November 28, 2013
WIPO launched today a new online marketplace connecting a wide variety of groups seeking shared innovation and environmentally friendly technologies to address climate change.
The WIPO GREEN database and network matches owners of new technologies with individuals or companies seeking to commercialize, license or otherwise distribute a green technology. Its objective is to accelerate innovation and diffusion of green technologies and contribute to the efforts of developing countries in addressing climate change.
WIPO Director General Francis Gurry said: “Innovative green technologies have an important role to play in addressing climate change. Our objective is for WIPO GREEN to become a go-to platform for green technologies, thanks to our growing network of partners and innovative collaborations with major global technology databases.”
At the center of the initiative is an extensive database of green technologies, inventions and patents, which come from a wide range of institutions, including small and medium-sized enterprises, multinational companies, innovators, and universities from around the world.
WIPO GREEN has already gained around 1,000 uploads during a pilot and testing phase, including those from WIPO GREEN’s partnerships with the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) and the East Africa Climate Innovation Network. The program already has 35 partners.
Mr. Takeshi Ueno, President of the Japan Intellectual Property Association (JIPA), a WIPO GREEN partner since the project’s inception, said: “Japan is a leading innovator of green technologies, and WIPO GREEN provides a vital opportunity for Japanese companies to be at the forefront of global efforts to address climate change. JIPA is working to ensure its member companies can take advantage of WIPO GREEN to further their reach”
Mr. Sean Flanigan, President of the Association of University Technology Managers, said: “AUTM is delighted to be a partner in this bold effort by WIPO. Through the work of WIPO GREEN and the AUTM Global Technology Portal I am confident that thousands of green technologies originating at Universities will become available for license, development or sharing and will make a significant contribution to the economies of developing countries and to global climate change efforts alike.”
Mr. Klaus Helmrich, a board member of Siemens (a WIPO GREEN partner) said: “Technologies aimed at improving environmental sustainability contribute to both economic growth and improved living standards. We therefore support their diffusion. WIPO Green is a promising multiplier for the transfer of sustainable technologies.”
An official from the group leading the UN’s efforts to address climate change welcomed the launch of WIPO GREEN. Mr. Mark Radka, of the United Nations Environment Program and Interim Director of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change’s (UNFCCC) Climate Technology Centre & Network said: “WIPO GREEN can provide developing countries with critical information on green technology products and services that they need to reduce both emissions of greenhouse gases and to deal with the impacts of climate change. WIPO GREEN also acts as a gateway to the various WIPO intellectual property services, which are excellent assets in the fight against climate change.”
WIPO Director General Francis Gurry on WIPO GREEN.
The WIPO GREEN database offers a broad listing of green technology products, services and intellectual property (IP) assets, and also allows individuals and companies to list green technology needs. It is freely accessible, only requiring a one-time registration at
WIPO GREEN engages actively with its formal partners in order to shape its strategy and operations. WIPO GREEN partners currently include:
All partners of WIPO GREEN must abide by its charter, available for download .