Other related / parallel meetings: PCIPI/EXEC/VII

PCT Committee for Administrative & Legal Matters

December 10 to December 14, 1990 (Geneva, Switzerland) Onsite

PCT/CAL/IV PART I/1Draft AgendaDraft Agenda, Complete document (doc) Draft Agenda, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/CAL/IV PART I/2Proposed Amendments to Part A and Part B of the Regulations Under the PCTProposed Amendments to Part A and Part B of the Regulations Under the PCT, Complete document (doc) Proposed Amendments to Part A and Part B of the Regulations Under the PCT, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/CAL/IV PART I/3Amendment of PCT Rule 16.1(a)Amendment of PCT Rule 16.1(a), Complete document (doc) Amendment of PCT Rule 16.1(a), Complete document (pdf)
PCT/CAL/IV PART I/4Proposals to Amend PCT Rules 5.1, 40.2, 68.3 and 91.1Proposals to Amend PCT Rules 5.1, 40.2, 68.3 and 91.1, Complete document (doc) Proposals to Amend PCT Rules 5.1, 40.2, 68.3 and 91.1, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/CAL/IV PART I/5Proposal to Amend PCT Rule 13Proposal to Amend PCT Rule 13, Complete document (doc) Proposal to Amend PCT Rule 13, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/CAL/IV PART I/6Report of the First Part of the Fourth SessionReport of the First Part of the Fourth Session, Complete document (doc) Report of the First Part of the Fourth Session, Complete document (pdf)
Meeting documents