply in the next item), modification or termination (other than termination by reason of merger, or because of the termination of
the right of reproduction), or a restriction on disposal of the right of publication;
(ii) the establishment, transfer, modification or termination of a pledge on a right
of publication (other than termination by reason of merger of the pledge, or because of the termination of the right of publication or the claim secured thereby), or a restriction on disposal of the pledge established on the right of publication.
(2) The provisions of Article 78 (except for paragraph (2) thereof) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the registration set forth in the preceding paragraph. In
such case, the term "the copyright registry" in Article 78, paragraphs (1), (3), (7) and (8) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the registry of the right of publication".
Chapter IV Neighboring Rights
Section 1 General Provisions
(Neighboring rights) Article 89 (1) The performer shall enjoy the rights provided for in Article 902,
paragraph (1) and Article 903, paragraph (1) (hereinafter referred to as "moral rights of performer") and the rights provided for in Article 91, paragraph(1), Article 92, paragraph (1), Article 922, paragraph (1), Article 952, paragraph (1) and Article 953, paragraph (1), as well as the right to remuneration provided for
in Article 942 and Article 953, paragraph (3) and secondary use fees as provided for in Article 95, paragraph (1).
(2) The producer of a phonogram shall enjoy the rights provided for in Articles 96 and 962, Article 972, paragraph (1) and Article 973, paragraph (1), as well as the right to secondary use fees provided for in Article 97, paragraph (1) and the
right to remuneration provided for in Article 973, paragraph (3).
(Relationship between the rights of authors and neighboring rights)
Article 90 The provisions of this Chapter shall not be construed as affecting the rights of authors.
Section 2 Rights of Performer
(Right to indicate name)
Article 902 (1) When a performer's performance is offered or made available to the public, the performer shall have the right to determine whether his name, his stage name or any other alternative to his name should be indicated as the name of the performer, or whether the name of the performer is to be indicated at all.
provisions of Article 6, paragraph (2) of the Administrative Organs Information Disclosure Act, the provisions of Article 6, paragraph (2) of the Incorporated Administrative Agencies, etc. Information Disclosure Act or the provisions of
the Information Disclosure Ordinances equivalent to those of Article 6, paragraph (2) of the Administrative Organs Information Disclosure Act.
(Right to preserve integrity) Article 903 (1) The performer shall have the right to preserve the integrity of his
performance against any distortion, mutilation or other modification that would harm his honor or reputation.
(2) The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply to modifications
deemed unavoidable in light of the nature of the performance as well as the purpose and manner of its exploitation, or to modifications deemed not to be incompatible with fair practice.
(Right to make sound or visual recordings)
(2) The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply to sound or visually recorded performances which have been incorporated into cinematographic works
with the authorization of the person entitled to the right provided for in the preceding paragraph, except where such recorded performances are to be incorporated into sound recordings (excluding, however, those sound recordings intended to be replayed exclusively with images).
(Right to broadcast and right to wirebroadcast) Article 92 (1) The performer shall have the exclusive rights to broadcast and to wirebroadcast his performance.
(Right to make transmittable) Article 922 (1) The performer shall have the exclusive right to make his performance transmittable.
(Fixation for broadcast purposes) Article 93 (1) A broadcasting organization which has obtained authorization from the person entitled to the right to broadcast provided for in Article 92, paragraph
(Broadcast of fixation, etc. made for broadcast purposes)
Article 94 (1) Unless contractually otherwise provided, when the person entitled to the right provided for in Article 92, paragraph (1) authorizes the broadcast of the performance, the performance may be broadcasted not only in the broadcast so authorized, but in the following broadcasts as well:
(iii) a broadcast (other than the broadcast set forth in the preceding item) which
uses authorized programs supplied by the broadcasting organization which has obtained said authorization.
(2) When broadcasting a performance in a broadcast provided for in any of the items of the preceding paragraph, the broadcasting organization provided for in said item shall pay a reasonable amount of remuneration for said performance to the person entitled to the right provided for in Article 92, paragraph (1).
(Wirebroadcasting of a broadcasted performance)
Article 942 When a wirebroadcasting organization has wirebroadcasted a broadcasted performance (excluding when for nonprofitmaking purposes and if no fees are charged to the audience or spectators ("fees" includes consideration of any kind whatsoever for the making available of the performance; the same shall apply in paragraph (1) of the next Article)), the organization shall pay a
reasonable amount of remuneration to the performers whose performance (only, however, to the extent of the duration of the neighboring rights, excluding those described in Article 92, paragraph (2) item (ii)) is incorporated in such wire
(Secondary use of commercial phonograms)
Article 95 (1) When a broadcasting organization or wirebroadcasting organization (below in this Article and in Article 97, paragraph (1) referred to as "broadcasting organization, etc.") broadcasts or wirebroadcasts using commercial phonograms incorporating a sound recording of the [subject] performance, which sound
recording has been made with the authorization of the person entitled to the right as provided for in Article 91, paragraph (1) (excluding when for nonprofitmaking purposes and if no fees are charged to the audience or spectators and the wire
broadcasts is made simultaneously with reception of such broadcasts), it shall pay secondary use fees to the performer of said performance (only, however, to the extent of the duration of the neighboring rights for performances provided for in
Article 7, items (i) to (vi); the same shall apply in the next paragraph through
paragraph (4)).
Protection of Performers, etc.) and [(b)] which has made certain reservations pursuant to the provisions of Article 15 (3) of the WPPT, the provisions of paragraph (1) shall apply, within the limitations of the reservations so made.
(5) When there exists an association (including a federation of associations) composed of a considerable number of professional performers doing business in this country, which the Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs
designates, with the consent of such association, to have the right to receive the secondary use fees provided for in the paragraph (1), then such right shall be exercised exclusively through such association.
(iii) that its members are granted equal rights to vote and to elect;
(iv) that it has sufficient ability to perform properly by itself the business of exercising the rights to receive secondary use fees provided for in paragraph (1)
for its respective holders (below in this Article referred to as "the rightholders").
broadcasting organizations, etc.
