May 25, 2023
To celebrate Children’s Day, May 27, the WIPO Nigeria Office (WNO) organized, in collaboration with the United Nations Information Centre (UNIC), a special intellectual property learning session for 40 children alongside their teachers, from primary and secondary schools in Abuja. The participating schools were KAPLEN International Community School and the Yuv Academy. The session took place at the United Nations House, Abuja.
Through fun and engaging methods, the children learned about intellectual property, the work of the WIPO Nigeria Office, the Sustainable Development Goals, Human Rights, and the work of the United Nations in promoting innovation and creativity amongst children.
The Director of the WIPO Nigeria Office, Mr. Moody provided the welcome remarks, while the keynote address was delivered by UNICEF Nigeria’s Chief of Communication Advocacy and Partnerships, Mr. Rajat Madhok. Ms. Victoria Onyeagbako, WIPO Nigeria Office, introduced the students to the basic concepts of intellectual property. The students also benefited from sessions on the role of the United Nations and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as an introduction to Human Rights facilitated by Ms. Bolanle Olumekor and Ms. Rita Mabaghandu respectively. Ms. Juliana Owajimam Oboh-Joseph, WIPO Nigeria Office, anchored the program.
The children and teachers were presented further learning resources from the WNO, and customized schools bags (courtesy UNIC).
The WNO continues to engage with young learners, and instructors of primary and secondary schools in Nigeria on the importance of IP.