WIPO Japan Office
The WIPO Japan Office (WJO) promotes WIPO systems and services such as PCT, Madrid, Hague, ADR, and global databases to Japanese users through the website, seminars, publications, and local customer service. Our activities include writing IP Advantage, advocating WIPO: GREEN and cooperating with the Japanese government under Japan Funds-In-Trust in organizing training sessions and seminars for technical assistance and capacity building.
Our activities
While broad in scope and diverse in implementation, our activities generally aim to:
- promote the use of WIPO's services at local events and provide assistance to new and existing users;
- provide helpful and timely customer service to local clients and international callers routed to us when the WIPO Headquarters in Geneva are closed;
- cooperate with the government of Japan under Japan Funds-In-Trust in supporting industrial property development in the Asia-Pacific region and others;
- promote creativity and innovation via access to WIPO databases and the use of IP information.
Our office was established in the United Nations University (UNU) Headquarters Building in 2006 in response to increasing requests from developing countries for more information on the link between IP and economic development.
Director: Tomoki SAWAI
- Reporting to: Kenichiro NATSUME
- Sector: Infrastructure and Platforms Sector