(11) If the consultation set forth in the preceding paragraph does not result in an agreement, the parties concerned may, as provided by Cabinet Order, request that the Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs issue a ruling [for
compulsory license] fixing the amount of the secondary use fees provided for in
the preceding paragraph.
(12) The provisions of Article 70, paragraphs (3), (6) and (7), as well as those of Articles 71 to 74, shall apply mutatis mutandis to the ruling [for compulsory license] and the secondary use fees provided for in the preceding paragraph. In such case, the term "the copyright holder" in Article 70, paragraph (3) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the parties concerned", the term "the exploiter of the work" in Article 72, paragraph (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "broadcasting organizations, etc. provided for in Article 95, paragraph (1)", the
term "the copyright holder" in the same paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "the association provided for in paragraph (5) of the same Article, and the term "the copyright holder" in Article 74 shall be deemed to be replaced with "the association provided for in Article 95, paragraph (5)".
paragraph, other necessary matters regarding the payment of the secondary use fees provided for in paragraph (1) and the association provided for in paragraph
(5) shall be provided for by Cabinet Order.
(Right to transfer ownership)
Article 952 (1) The performer shall have the exclusive right to offer his performance to the public by transferring ownership of sound or visual recordings of his performance.
of ownership of a sound or visual recording of a performance (except for those performances listed in each of the items in the preceding paragraph; the same shall apply below in this Article), where any of the following items are applicable to such sound or visual recording:
(i) a sound or visual recording of a performance the ownership of which recording
has been transferred to the public by the person entitled to the right provided
for in paragraph (1) or by a person with authorization from such person;
(ii) a sound or visual recording of a performance the ownership of which recording has been transferred to a small number of specific persons by the person entitled to the right provided for in paragraph (1) or by a person with authorization from such person;
(iii) a sound or visual recording of a performance the ownership of which recording has been transferred, outside this country, (a) without prejudice to rights equivalent to that provided for in paragraph (1), or (b) by the person entitled to a right equivalent to that provided for in said paragraph or by a person with authorization from such person.
(Right of rental, etc.)
Article 953 (1) The performer shall have the exclusive right to offer his performance to the public by rental of a commercial phonogram in which his performance has been sound recorded.
(4) The provisions of Article 95, paragraphs (5) to (14) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the right to receive remuneration provided for in the preceding paragraph. In such case, the term "broadcasting organizations, etc." throughout paragraph (10) of the same Article and "broadcasting organizations, etc. provided for in Article 95, paragraph (1)" throughout paragraph (12) of the same Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "commercial phonograms renters provided for in Article 953,
paragraph (3)".
to the case provided for in the preceding paragraph. In such case, the provisions of the second sentence of paragraph (4) of this Article shall apply mutatis mutandis.
Section 3 Rights of Producer of Phonograms
(Right of reproduction) Article 96 The producer of a phonogram shall have the exclusive right to reproduce his phonogram.
(Right to make transmittable)
Article 962 The producer of a phonogram shall have the exclusive right to make his phonogram transmittable.
(Secondary use of commercial phonograms)
Article 97 (1) When a broadcasting organization, etc. broadcasts or wirebroadcasts using a commercial phonogram (excluding when for nonprofitmaking purposes and if no fees are charged to the audience or spectators ("fees" includes consideration of any kind whatsoever received for the making available of the
sounds from phonograms) and the wirebroadcast is made simultaneously with reception of such broadcast), it shall pay secondary use fees to the producer of said phonogram (to the extent that said phonogram falls under any of items (i) to
mutandis to the producer of a phonogram provided for in the preceding paragraph, and the provisions of paragraph (3) of the same Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the term of protection provided for in the preceding paragraph. In such case, the term "a performer whose performance is fixed in a
phonogram the producer of which is a national" in paragraphs (2) to (4) of the same Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "a producer of a phonogram who is a national", and the term "the period of protection enjoyed by a performer" in paragraph (3) of the same Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "the period of protection enjoyed by a producer of a phonogram".
(3) Where there exists an association (including a federation of associations) which is composed of a considerable number of producers of phonograms doing business in this country which the Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs designates, with the consent of such association, to have the right to receive the secondary use fees provided for in the paragraph (1), then such right shall be
exercised exclusively through such association.
(4) the provisions of Article 95, paragraphs (6) to (14) shall apply mutatis mutandis to secondary use fees provided for in paragraph (1) and to the association set forth in the preceding paragraph.
(Right to transfer ownership)
Article 972 (1) The producer of a phonogram shall have the exclusive right to offer his phonogram to the public by transferring ownership of reproductions of his phonogram.
(iii) a reproduction of a phonogram the ownership of which has been transferred, outside this country, (a) without prejudice to rights equivalent to that provided for in the preceding paragraph, or (b) by the person entitled to a right equivalent to that provided for in said paragraph or by a person with authorization from such person.
(Right of rental, etc.)
Article 973 (1) The producer of a phonogram shall have the exclusive right to offer his phonogram to the public by rental of a commercial phonogram in which his phonogram has been reproduced.
associations provided for in Article 97, paragraph (3), which are applied mutatis mutandis in the preceding paragraph. In such case, the provisions of the second sentence of Article 953, paragraph (4) shall apply mutatis mutandis.
(6) The right to receive royalty with respect to the authorization given by the person entitled to the right provided for in paragraph (1) of this Article may be exercised through the association provided for in Article 97, paragraph (3), which is applied
mutatis mutandis in paragraph (4) of this Article.
(7) The provisions of paragraph (5) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the case provided for in the preceding paragraph. In such case, the term "Article 95, paragraph (6)" in paragraph (5) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 95,
paragraph (7)".
Section 4 Rights of Broadcasting Organization
(Right of reproduction)
Article 98 A broadcasting organization shall have the exclusive right to make sound or visual recordings and/or otherwise reproduce by means of photography or other similar processes, the sounds or images incorporated in its broadcast following reception of the broadcast or the wirebroadcast made following reception of the broadcast.
