WIPO/TTOS/KUL/18/P1 | English | EIE overview, status, upcoming - Ms. Yumiko Hamano | |
WIPO/TTOS/KUL/18/P2 | English | Presentation materials for National Workshop on Technology Transfer Office and Intellectual Property (IP) Management - Mr. Richard S. Cahoon | |
WIPO/TTOS/KUL/18/P3 | English | Introduction to Triage – Part 1 The process of selecting licensable disclosures - Ms. Yumiko Hamano | |
WIPO/TTOS/KUL/18/P4 | English | Technology Triage Part 2-Activities to Preparing for Licensing Technology Characterization, Evaluation, and Assessment; Activities to Preparing for Licensing - Mr. Surya Raghu | |
WIPO/TTOS/KUL/18/P5 | English | Technology Triage Part 3 - Market viability Technology Characterization, Evaluation, Assessment, Market viability - Ms. Yumiko Hamano | |
WIPO/TTOS/KUL/18/P6 | English | Market assessment - Ms. Yumiko Hamano | |
WIPO/TTOS/KUL/18/P7 | English | Market assessment (Using the Internet, talking with people in the Industry) - Mr. Surya Raghu | |
WIPO/TTOS/KUL/18/P8 | English | Win-win license negotiations - Mr. John Arthur Fraser | |
WIPO/TTOS/KUL/18/P9 | English | IP management: where to file Patents; other types of valuable IP (e.g., Software, Copyright protected assets, etc. - Ms. Yumiko Hamano | |
WIPO/TTOS/KUL/18/P10 | English | IP management: where to file Patents; other types of valuable IP (e.g., Software, Copyright protected assets, etc. - Mr. Surya Raghu | |
WIPO/TTOS/KUL/18/P11 | English | Using separate entities for university tech transfer - Mr. Richard S. Cahoon | |
WIPO/TTOS/KUL/18/P12 | English | Using separate entities for university tech transfer - Mr. John Arthur Fraser | |
WIPO/TTOS/KUL/18/P13 | English | Key license terms, term sheets, agreement drafting and negotiation - Ms. Yumiko Hamano | |
WIPO/TTOS/KUL/18/P14 | English | The Process of Closing the Deal – Important issues - Mr. John Arthur Fraser | |
WIPO/TTOS/KUL/18/P15 | English | Interacting with Senior Management, managing relations with faculty inventors - Mr. John Arthur Fraser | |
WIPO/TTOS/KUL/18/P16 | English | Expanding Business through Open Innovation; Technology Acquisition and Partnering Benefits and Approaches: Why consider Universities for new Business Opportunities? (Pros and Cons) - Mr. Surya Raghu | |
WIPO/TTOS/KUL/18/P17 | English | The importance of Intellectual Property (IP): Scouting for IP-based technology acquisition - Mr. Surya Raghu | |
WIPO/TTOS/KUL/18/P18 | English | The importance of Intellectual Property (IP): Scouting for IP-based technology acquisition - Mr. John Arthur Fraser | |
WIPO/TTOS/KUL/18/P19 | English | Licensing explained, Licensee and Licensor perspectives, rights & responsibilities, risks and opportunities - Ms. Yumiko Hamano | |
WIPO/TTOS/KUL/18/P20 | English | Collaborative research, contracts, licensing (and the Term Sheet), consulting in more detail - Ms. Yumiko Hamano | |
WIPO/TTOS/KUL/18/P21 | English | How to collaborate with public sector research institutions - Mr. Yumiko Hamano | |
WIPO/TTOS/KUL/18/P22 | English | Lunch time talk #1: Outline of WIPO
WIPO Japan Funds-in-Trust Framework
& Its Assistance - Mr. Fumio Enomoto | |