Matters Concerning the PCT Union: Appointment of the Canadian Commissioner of Patents as an International Searching and Preliminary Examining Authority under the PCT; Approval of the Corresponding Draft Agreement; Supplementary Information

Document CodePCT/A/31/1 ADD.1
Publication DateAugust 27, 2002
EnglishMatters Concerning the PCT Union: Appointment of the Canadian Commissioner of Patents as an International Searching and Preliminary Examining Authority under the PCT; Approval of the Corresponding Draft Agreement; Supplementary Information
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Matters Concerning the PCT Union: Appointment of the Canadian Commissioner of Patents as an International Searching and Preliminary Examining Authority under the PCT; Approval of the Corresponding Draft Agreement; Supplementary Information, single (doc)
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Matters Concerning the PCT Union: Appointment of the Canadian Commissioner of Patents as an International Searching and Preliminary Examining Authority under the PCT; Approval of the Corresponding Draft Agreement; Supplementary Information, single (pdf)
22 KB
FrançaisQuestions concernant l'Union du PCT: nomination du Commissaire aux brevets du Canada en qualité d'administration chargée de la recherche internationale et de l'examen préliminaire international selon le PCT; adoption du projet d'accord correspondant; supplément d'information
Complete document
Questions concernant l'Union du PCT: nomination du Commissaire aux brevets du Canada en qualité d'administration chargée de la recherche internationale et de l'examen préliminaire international selon le PCT; adoption du projet d'accord correspondant; supplément d'information, single (doc)
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Complete document
Questions concernant l'Union du PCT: nomination du Commissaire aux brevets du Canada en qualité d'administration chargée de la recherche internationale et de l'examen préliminaire international selon le PCT; adoption du projet d'accord correspondant; supplément d'information, single (pdf)
24 KB
Meeting documents