(Right to rebroadcast and right to wirebroadcast) Article 99 (1) A broadcasting organization shall have the exclusive right to rebroadcast and to wirebroadcast its broadcast following reception thereof.
(2) The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply to a wirebroadcast
which a person who wirebroadcasts following reception of a broadcast is required by laws and regulations to make.
(Right to make transmittable)
Article 992 The broadcasting organization shall have the exclusive right to make transmittable its broadcasts following reception thereof or of wirebroadcasts made following reception of said broadcasts.
(Right to transmit television broadcasts)
Article 100 A broadcasting organization shall have the exclusive right to transmit its broadcasts to the public, by use of special equipment to enlarge images, following reception of its television broadcasts or its wirebroadcasts made following reception of said broadcasts.
Section 5 Rights of WireBroadcasting Organization
(Right of reproduction)
Article 1002 A wirebroadcasting organization shall have the exclusive right to make sound or visual recordings of, or otherwise reproduce by means of photography or other similar processes, the sounds or images incorporated in its wirebroadcasts, following reception of said wirebroadcasts.
(Right to broadcast and right to wirebroadcast)
Article 1003 A wirebroadcasting organization shall have the exclusive right to broadcast and to rewirebroadcast its wirebroadcasts following reception thereof.
(Right to make transmittable)
Article 1004 A wirebroadcasting organization shall have the exclusive right to make its wirebroadcasts transmittable following reception of such wirebroadcasts.
(Right to transmit television wirebroadcasts)
Article 1005 A wirebroadcasting organization shall have the exclusive right to transmit its wirebroadcasts to the public, by use of special equipment to enlarge images, following reception of its television wirebroadcasts.
Section 6 Term of Protection
(Term of protection for performances, phonograms, broadcasts and wirebroadcasts) Article 101 (1) The duration of neighboring rights shall begin at the following moments in time:
(iii) for a broadcast, when the broadcast took place;
immediately following the year when its publication occurred, or when publication has not been made by the end of the period of fifty years commencing with the year immediately following the year when the first fixation of sound was made, then the passage of fifty years commencing with the year immediately following the year when the first fixation of sound occurred;
(iii) for a broadcast, the passage of fifty years commencing with the year immediately following the year when the broadcast took place;
(iv) for a wirebroadcast, the passage of fifty years starting with the year immediately following the year when the wirebroadcast took place.
Section 7 Personal Nature of Moral Rights of Performer, etc.
(Personal nature of moral rights of performer) Article 1012 The moral rights of performer shall be personal and exclusive to the performer and cannot be transferred.
(Protection of the moral interests after the performer's death)
Article 1013 Even after the death of the performer, no person who offers or makes available a performance to the public may commit any act which would infringe upon the moral rights of performer if the performer were alive; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply to such act where it is found to not be
against the will of the performer in light of the nature and extent of the act as
well as changes in social circumstances and other conditions.
Section 8 Limitations, Transfer, Exercise and Registration of
(Limitations on neighboring rights)
Article 102 (1) (a) The provisions of Article 30, paragraph (1), Articles 31, 32, 35 and 36, Article 37, paragraph (3), Article 38, paragraphs (2) and (4), and Articles 41 to 422, Article 44 (other than paragraph (2) thereof) and Article 473 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the exploitation of performances, phonograms, broadcasts or wirebroadcasts which are the subject matter of neighboring rights; (b) the provisions of Article 30, paragraph (2) and Article 474 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the exploitation of performances or phonograms which are the subject matter of neighboring rights; and the provisions of Article 44, paragraph
(2) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the exploitation of performances, phonograms
or wirebroadcasts which are the subject matter of neighboring rights. In such case, the term "Article 23, paragraph (1)" in Article 44, paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 92, paragraph (1), Article 99, paragraph (1) or Article 1003", and the term "Article 23, paragraph (1)" in Article 44, paragraph
Article 992 with respect to such broadcast.
(4) A person who makes a performance transmittable pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall pay a reasonable amount of compensation to a person entitled to a right provided in Article 922, paragraph (1) with respect to
such performance, except in the case where the provisions of Article 38, paragraph (2) are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (1).
(5) The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall apply mutatis mutandis to
the exploitation of phonograms which are the subject of neighboring rights. In such case, the term "Article 922, paragraph (1)" in the preceding paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 962".
(6) Where it is permissible to broadcast or wirebroadcast works pursuant to the
provisions of Article 39, paragraph (1) or Article 40, paragraph (1) or (2), it shall
be permissible to wirebroadcast the broadcasts or wirebroadcasts of such works,
or to transmit such broadcasts or wirebroadcasts to the public by use of special
equipment to enlarge images, with reception of such broadcasts or wirebroadcasts, or to make the broadcasts of such works transmittable (limited to making a work transmittable by means of inputting information into an automatic public transmission server already connected to a telecommunications line which is provided for use by the public) for the purpose of being received exclusively in a Broadcasting Service Area pertaining to these broadcasts
simultaneously with reception of such broadcasts .
(7) The following persons shall be deemed to have made the sound or visual
recordings or the reproductions provided for in Article 91, paragraph (1), Article 96, Article 98 or Article 1002:
(i) a person who, for purposes other than those provided for in Article 30,
paragraph (1), Article 31, item (i), Article 35, paragraph (1), Article 37, paragraph (3), Article 41, 42 or 422, or Article 44, paragraph (1) or (2), as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (1) of this Article, distributes those reproductions of performance, etc. which have been made by virtue of the application of said provisions or makes available to the public said performances, the sounds from said phonograms, or the sounds or images from
said broadcasts or wirebroadcasts, by broadcasting said reproductions;
(ii) a broadcasting organization or a wirebroadcasting organization which
preserves the sound or visual recordings set forth in Article 44, paragraph (3), as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (1) of this Article, in violation of the provisions of said Article 44, paragraph (3).
