Other related / parallel meetings: AB/XXIII
Previous / future meetings: MM/A/XXIII >> MM/A/XXIV >> MM/A/XXV

Madrid Union - Assembly

September 21 to September 29, 1992 (Geneva, Switzerland) Onsite

MM/A/XXIV/1Amendments to the Regulations under the Madrid Agreement in Connection with Certain Newly Independent StatesAmendments to the Regulations under the Madrid Agreement in Connection with Certain Newly Independent States, Complete document (pdf)
MM/A/XXIV/2Progress Report of the ROMARIN ProjectProgress Report of the ROMARIN Project, Complete document (pdf)
MM/A/XXIV/3Draft Rule 28 of the Regulations under the Madrid AgreementDraft Rule 28 of the Regulations under the Madrid Agreement, Complete document (pdf)
MM/A/XXIV/4ReportReport, Complete document (pdf)
Meeting documents