Implementation of the Resolution of the Washington Diplomatic Conference on the Patent Cooperation Treaty, 1970

Document CodeAB/I/18
Publication DateJuly 10, 1970
EnglishImplementation of the Resolution of the Washington Diplomatic Conference on the Patent Cooperation Treaty, 1970
Report by the Director of BIRPI
Complete document
Implementation of the Resolution of the Washington Diplomatic Conference on the Patent Cooperation Treaty, 1970, single (pdf)
795 KB
FrançaisApplication de le Resolution de la Conference Diplomatique de Washington sur le Traite de Cooperation en Matiere de Brevets (1970)
Rapport du Directeur des BIRPI
Complete document
Application de le Resolution de la Conference Diplomatique de Washington sur le Traite de Cooperation en Matiere de Brevets (1970), single (pdf)
709 KB
Meeting documents