WIPO Webinar in Russian — WIPO Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property Policy
December 2, 2020
WIPO will hold a new webinar on WIPO Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property Policy.
Online registration to our webinar is now open, free of charge
Simply register online and log-on at the scheduled time to access the webinar.
- The topic of the webinar: WIPO Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property Policy
Tuesday, December 15 (11.00-12.00 Moscow time)
Artificial Intelligence is one of the most important technologies, transforming the economy and society and contributing to global digital transformation nowadays.
According to WIPO 2019 "Technology Trends" series, since the advent of artificial intelligence in the 1950s, nearly 340,000 artificial intelligence-related patent applications have been filed and more than 1.6 million scientific publications have been published.
It is widely used in all areas including transportation, telecommunications, life sciences and medicine, personal devices and security.
Artificial intelligence raises a number of complex issues that need to be addressed globally, including intellectual property issues.
In this regard, WIPO, as part of its mandate, began to deal with the intellectual property-specific aspects of artificial intelligence. This work has several directions, including the open WIPO Conversation on Intellectual Property and Artificial Intelligence.
Join us to find out what topics are being raised in the Conversation and what is WIPO's approach in this field.