(iii) A person who distributed reproductions of performances, etc. that were recorded ephemerally on a memory other than an builtin memory as provided for in Article 473, paragraph (1) or (2) by virtue of the application of the provisions of Article 473, paragraph (1) or (2) applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (1), or made available to the public such performances, the sounds from such phonograms, or the sounds or images from such
broadcasts or wirebroadcasts, by such reproductions;
(iv) A person who preserves reproductions set forth in Article 473, paragraph (3),
as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (1) of this Article, in violation of the provisions of Article 473, paragraph (3).
(Relationship with moral rights of performer) Article 1022 The provisions of the preceding Article pertaining to limitations on neighboring rights (other than the provisions of paragraphs (5) and (6) of said Article) shall not be construed to affect the moral rights of performer.
(Transfer, exercise, etc. of neighboring rights)
Article 103 The provisions of Article 61, paragraph (1) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the transfer of neighboring rights; the provisions of Article 62, paragraph (1) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the termination of such rights; the provisions of Article 63 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the authorization to exploit performances, phonograms, broadcasts or wirebroadcasts; the provisions of Article 65 shall apply mutatis mutandis with respect to the joint ownership of
such rights; the provisions of Article 66 shall apply mutatis mutandis with
respect to the case where a pledge of such rights has been established. In such case, the term "Article 23, paragraph (1)" in Article 63, paragraph (5) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 922, paragraph (1), Article 962, Article 992 or Article 1004".
(Registration of neighboring rights)
Article 104 The provisions of Articles 77 and 78 (other than paragraph (2)) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the registration of neighboring rights. In such case, the term "the copyright registry" throughout paragraphs (1), (3) and (7) of Article 78 shall be deemed to be replaced with "the registry of neighboring rights".
Chapter V Compensation for Private Sound and Visual Recordings
(Exercise of the right to receive compensation for private sound and visual recordings) Article 1042 (1) When there exists an association established for the purpose of
exercising the right to receive the compensation provided for in Article 30, paragraph (2) (including cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the provisions of Article 102, paragraph (1); the same shall apply below in this Chapter) (in this Chapter referred to below as "compensation for private sound and visual recordings") for the benefit of the persons entitled to such right (in this Chapter referred to below as "rightholders") and which, with its consent, has been
designated by the Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs as the only association throughout the country for each of the following categories of compensation for private sound and visual recordings (in this Chapter referred to below as "the designated management association"), the right to receive compensation for private sound and visual recordings shall be exercised exclusively through each such designated management association:
the benefit of the rightholders and in its own name, to take all judicial and nonjudicial action in connection with the right to receive the compensation for private sound and visual recordings.
(Standard for designation)
Article 1043 The Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs may not designate an association in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, unless such association satisfies the following requirements:
the case of the compensation for the private sound and visual recordings listed in item (ii) of the same paragraph, it is composed of associations listed in (b), (c) and (d) below, respectively:
considerable number of producers of phonograms doing business in this country;
(iii) that each of the associations listed in (a), (b), (c) and (d) of the preceding item, respectively, satisfies the following requirements:
Article 1048, paragraph (1); in this Chapter referred to below as "the compensationrelated business").
(Special provisions for payment of compensation for private sound and visual recordings)
Article 1044 (1) A purchaser of a recording machine or a recording medium designated by the Cabinet Order set forth in Article 30, paragraph (2) (in this Chapter referred to below as a "designated recording machine" and a "designated recording medium", respectively) (limited, however, to the initial purchaser of a
retailed designated recording machine or designated recording medium) shall, upon request by the relevant designated management association, at the time of purchase and as a lumpsum payment of the compensation for private sound and visual recordings to be made using said designated recording machine or
designated recording medium, pay the amount fixed, pursuant to the provisions of Article 1046, paragraph (1), as the compensation for private sound and visual recordings with respect to such designated recording machine or designated
recording medium, in the event that said designated management association
requests such payment.
compensation for private sound and visual recordings has been requested pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) and paid, shall not be required to pay compensation for said private sound recording or private visual recording; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply where said designated
recording machine or designated recording medium is one with respect to which the compensation for private sound and visual recordings has been refunded pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(Obligation of cooperation by manufacturers, etc.)
Article 1045 Where a designated management association requests compensation for private sound and visual recordings pursuant to the provisions of paragraph
(1) of the preceding Article, any person engaged in the business of manufacturing or importing designated recording machines or designated recording medium (in paragraph (3) of the next Article, referred to as "manufacturer, etc.") shall cooperate with the designated management association in requesting and
receiving such compensation for private sound and visual recordings.
(Amount of compensation for private sound and visual recordings)
Article 1046 (1) Where a designated management association will exercise the right to receive compensation for private sound and visual recordings pursuant to the provisions of Article 1042, paragraph (1), the designated management association must fix the amount of such compensation and obtain the approval thereof from the Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs. The same shall apply when the designated management association intends to revise such amount.
(2) When the approval set forth in the preceding paragraph has been obtained, then
the amount of the compensation for private sound and visual recordings shall, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 30, paragraph (2), be the amount so approved.
(3) When applying under paragraph (1) for approval with respect to the payment of compensation for private sound and visual recordings which it proposes to request pursuant to the provisions of Article 1044, paragraph (1), a designated
management association shall, in advance, seek the opinions of the associations of manufacturers, etc. which are recognized as representing the opinions of such manufacturers, etc.
(4) The Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs shall not approve the amount of compensation for private sound and visual recordings applied for
under paragraph (1) unless it determines that the same is an appropriate amount, taking into consideration the purpose of the provisions of Article 30, paragraph (1) (including cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 102, paragraph (1) and Article 1044, paragraph (1), the ordinary amount of sound or visual recording royalties and other factors.
(5) When intending to give its approval under paragraph (1), the Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs shall consult with the Council for Cultural Affairs.
(Rules for execution of the compensationrelated business) Article 1047 (1) When intending to commence its compensationrelated business, a designated management association shall establish rules for the execution of such
business and notify the Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs of such rules. The same shall apply when the designated management association intends to amend such rules.
(2) The designated management association shall include in the rules set forth in the preceding paragraph the matters pertaining to the distribution of the compensation for private sound and visual recordings (limited to the compensation paid and received pursuant to the provisions of Article 1044,
paragraph (1)), and it shall decide the matters pertaining to such distribution by taking into consideration the purpose of the provisions of Article 30, paragraph (2).
