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PCT Union - Assembly

September 25 to October 3, 2000 (Geneva, Switzerland) Onsite

PCT/A/29/1Proposed Amendment of the Schedule of Fees Annexed to the Regulations Under the PCT; Proposed Retification of the French Text of PCT Rule 26bis.2(c)Proposed Amendment of the Schedule of Fees Annexed to the Regulations Under the PCT; Proposed Retification of the French Text of PCT Rule 26bis.2(c), Complete document (doc) Proposed Amendment of the Schedule of Fees Annexed to the Regulations Under the PCT; Proposed Retification of the French Text of PCT Rule 26bis.2(c), Complete document (htm) Proposed Amendment of the Schedule of Fees Annexed to the Regulations Under the PCT; Proposed Retification of the French Text of PCT Rule 26bis.2(c), Complete document (pdf)
PCT/A/29/2Progress Report on the PCT Automation ("IMPACT") ProjectProgress Report on the PCT Automation ("IMPACT") Project, Main body of document 1 (doc) Progress Report on the PCT Automation ("IMPACT") Project, Main body of document 1 (pdf) Progress Report on the PCT Automation ("IMPACT") Project, Annex 1 (doc) Progress Report on the PCT Automation ("IMPACT") Project, Annex 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/29/2 ADD.Addendum to Progress Report on the PCT Automation ("IMPACT") ProjectAddendum to Progress Report on the PCT Automation ("IMPACT") Project, Complete document (doc) Addendum to Progress Report on the PCT Automation ("IMPACT") Project, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/A/29/3Reform of the Patent Cooperation TreatyReform of the Patent Cooperation Treaty, Complete document (doc) Reform of the Patent Cooperation Treaty, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/A/29/4Report (adopted by the Assembly)Report (adopted by the Assembly), Complete document (htm) Report (adopted by the Assembly), Main body of document 1 (doc) Report (adopted by the Assembly), Main body of document 1 (pdf)
Meeting documents