Previous / future meetings: PCT/CTC/XIX >> PCT/CTC/20 >> PCT/CTC/21

PCT Union - PCT Committee for Technical Cooperation: Twentieth Session

September 23 to October 1, 2002 (Geneva, Switzerland) Onsite

PCT/CTC/20/1Draft Agenda
PCT/CTC/20/1 REV.Revised Draft AgendaRevised Draft Agenda, Complete document (doc) Revised Draft Agenda, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/CTC/20/2Advice to the Assembly of the PCT Union on the Request of the Canadian Commissioner of Patents to be Appointed as International Searcing Authority and as International Preliminary Examining AuthorityAdvice to the Assembly of the PCT Union on the Request of the Canadian Commissioner of Patents to be Appointed as International Searcing Authority and as International Preliminary Examining Authority, Complete document (doc) Advice to the Assembly of the PCT Union on the Request of the Canadian Commissioner of Patents to be Appointed as International Searcing Authority and as International Preliminary Examining Authority, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/CTC/20/2 ADD.1Advice to the Assembly of the PCT Union on the Request of the Canadian Commissioner of Patents to be Appointed as International Searching Authority and as International Preliminary Examining Authority; Supplementary InformationAdvice to the Assembly of the PCT Union on the Request of the Canadian Commissioner of Patents to be Appointed as International Searching Authority and as International Preliminary Examining Authority; Supplementary Information, Complete document (doc) Advice to the Assembly of the PCT Union on the Request of the Canadian Commissioner of Patents to be Appointed as International Searching Authority and as International Preliminary Examining Authority; Supplementary Information, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/CTC/20/3Advice to the Assembly of the PCT Union on the Request of the National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland to be Appointed as International Searching Authority and as International Preliminary Examining AuthorityAdvice to the Assembly of the PCT Union on the Request of the National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland to be Appointed as International Searching Authority and as International Preliminary Examining Authority, Complete document (doc) Advice to the Assembly of the PCT Union on the Request of the National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland to be Appointed as International Searching Authority and as International Preliminary Examining Authority, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/CTC/20/4PCT Minimum DocumentationPCT Minimum Documentation, Complete document (doc) PCT Minimum Documentation, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/CTC/20/5ReportReport, Complete document (doc) Report, Complete document (pdf)
Meeting documents