WIPO Co-hosts Event for International Organizations and Research Institutes
December 7, 2015
The Spirit of Collaboration
The WIPO Office in Singapore (WSO), in conjunction with the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council, hosted a gathering of international organizations and research institutes on December 7 to foster stronger and more effective partnerships in the region.
Representatives from the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF), Energy Studies Institute, Institute of South Asian Studies, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Middle East Institute and the UNDP Global Centre for Public Service Excellence were in attendance.
“IP is growing in importance in many different industry sectors, in virtually every country and this was reflected in the conversations held during the event,” said Mr. Denis Croze, Director of the WSO. “It’s important for WIPO to have good relations with these organizations as it helps us to raise awareness of WIPO’s services to different groups within the innovation ecosystem of the region, and to gain a better understanding of some of the challenges and barriers that exist to businesses .”
It was appropriate for the WSO to be the co-host of the event given the significant number of milestones in 2015: the WSO 10 year anniversary, the 75th anniversary of the United Nations and the Golden Jubilee celebrating 50 years since Singapore’s independence.
“We hope that by hosting such events here in Singapore, we can develop new partnerships and collaborations throughout the ASEAN region to help us achieve our goal of increasing awareness of the range of services, resources and platforms that WIPO has available.”