April 25, 2022
In 2022, WIPO completed the Phase 2 of WIPO GREEN Latin American Acceleration Project in Argentina, Brazil and Chile, with financing from the Funds-In-Trust Japan Industrial Property Global.
WIPO GREEN Acceleration Projects aim to address climate change, food security and environmental challenges by identifying pressing needs and facilitating connections with innovative green technology solutions in focus areas. Particularly, the projects focus on:
WIPO GREEN Database of Innovative Technologies and Needs is a central tool for the matchmaking process, and all needs and technologies identified in the projects are uploaded to the database.
The Latin American Acceleration Project has been active in Argentina, Brazil and Chile since October 2019 and continuing based on the strong engagement of project partners in respective countries.
The Latin American Acceleration Project entered its Phase 2 in 2021. The following areas continued to be focused in the Phase 2 of the project in respective countries:
In the Phase 2 of the Project, 45 needs and 89 technology solutions were identified or updated and uploaded to the WIPO GREEN Database. As a result, the cumulative numbers of needs and technologies including those identified in the Phase 1 became 72 and 153 respectively.
Furthermore, in the Phase 2 of the project, 26 individual connections were established between technology seekers and technology providers and 4 Letters of Intent (LOIs) were singed as formal indications of their common interests and as the basis for further discussions. Besides this, matchmaking events were organized in each country where participants could subsequently make connections. Over the project period, a large number of technology seekers (>100) and providers (>200) have been contacted. The total number of 15 LOIs signed is an indication of specific interest for pursuing negotiations and many more matches identified are being pursued.
Visit the LAC Database Collection page to learn more about the needs and solutions identified in the Project.