(Expenditures for business activities, etc. in connection with the protection of copyrights, etc.)
Article 1048 (1) Designated management associations shall spend an amount corresponding to the rate fixed by Cabinet Order (which rate shall be 20% or less of the compensation for private sound and visual recordings (limited to the compensation paid and received pursuant to the provisions of Article 1044, paragraph (1)) for business activities in connection with the protection of copyrights and neighboring rights as well as for business activities for the promotion of the creation of works and for the dissemination of works.
(Collection of reports, etc.)
Article 1049 When he finds necessary for assuring the proper operation of a designated management association's compensationrelated business, the Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs may require that the designated management association report on its compensationrelated business, demand the submission of accounting books, documents and other materials, or make recommendations necessary for improving the manner of execution of the compensationrelated business.
(Delegation to Cabinet Order) Article 10410 In addition to the matters provided for in this Chapter, other
necessary matters with respect to designated management associations and the
compensationrelated business shall be established by Cabinet Order.
Chapter VI Dispute Resolution
(Conciliators for the resolution of disputes concerning copyrights)
Article 105 (1) With the aim of resolving disputes concerning the rights provided for in this Act through mediation, the Agency for Cultural Affairs will provide conciliators for resolution of copyright disputes (in this Chapter referred to below as "conciliators").
(2) The Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs will commission, from among [persons with relevant knowledge and experience] in connection with matters pertaining to copyright or neighboring rights, up to three conciliators for each case.
(Application for mediation)
Article 106 When a dispute arises in connection with the rights provided for in this Act, a party concerned may apply for mediation with the Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs.
(Application fee) Article 107 (1) The applicant for mediation shall pay processing fee in an amount to be fixed by Cabinet Order, giving consideration to the actual costs thereof.
(2) The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply when the person who is supposed to pay the processing fee pursuant to the provision of said paragraph is the State, etc.
(Submission to mediation)
Article 108 (1) Upon application by both parties concerned pursuant to the provisions of Article 106, or where consented to by the other party, in the case of an application by one party concerned, the Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs shall submit the matter for mediation by the conciliators.
(2) In the case of an application provided for in the preceding paragraph, the
Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs may decide not to submit the matter to the conciliators, when he finds the nature of such case inappropriate for mediation or when he determines that the party or parties [frivolously] applied for the mediation for improper purposes.
Article 109 (1) The conciliators shall endeavor to mediate between the parties concerned in order to resolve the case by confirming the points asserted by the parties and in conformity with the actual circumstances.
(2) The conciliators may discontinue the mediation when they determine that there is no prospect for resolving the case.
(Report, etc.) Article 110 (1) When the mediation ends, the conciliators shall report such fact to the Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs.
(2) When the conciliators discontinue the mediation pursuant to the provisions of the preceding Article, they shall report the fact of such discontinuation and the reasons therefor to the Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs and shall at the same time notify the same to the parties concerned.
(Delegation to Cabinet Order)
Article 111 In addition to the matters provided for in this Chapter, other necessary matters pertaining to the procedures for mediation and the conciliators shall be established by Cabinet Order.
Chapter VII Infringement of Rights
(Right to seek injunction)
Article 112 (1) The author, the copyright holder, the holder of the right of publication, the performer, or the holder of neighboring rights may demand that persons infringing, or presenting a risk of infringing, on his moral rights of author, copyright, right of publication, or moral rights of performer or neighboring rights, as applicable, cease the infringement or not infringe, as the case may be.
(2) When making the demand provided for in the preceding paragraph, the author, the copyright holder, the holder of the right of publication, the performer or the holder of the neighboring rights may [also] demand the taking of measures necessary to effect the cessation or prevention of the infringement, such as the
destruction of objects constituting the acts of infringement, objects made by acts of infringement, and/or machines and tools used exclusively for acts of infringement.
(Acts deemed to constitute infringement) Article 113 (1) The following acts are deemed to constitute acts of infringements on the moral rights of author, copyrights, rights of publication, moral rights of
performer or neighboring rights, as applicable:
(i) the act of the importing, for the purpose of distribution in this country, objects
made by an act which would have constituted an infringement on the moral rights of author, copyrights, rights of publication, moral rights of performer or neighboring rights had it occurred in this country at the time of importation;
(ii) the act of distributing, or possessing for the purpose of distributing, or exporting as a business or possessing for the purpose of exporting as a business, objects made by an act infringing on the moral rights of author, copyrights, rights of publication, moral rights of performers or neighboring rights (including by an act of importation falling under the preceding item), by a person who is aware of such infringement.
(2) The act of using on a computer in the course of one's business a reproduction made by an act infringing on the copyright of a computer program work (including a reproduction made by the owner of such reproduction pursuant to the provisions of Article 472, paragraph (1) as well as a reproduction of a computer program work imported by an act of importation falling under item (i) of the preceding paragraph and a reproduction made by the owner of such imported reproduction pursuant to the provisions of Article 472, paragraph (1)) shall be
deemed to constitute an act of infringement on said copyright, to the extent that the person using such reproduction was aware of such infringement at the time that he acquired authority to use the same.
(iii) the act of distributing, or importing or possessing for the purpose of distributing, a reproduction of a work or performance, etc. with respect to which an act provided for in the preceding two items occurred, and the act of publicly transmitting or making transmittable such work or performance, etc.,
in all cases, with knowledge of the fact that such act had occurred.
(4) For the purpose of the application of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the right to remuneration provided for in Article 942, Article 953, paragraph (3) or Article 973, paragraph (3) or the right to secondary use fees as provided for in Article 95, paragraph (1) or Article 97, paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be
neighboring rights. In such case, the term "the holders of neighboring rights" in the preceding Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "the holder of neighboring rights (including the persons entitled to the rights deemed to be neighboring rights pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4) of the next
Article)", and the term "neighboring rights" in paragraph (1) of the preceding
Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "neighboring rights (including the
rights deemed to be neighboring rights pursuant to the provisions of paragraph
(4) of the next Article)".
