Geographical Indications: Overview and International Legal Framework Webinar in Russian
June 3, 2020
WIPO will hold a new webinar on Geographical Indications: Overview and international legal framework.
Online registration to our webinar is now open, free of charge
Simply register online and log-on at the scheduled time to access the webinar.
- The topic of the webinar: Geographical Indications: Overview and international legal framework
Tuesday, June 9 (11.00-12.00 Moscow time)
Geographical Indications and Appellations of Origin are an integral part of our life. They not only allow companies to effectively use the unique geographical features of their products, but also inform and attract the attention of consumers.
You can learn more about Geographical Indications (GI) and international legal framework, governing their protection, during the webinar, that will be held by Violeta Ghetu, Legal Officer, Policy and Legislative Advice Section, WIPO Department for Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications.
At this webinar, you will learn about the key concepts and legal international standards of protection provided by the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement.
The webinar will be helpful for Russian-speaking lawyers, consultants, producers of goods that have specific Geographical Indications as well as managers, entrepreneurs, start-ups, business leaders, technology transfer specialists and other interested parties in the field of GI.