Women innovating, inventing, and creating face constant factors that impede their activities. What can economic research tell us about these and inform gender balance policies?
In an average high-income country, both women and men may have equal access to early education opportunities that would propel their careers forward. For instance, more women are graduating from bachelor and master programs than men.
However, the gender distribution flips over after this stage and worsens over time
Once we factor in all elements, there is no evidence of a productivity gap between innovative and creative women and men. Most of the perceived differences can be explained by
Working environments and organizational structure also explain the Gender Gap in innovation
Industries show noticeable differences in terms of the Gender Gap:
Even if most countries and industries show a gender gap, the vast majority of them show signs of an upward trend in women's contributions to innovation, particularly in patenting.
Want to become a specialist on the subject? Dive into the list below containing relevant innovation and IP gender literature for your research:
There are several ways to get innovation and IP data with gender breakdown. Check which one suits your case better.
The World Gender Name Dictionary (WGND) is a tool to assist researchers and policy analysts worldwide in solving the lack of data sources with gender breakdown.
This paper analyzes the gender of inventors in international patent applications. We compile a worldwide gender-name dictionary, which includes 6.2 million names for 182 different countries to disambiguate the gender of PCT inventors.