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Nice Union - Assembly

22 de septiembre a 1 de octubre de 1997 (Ginebra, Suiza) Presencial

N/A/XV/1EnglishLimitation of the Scope of the Nice Classification ServiceLimitation of the Scope of the Nice Classification Service, Documento completo (doc) Limitation of the Scope of the Nice Classification Service, Documento completo (pdf)
FrançaisLimitation of the Scope of the Nice Classification ServiceLimitation of the Scope of the Nice Classification Service, Documento completo (doc) Limitation of the Scope of the Nice Classification Service, Documento completo (pdf)
N/A/XV/2EnglishReportReport, Documento completo (doc) Report, Documento completo (pdf)
FrançaisReportReport, Documento completo (doc) Report, Documento completo (pdf)
Meeting documents