Seminar on Industrial Design and IP
September 30, 2017
The Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (SEBRAE) in cooperation with The National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) and WIPO organized the Seminar on Industrial Design and Intellectual Property. The Seminar was part of the 5th edition of Design Week Rio 2017. This initiative promotes the Rio de Janeiro as hub of creative industry.
The seminar aimed to discuss the importance of registering industrial design assets. There were around 135 participants, including designers and students, as well as representatives of design associations, government and institutions interested in IP and focused on industrial design. The event was followed by a technical meeting also dealing with design. Participants discussed public policies on design and IP in order to generate a plan of action for the industrial design sector of in Brazil.
Ms. Liliana Mendes, National Professional Officer, represented the WIPO Brazil Office (WBO) and gave a speech as part of the opening ceremony as well as serving as a moderator on a discussion panel.
The Director of the Juridical Area of the MTNG Experience, Mr. Santiago Ros Vidal, who was invited by WIPO to the Seminar, presented a case study which showed, in practice, the importance of industrial design registration in ensuring the competitiveness of his Spanish business.