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WIPO General Assembly: Thirtieth (16th Ordinary) Session

September 22 to October 1, 2003 (Geneva, Switzerland) Onsite

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WO/GA/30/1Composition of the Program and Budget CommitteeComposition of the Program and Budget Committee, Complete document (doc) Composition of the Program and Budget Committee, Complete document (pdf)
WO/GA/30/2Matters Concerning Internet Domain NamesMatters Concerning Internet Domain Names, Complete document (doc) Matters Concerning Internet Domain Names, Complete document (pdf)
WO/GA/30/3Diplomatic Conference on the Protection of Audiovisual PerformancesDiplomatic Conference on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances, Complete document (doc) Diplomatic Conference on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances, Complete document (pdf)
WO/GA/30/4Resolutions and Decisions of the United Nations; Reports of the Joint Inspection UnitResolutions and Decisions of the United Nations; Reports of the Joint Inspection Unit, Complete document (pdf) Resolutions and Decisions of the United Nations; Reports of the Joint Inspection Unit, Main body of document 1 (doc) Resolutions and Decisions of the United Nations; Reports of the Joint Inspection Unit, Annex 1 (doc)
WO/GA/30/5Matters Concerning the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and FolkloreMatters Concerning the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore, Complete document (doc) Matters Concerning the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore, Complete document (pdf)
WO/GA/30/6Matters Concerning the Advisory Committee on EnforcementMatters Concerning the Advisory Committee on Enforcement, Complete document (pdf) Matters Concerning the Advisory Committee on Enforcement, Main body of document 1 (doc) Matters Concerning the Advisory Committee on Enforcement, Annex 1 (doc)
WO/GA/30/7Convention on Biological Diversity: Disclosure Requirements Concerning Genetic Resources and Traditional KnowledgeConvention on Biological Diversity: Disclosure Requirements Concerning Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge, Complete document (doc) Convention on Biological Diversity: Disclosure Requirements Concerning Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge, Complete document (pdf)
WO/GA/30/7 ADD.1Draft Technical Study on Disclosure Requirements Related to Genetic Resources and Traditional KnowledgeDraft Technical Study on Disclosure Requirements Related to Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge, Complete document (doc) Draft Technical Study on Disclosure Requirements Related to Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge, Complete document (pdf)
WO/GA/30/8ReportReport, Complete document (doc) Report, Complete document (pdf)
Meeting documents