Reuniones anteriores / futuras: PCT/A/XII >> PCT/A/XIII >> PCT/A/XIV

PCT Union - Assembly

23 de septiembre a 1 de octubre de 1985 (Ginebra, Suiza) Presencial

PCT/A/XIII/1EnglishAmendment of the schedule of fees, annexed to the PCT Regulations; other financial matters concerning the PCT Union; various committees under the PCTAmendment of the schedule of fees, annexed to the PCT Regulations; other financial matters concerning the PCT Union; various committees under the PCT, Documento completo 1 (doc) Amendment of the schedule of fees, annexed to the PCT Regulations; other financial matters concerning the PCT Union; various committees under the PCT, Documento completo 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/XIII/2EnglishPossibility to change the format of the PCT pamphletsPossibility to change the format of the PCT pamphlets, Documento completo 1 (doc) Possibility to change the format of the PCT pamphlets, Documento completo 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/XIII/3EnglishReportReport, Documento completo (doc) Report, Documento completo (pdf)
FrançaisRapportRapport, Documento completo (doc) Rapport, Documento completo (pdf)
Documentos de reunión