(5) Where the copyright holder or the holder of neighboring rights, who publishes by himself or who causes others to publish a commercial phonogram intended for distribution within this country (in this paragraph referred to below as "a commercial phonogram for domestic distribution"), publishes by himself or causes others to publish, outside this country, a commercial phonogram that is the same as said commercial phonogram for domestic distribution and [yet] which is intended for distribution exclusively outside this country (in this paragraph referred to below as "a commercial phonogram for overseas distribution"), [(a)] the act of importing such commercial phonogram for overseas distribution for the purpose of distribution within this country, [(b)] the act of distributing such commercial phonogram for overseas distribution within this country, and [(c)] the act of possessing such commercial phonogram for overseas distribution for the purpose of distributing the same within this country, in each case, by a person who knows that such commercial phonogram is for distribution outside this country, are deemed to constitute acts of infringement of the copyright or neighboring rights in such commercial phonogram, if and to the extent that such distribution, within this country, of such phonograms for overseas distribution is likely to unreasonably adversely affect the profits that could be expected to be obtained by the copyright holder or the holder of neighboring rights by publishing a commercial phonogram for domestic distribution; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply to: the act of importing a commercial phonogram for overseas distribution that is the same as a commercial phonogram for domestic distribution with respect to which the period fixed by Cabinet Order (which period shall be seven years or less) from the date of its first publication has
lapsed; or the act of distributing, or possessing for the purpose of distributing, within this country, said commercial phonogram for overseas distribution.
(6) An act of exploitation of a work in a manner prejudicial to the honor or
reputation of the author shall be deemed to constitute an act of infringement on his moral rights of author.
(Special provisions for the right of transfer of ownership pertaining to a third party without knowledge)
Article 1132 The act of transferring to the public the ownership of the original or a reproduction of a work (excluding a reproduction of cinematographic works, including, in the case of a work reproduced in a cinematographic work, a reproduction of a cinematographic work; the same shall apply below in this Article), a sound or visual recording of a performance or a reproduction of a phonogram by a person who, at the time of acquiring ownership of said original or
reproduction of a work, sound or visual recording of a performance or reproduction of a phonogram did not know, and was not negligent in not knowing, that such original or reproduction of a work, sound or visual recording of a performance or reproduction of a phonogram did not fall under any of the items of Article 262, paragraph (2), Article 952, paragraph (3) or Article 972, paragraph (2), respectively, shall be deemed to not constitute an act of infringement on the rights provided for in Article 262, paragraph (1), Article 952, paragraph (1) or Article 972, paragraph (1), as the case may be.
(Presumption of amount of damages, etc.)
Article 114 (1) In the case where the copyright holder, the holder of the right of publication or the holder of the neighboring rights (in this paragraph referred to below as "the copyright holder, etc.") asserts against a person who intentionally or negligently infringes upon the holder's copyright, right of publication or neighboring rights, as the case may be, a claim for compensation for damages sustained by said holder as a result of such infringement, and such infringer has
transferred the ownership of the object made by way of such an act of
infringement or has made a public transmission (including, in the case of an automatic public transmission, by making transmittable) constituting such an act of infringement, then the amount obtained by multiplying [(a)] the number of
objects the ownership of which has been so transferred or the number of reproductions of works or performance, etc. made as a result of reception by the public of such public transmissions (in this paragraph referred to below as "the reception reproductions"), as the case may be (such number is in this paragraph
referred to below as "the number transferred, etc."), by [(b)] the per unit profit of the objects (including reception reproductions) that the copyright holder, etc. could have sold had there been no such act of infringement, can be regarded as the amount of damages suffered by such copyright holder, etc., but only within
the limit of the copyright holder's ability to sell or take other [similar] actions with respect to said objects. However, when there exist circumstances under which the copyright holder, etc. could not have sold such objects in such number corresponding, in whole or in part, to the number transferred, etc., then the amount corresponding to such number shall be deducted.
(2) In the case where the copyright holder, the holder of the right of publication or the holder of the neighboring rights asserts against a person who, intentionally or negligently, infringes on such holder's copyright, right of publication or neighboring rights, a claim for compensation for damages sustained, the profits, if any, obtained by the infringer by way of said his infringement will be presumed
to be the amount of damages suffered by such copyright holder, holder of the
right of publication or holder of the neighboring rights, as the case may be.
(3) The copyright holder or holder of the neighboring rights may assert against a
person who, intentionally or negligently, infringes upon said holder's copyright or neighboring rights, a claim for compensation for damages in an amount corresponding to the amount of money which would be received by such holder through the exercise of its copyright or neighboring rights, as the case may be, as the amount of damages sustained by said holder.
(4) The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not preclude a claim for
compensation for damages in excess of the amount provided for therein. In such case, when the infringer of the copyright or neighboring rights did not act intentionally or with gross negligence, the court may consider such absence of intent or gross negligence on the part of the infringer in fixing the amount of damages.
(Obligation to clarify specific conditions [of infringement]) Article 1142 In a lawsuit pertaining to an infringement on the moral rights of
author, copyright, right of publication, moral rights of performer or neighboring right, when the other party denies the specific conditions of the object which the author, the copyright holder, the holder of the right of publication, the performer or the holder of the neighboring rights, as the case may be, asserts as either constituting such act of infringement or being made by such act of infringement, the other party shall clarify the specific conditions of his acts; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply where there are reasonable grounds why the
other party cannot make such clarification.
(Production of documents, etc.)
Article 1143 (1) In a lawsuit pertaining to an infringement on the moral rights of author, copyright, right of publication, moral rights of performer or neighboring right, the court, upon petition of a party, may order any other party to produce documents necessary to prove the act of infringement concerned or to calculate the damages caused by said act of infringement; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply when the person in possession of such documents has justifiable grounds for refusing to produce them.
or its agent (excluding, however, trial counsel and an assistant to such party or to its legal counsel), employee or any other worker of such party.
