Other related / parallel meetings: PCT/AAQ/VIII
Previous / future meetings: PCT/TCO/VI >> PCT/TCO/VII >> PCT/TCO/VIII

PCT Interim Committee for Technical Cooperation

September 12 to September 17, 1977 (Geneva, Switzerland) Onsite

PCT/TCO/VII/1.REV.Draft AgendaDraft Agenda, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/VII/2Guidelines for International Search to be Carried out Under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)Guidelines for International Search to be Carried out Under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/VII/3Report on the State of Completeness of the Search Files of the Prospective International Searching Authorities in Respect of the National Patent Documents to be Included in the Minimum Documentation Under PCT Rule 34.1(c)(i) to (v) and (e)Report on the State of Completeness of the Search Files of the Prospective International Searching Authorities in Respect of the National Patent Documents to be Included in the Minimum Documentation Under PCT Rule 34.1(c)(i) to (v) and (e), Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/VII/4Steps in the Procedure Before the International Preliminary Examining Authority in Connection with the Use of the PCT FormsSteps in the Procedure Before the International Preliminary Examining Authority in Connection with the Use of the PCT Forms, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/VII/5Steps in the Procedure Before the International Searching Authority in Connection with the Use of the PCT FormsSteps in the Procedure Before the International Searching Authority in Connection with the Use of the PCT Forms, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/VII/6Draft Guidelines for International Preliminary Examination to be Carried out Under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)Draft Guidelines for International Preliminary Examination to be Carried out Under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/VII/7English-Language Abstracts of Patent Documents of Japan and the Soviet UnionEnglish-Language Abstracts of Patent Documents of Japan and the Soviet Union, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/VII/7 FIRST SUPPLEMENTEnglish-Language Abstracts of Patent Documents of Japan and the Soviet UnionEnglish-Language Abstracts of Patent Documents of Japan and the Soviet Union, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/VII/8Addendum to Document PCT/TCO/VII/6Addendum to Document PCT/TCO/VII/6, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/VII/9Questions Relating to International Preliminary ExaminationQuestions Relating to International Preliminary Examination, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/VII/10PCT Minimum Documentation; Non-Patent LiteraturePCT Minimum Documentation; Non-Patent Literature, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/VII/11Time Limits Under the PCTTime Limits Under the PCT, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/VII/12English-Language Abstracts of Patent Documents of Japan and the Soviet Union (Addendum to document PCT/TCO/VII/7)English-Language Abstracts 
of Patent Documents of Japan and the Soviet Union (Addendum to document PCT/TCO/VII/7), Complete document (pdf)
PCT/TCO/VII/13Draft Report - PCT/TCO/VII/13 superseded by PCT/TCO/VII/14
PCT/TCO/VII/14ReportReport, Complete document (pdf)
Meeting documents