WIPO/IP/CO/12/REF/T1AALWIS | English | Topic 1: The Cleantech Industry in the Region - Mr. Alwis | |
WIPO/IP/CO/12/REF/T1BNIKOLOVA | English | Topic 1: The Cleantech Industry in the Region - Ms.Nikolova | |
WIPO/IP/CO/12/REF/T2KRATTIGER | English | Topic 2: Climate Change, Innovation, Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property (IP): An Overview of the Issues - Mr. Krattiger | |
WIPO/IP/CO/12/REF/T3AMOHAMAD | English | Topic 3: Climate Change and Technology Needs of Developing Countries - Ms. Mohamad | |
WIPO/IP/CO/12/REF/T3ZAFGHANISTAN | English | Country Presentation: Afghanistan | |
WIPO/IP/CO/12/REF/T3ZBHUTAN | English | Country Presentation: Bhutan | |
WIPO/IP/CO/12/REF/T3ZCHINA | English | Country Presentation: China | |
WIPO/IP/CO/12/REF/T3ZINDIA | English | Country Presentation: India | |
WIPO/IP/CO/12/REF/T3ZINDONESIA | English | Country Presentation: Indonesia | |
WIPO/IP/CO/12/REF/T3ZIRAN | English | Country Presentation: Iran | |
WIPO/IP/CO/12/REF/T3ZMALDIVES | English | Country Presentation: Maldives | |
WIPO/IP/CO/12/REF/T3ZNEPAL | English | Country Presentation: Nepal | |
WIPO/IP/CO/12/REF/T3ZPAKISTAN | English | Country Presentation: Pakistan | |
WIPO/IP/CO/12/REF/T3ZTHAILAND | English | Country Presentation: Thailand | |
WIPO/IP/CO/12/REF/T3ZVIETNAM | English | Country Presentation: Viet Nam | |
WIPO/IP/CO/12/REF/T4AKRATTIGER | English | Topic 4: WIPO Green: A Mechanism for Accessing ESTs - Mr. Krattiger | |
WIPO/IP/CO/12/REF/T4BSUWA | English | Topic 4: WIPO Green: A Mechanism for Accessing ESTs - Mr. Suwa | |
WIPO/IP/CO/12/REF/T5ASUWA | English | Topic 5: Case Studies of Transfer of ESTs - Mr. Suwa | |
WIPO/IP/CO/12/REF/T5BMOHAMAD | English | Topic 5: Case Studies of Transfer of ESTs - Ms. Mohamad | |
WIPO/IP/CO/12/REF/T5CHAMANO | English | Topic 5: Case Studies of Transfer of ESTs - Ms. Hamano | |
WIPO/IP/CO/12/REF/T6NIKOLOVA | English | Topic 6: Accessing Financing for Transfer of ESTs - Ms. Nikolova | |
WIPO/IP/CO/12/REF/T7HAMANO | English | Topic 7: Partnerships and Collaborative Models for Developing ESTs - Ms. Hamano | |
WIPO/IP/CO/12/REF/T8TSUKAMOTO | English | Topic 8: Technical Assistance and Capacity Building by Japan in the Field of Industrial Property - Ms. Tsukamoto | |