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PCT Union - Assembly: Thirty-Eighth (22nd Extraordinary) Session

September 22 to September 30, 2008 (Geneva, Switzerland) Onsite

PCT/A/38/1PCT Working Group: Report of the First SessionPCT Working Group: Report of the First Session, Complete document (doc) PCT Working Group: Report of the First Session, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/A/38/2Proposed Amendments of the PCT RegulationsProposed Amendments of the PCT Regulations, Complete document (doc) Proposed Amendments of the PCT Regulations, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/A/38/2 ADD.Further Proposed Amendments of the PCT RegulationsFurther Proposed Amendments of the PCT Regulations, Complete document (doc) Further Proposed Amendments of the PCT Regulations, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/A/38/3Quality Management Systems for PCT International AuthoritiesQuality Management Systems for PCT International Authorities, Complete document (doc) Quality Management Systems for PCT International Authorities, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/A/38/4Criteria for any Future Addition of Further Languages of Publication under the PCTCriteria for any Future Addition of Further Languages of Publication under the PCT, Complete document (doc) Criteria for any Future Addition of Further Languages of Publication under the PCT, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/A/38/5Eligibility Criteria for Reductions in PCT Fees: Proposed Amendments of the Schedule of Fees Annexed to the PCT RegulationsEligibility Criteria for Reductions in PCT Fees: Proposed Amendments of the Schedule of Fees Annexed to the PCT Regulations, Complete document (doc) Eligibility Criteria for Reductions in PCT Fees: Proposed Amendments of the Schedule of Fees Annexed to the PCT Regulations, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/A/38/6ReportReport, Complete document (doc) Report, Complete document (pdf)
Meeting documents