WIPO Webinar in Russian: PCT System: Requirements for the application, accord an international filing date and withdrawal of a PCT application.
June 18, 2021
WIPO will hold a new webinar on the PCT System.
Online registration to our webinar is now open, free of charge
Simply register online and log-on at the scheduled time to access the webinar.
The topic of the webinar: PCT System: Requirements for the application, accord an international filing date and withdrawal of a PCT application
Tuesday, July 6 (11.00-12.30 Moscow time)
During the webinar it will be elaborated on the requirements of the international application, namely the quality of the printed text and drawings, margins and numbering of the application sheets, as well as the requirements for description, formulae, drafting and drawings. The webinar will not touch upon the requirements of unity of invention, incorporation by reference and conformity with the patentability of the invention, which will be covered in subsequent webinars.
The webinar will be held in Russian. After the webinar, you will have an opportunity to ask a specialist from Geneva all the questions you might have.