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PCT Union - Assembly

September 20 to September 29, 1999 (Geneva, Switzerland) Onsite

PCT/A/27/1Proposed Amendments of the Schedule of Fees Annexed to the Regulations under the PCTProposed Amendments of the Schedule of Fees Annexed to the Regulations under the PCT, Complete document (doc) Proposed Amendments of the Schedule of Fees Annexed to the Regulations under the PCT, Complete document (htm) Proposed Amendments of the Schedule of Fees Annexed to the Regulations under the PCT, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/A/27/2PCT AutomationPCT Automation, Complete document (doc) PCT Automation, Complete document (htm) PCT Automation, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/A/27/3Claiming Priority under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT): Proposed Amendments of the RegulationsClaiming Priority under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT): Proposed Amendments of the Regulations, Complete document (doc) Claiming Priority under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT): Proposed Amendments of the Regulations, Complete document (htm) Claiming Priority under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT): Proposed Amendments of the Regulations, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/A/27/4ReportReport, Complete document (htm) Report, Main body of document 1 (doc) Report, Main body of document 1 (pdf)
Meeting documents