August 10, 2023
In 2023, WIPO Japan Office (WJO) produced a new raising-awareness video of intellectual property (IP), “Young Mr. HIRAGA, Journey to the IP master,” with support from the Funds-In-Trust Japan Industrial Property Global (FIT/Japan IP Global).
Japan has long experiences and good examples of utilizing IP to expand its economy, industries, and businesses. To optimize promotion of those examples, the WJO conducted a research on the effective ways of communication to deliver Japan’s experiences in the field of IP to the world, particularly to developing countries. To materialize the findings in the research, the WJO developed the new introductory video of IP, targeting people who are not familiar with IP.
In the video, a young man, Mr. Hiraga, gradually learns about IP and its roles in the world through interactions with other characters as well as conversations with Tomoki Sawai, Director of the WJO and Mr. Shunji Sugaya, President of OPTiM Corporation.
Please watch the video and start a journey to the IP master together!