Previous / future meetings: PCT/TCO/II >> PCT/TCO/III

PCT Interim Committee for Technical Cooperation

October 6 to October 9, 1972 (Geneva, Switzerland) Onsite

PCT/TCO/II/1.REV.REVDraft AgendaDraft Agenda, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/II/2Developments During the Period February 1971 – October 1972Developments During the Period February 1971 – October 1972, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/II/3International Patent Documentation Center (INPADOC)International Patent Documentation Center (INPADOC), Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/II/4Addendum to Document PCT/TCO/II/2Addendum to Document PCT/TCO/II/2, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/II/5Provisional List of Participants - PCT/TCO/II/5 superseded by PCT/TCO/II/7
PCT/TCO/II/6Draft Report - PCT/TCO/II/6 superseded by PCT/TCO/II/7
PCT/TCO/II/7ReportReport, Complete document (pdf)
Meeting documents