(4) The provisions of the preceding three paragraphs shall apply mutatis mutandis to the production of the object t of inspection which is necessary to prove an act of infringement concerned in a lawsuit pertaining to an infringement on the moral
rights of author, copyright, right of publication, moral rights of performer or neighboring right.
(Obligation of the parties to explain to appraiser)
Article 1144 When the court, in a lawsuit pertaining to an infringement on a copyright, right of publication or neighboring right, has, upon petition of a party, ordered an appraisal with respect to matters necessary to calculate the damages caused by such act of infringement, the parties shall provide to the appraiser an explanation of matters necessary for such appraisal.
(Determination of reasonable damages)
Article 1145 Where, in a lawsuit pertaining to an infringement on a copyright, right of publication or neighboring right, it is found that damages have been incurred, but it is extremely difficult to prove the facts necessary to establish the amount of damages due to the nature of such facts, the court may determine an appropriate amount of damages on the basis of the entire import of oral proceedings and the results of the court's examination of the evidence.
(Protective order)
Article 1146 (1) In a lawsuit pertaining to an infringement on the moral rights of author, copyright, right of publication, moral rights of performer or neighboring right, the court may, upon petition of a party, issue an order, in the form of a decision, to any other party, etc., trial counsel or assistant in court to a party or legal counsel, that trade secrets (means "trade secrets" as provided for in Article
2, paragraph (6) of the Unfair Competition Prevention Act (Act No. 47 of 1993); the same shall apply hereinafter) in the possession of the [petitioning] party shall not be used for purposes other than those in furtherance of said lawsuit and shall not be disclosed to persons other than those against whom an order pertaining to
such trade secrets has been issued pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph, where a prima facie showing has been made that each of the reasons listed below applies; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply where, at the time of such petition, the party, etc. [against which the petitioned order is sought to be
issued], trial counsel [against which the petitioned order is sought to be issued] or assistant in court [against which the petitioned order is sought to be issued] had already acquired or possessed such trade secrets by means other than through inspection of the briefs as provided for in item (i) or the examination of evidence or the disclosure provided for in that item.
(iii) facts respectively constituting the reasons provided for in each of the two items of the preceding paragraph.
(Rescission of protective order) Article 1147 (1) The person who petitioned for a protective order and any person against whom such protective order was issued may each petition the court with whom the case record resides (or if there is no court with whom the case record resides, then the court which issued the protective order) to rescind the protective order for reason that any of the requirements provided for in the preceding Article, paragraph (1) is lacking or has become lacking.
another protective order may have been issued in relation to the same trade secret in the lawsuit in which the rescinded protective order was issued, of the fact that a ruling has been made to rescind the protective order first above mentioned.
(Notice, etc. of a request for inspection, etc. of the case record) Article 1148 (1) In the case where a decision provided for in Article 92, paragraph
(1) of the Code of Civil Procedure (Act No. 109 of 1996) has been made with regard to the case record for a lawsuit in which a protective order has been issued (excluding, however, a lawsuit in which all protective orders have been rescinded), the court clerk shall, if a party has made a request, pursuant to the same paragraph, for perusal, etc. of the portions [of the case record] containing the confidential matters and if the person who has made such request is not a person against whom a protective order has been issued in the subject lawsuit,
immediately after said request, give notice of such request to the party who filed the petition provided for in that paragraph (other than, however, the person who made such request; the same shall apply in paragraph (3)).
(2) In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the court clerk shall not, until the end of the two week period following the day of the request provided for in the same paragraph (in the case where a petition for a protective order has been made before said day by the person undertaking the procedures for said request, then for a period until the ruling on said petition has become final and nonappealable) allow the person who, pursuant to the same paragraph, undertakes the procedures to request perusal, etc. of the portions [of the case
record] containing the confidential matters.
(3) The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall not apply when all parties who filed the petition provided for in Article 92, paragraph (1) of the Code of Civil Procedures consent to allow perusal, etc. of the portions [of the case record] containing the confidential matters provided for in paragraph (1) by a person having made a request provided for in paragraph (1).
(Measures for restoration, etc. of honor)
Article 115 The author or the performer may demand against a person who, intentionally or negligently, infringes on his moral rights, that, in lieu of, or in addition to, compensation for damages, such person take appropriate measures to ensure identification of the author or the performer as the author or the performer (as the case may be), to make corrections [of distortions, mutilations, and/or modifications], or to restore the honor and reputation of the author or the performer (as the case may be).
(Measures to protect moral interests after the author's or the performer's death)
Article 116 (1) After the death of the author or the performer, [a member of] his bereaved family ("bereaved family" means the surviving spouse, children, parents, grandchildren, grandparents, and brothers and sisters of the deceased author or performer; the same shall apply below in this Article) may make: [(a)] the demand provided for in Article 112 against any person who commits an act, or is likely to commit an act, in violation of the provisions of Article 60 or Article 1013 with respect to the author or the performer concerned, or [(b)] the demand provided for in the preceding Article against any person who, intentionally or negligently, commits an act of infringement on the moral rights of author or performers or who has committed an act in violation of the provisions of Article 60 or Article 1013.
(Infringement with respect to the rights in a work of joint authorship, etc.)
Article 117 (1) Each coauthor of, or each coholder of the copyright in, a work of joint authorship shall be entitled to make, without the consent of the other co authors or coholders of the copyright, the demand provided for in Article 112,
and/or a demand for compensation for damages to his share or a demand for the
return of the unjust enrichment corresponding to his share.
(2) The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to an infringement on copyrights or neighboring rights in coownership.
(Preservation of rights in anonymous or pseudonymous works)
Article 118 (1) The publisher of an anonymous or pseudonymous work shall be entitled to make, in his own name and for the benefit of the author or the copyright holder of said work, the demand provided for in Article 112, Article 115 or Article 116, paragraph (1), or a demand for compensation for damages for an infringement of the moral rights of author or the copyright, as the case may be, or for return of an unjust enrichment. The foregoing, however, shall not apply where the pseudonym is widely known as being that of the author and where the true
name of the author has been registered under the provisions of Article 75,
paragraph (1).
(2) A person whose true name or widely known pseudonym is indicated as the name of the publisher in a customary manner on reproductions of an anonymous or pseudonymous work shall be presumed to be the publisher of said work.
Chapter VIII Penal Provisions
Article 119 (1) A person who infringes on the copyright, right of publication or neighboring rights (excluding, however, (a) a person who reproduces by himself a work or performance, etc. for private use purposes as provided for in Article 30, paragraph (1) (including cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to provisions of Article 102, paragraph (1)); (b) a person who, pursuant to the provisions of Article 113, paragraph (3), commits an act deemed to constitute an act of infringement on the copyright or neighboring rights (including rights deemed to constitute neighboring rights pursuant to the provisions of Article 113,
paragraph (4); the same shall apply in Article 1202, item (iii)); (c) a person who commits an act deemed to constitute an act of infringement on a copyright or neighboring rights pursuant to the provisions of Article 113, paragraph (5); (d) or a person described in items (iii) or (iv) of the following paragraph) shall be
punishable by imprisonment with work for a term not more than ten years or by a fine of not more than ten million Yen, or by both.
an infringement on a copyright, right of publication or neighboring rights;
(iii) a person who commits an act deemed to constitute an act of infringement on the copyright, right of publication or neighboring rights pursuant to the provisions of Article 113, paragraph (1);
(iv) a person who commits an act deemed to be an act of infringement on a copyright pursuant to the provisions of Article 113, paragraph (2)
Article 120 A person who violates the provisions of Article 60 or Article 1013 shall be punishable by a fine of not more than five million Yen.
Article 1202 A person which respect to whom any of the following items applies shall be punishable by imprisonment with work for a term not more than three years or by a fine of not more than three million Yen, or by both:
(i) a person who either: [(a)] [(A)] transfers to the public the ownership of, or rents to the public, [(B)] manufactures, imports or possesses for transfer of ownership or rental to the public, or [(C)] offers for use by the public, a device the sole function of which is to circumvent technological protection measures (including a set of parts [of such a device] capable of being easily assembled) or reproductions of a computer program the sole function of which is to circumvent
technological protection measures, or [(b)] transmits to the public, or makes transmittable, the aforementioned computer program;
(ii) a person who, as a business, circumvents technological protection measures in response to a request from the public;
(iii) a person who, for profitmaking purposes, commits an act deemed to constitute an act of infringement on the moral rights of author, copyright, moral rights of performer or neighboring rights pursuant to the provision of Article 113, paragraph (3);
(iv) a person who, for profitmaking purposes, commits an act deemed to constitute an act of infringement on a copyright or neighboring rights pursuant to the provision of Article 113, paragraph (5).
Article 121 A person who distributes a reproduction of a work on which
reproduction the true name or widely known pseudonym of a person who is not the author is indicated as the name of the author (including a reproduction of a derivative work on which reproduction the true name or widely known
pseudonym of a person who is not the author of the original work is indicated as the name of the author of the original work) shall be punishable by imprisonment with work for a term not more than one year or by a fine of not more than one million Yen, or by both:
Article 1212 A person who [(a)] reproduces, as a commercial phonogram, a commercial phonogram which falls under either of the following two items (including reproductions of said commercial phonogram, including reproductions produced by multiple acts of reproduction), or [(b)] distributes such reproductions or possesses them for the purposes of distributing, shall be punishable by imprisonment with work for a term not more than one year or by a fine of not more than one million Yen, or by both; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply with respect to a person who makes, distributes or possesses reproductions made after the passage of more than fifty years from the year immediately following the year in which the first fixation of sounds on the matrices listed in the following items:
manufacturing commercial phonograms outside this country, from the matrix of the phonogram (other than those phonograms with respect to which any of the four items of Article 8 applies) received from the producer of phonogram who produced said phonogram and who is a national of any of the contracting states
to the Convention for the Protection of Performers, etc., the members of the
World Trade Organization or the Contracting States to the Phonograms
Convention ("nationals" includes juridical persons established under the laws and regulations of such contracting state or member and those who have their principal offices in such Contracting State or member).
Article 122 A person who violates the provisions of Article 48 or Article 102, paragraph (2) shall be punishable by a fine of not more than five hundred thousand Yen.
Article 1222 (1) A person who violates a protective order shall be punishable by imprisonment with work for not a term of not more than five years or by a fine of not more than five million Yen, or by both.
(2) The crimes provided for in the preceding paragraph shall also apply to a person
who has committed the crimes provided for in this paragraph outside this country.
Article 123 (1) In the case of a crime set forth in Article 119, Article 1202, items
(iii) and (iv), Article 1212 and paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, prosecution shall take place only upon the filing of a complaint [by the injured person].
(2) A publisher of an anonymous or a pseudonymous work may file a complaint with
respect to a crime provided for in the preceding paragraph with respect to his work; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply in cases where the proviso to Article 118, paragraph (1) is applicable and where such complaint is contrary to the clear indication of intent by the author.
Article 124 (1) Where the representative of a juridical person (including the administrator of an association or foundation without juridical personality), an agent, an employee or any other worker of a juridical person or person, in connection with the business of such juridical person or person, commits an act in violation of the provisions mentioned in any of the following items, then, in addition to the punishment of the violator [himself], the fine fixed in each item below shall be imposed upon such juridical person and the fine fixed in the provisions of each Article mentioned in each item below shall be imposed upon such person:
foundation without juridical personality, its representative or administrator shall represent such association or foundation in connection with its acts of litigation, and the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure which are applicable where a juridical person is the accused or suspect shall apply mutatis mutandis.
(3) In the case of paragraph (1), a complaint filed against the violator and the dismissal of such complaint against such violator shall be also effective with respect to the juridical person or the person concerned, and a complaint filed against a juridical person or a person or the dismissal of such complaint against such juridical person or person shall be also effective with respect to the violator
(4) The statute of limitations in cases where a fine is imposed on a juridical person or a person for an act of violation under Article 119, paragraphs (1) or (2) or Article 1222, paragraph (1) pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) shall be the statute of limitations for the crimes in these provisions.