Другие смежные/параллельные заседания: WCT/A/1, WO/GA/28, WPPT/A/1
Прошлые/будущие заседания: A/36 >> A/37 >> A/38

Ассамблеи государств-членов ВОИС: Thirty-Seventh Series of Meetings

23 сентября по 1 октября 2002 г. (Женева, Швейцария) В очном формате

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A/37/INF/1 REV.
A/37/INF/2Report on the Consultations Concerning the Appointment of the [Director General in 2003 (Prepared by the Chairman of the WIPO Coordination Committee)]Report on the Consultations Concerning the Appointment of the [Director General in 2003 (Prepared by the Chairman of the WIPO Coordination Committee)], Полная версия документа (doc) Report on the Consultations Concerning the Appointment of the [Director General in 2003 (Prepared by the Chairman of the WIPO Coordination Committee)], Полная версия документа (pdf)
A/37/1 PROV.3[Draft Consolidated and Annotated Agenda][Draft Consolidated and Annotated Agenda], Полная версия документа (doc)
A/37/2[Revised Project Budget for the New Construction and Revised Program and Budget for 2002-2003][Revised Project Budget for the New Construction and Revised Program and Budget for 2002-2003], Полная версия документа (doc) [Revised Project Budget for the New Construction and Revised Program and Budget for 2002-2003], Полная версия документа (pdf)
A/37/3[Program Performance Report for the 2000-2001 Biennium][Program Performance Report for the 2000-2001 Biennium], Полная версия документа (doc)
A/37/4[Program Implementation Overview - January 1 to June 30, 2002][Program Implementation Overview - January 1 to June 30, 2002], Полная версия документа (doc) [Program Implementation Overview - January 1 to June 30, 2002], Полная версия документа (pdf)
A/37/5[Final Recommendations of the WIPO General Assembly Working Group on Consitutional Reform][Final Recommendations of the WIPO General Assembly Working Group on Consitutional Reform], Полная версия документа (doc) [Final Recommendations of the WIPO General Assembly Working Group on Consitutional Reform], Полная версия документа (pdf)
A/37/6[WIPO Patent Agenda: Options for Development of the International Patent System][WIPO Patent Agenda: Options for Development of the International Patent System], Полная версия документа (doc) [WIPO Patent Agenda: Options for Development of the International Patent System], Полная версия документа (pdf)
A/37/7[Draft Agendas of the 2003 Ordinary Sessions of the WIPO General Assembly, the WIPO Conference, the Paris Union Assembly and the Berne Union Assembly][Draft Agendas of the 2003 Ordinary Sessions of the WIPO General Assembly, the WIPO Conference, the Paris Union Assembly and the Berne Union Assembly], Полная версия документа (doc) [Draft Agendas of the 2003 Ordinary Sessions of the WIPO General Assembly, the WIPO Conference, the Paris Union Assembly and the Berne Union Assembly], Полная версия документа (pdf)
A/37/8[Admission of Observers][Admission of Observers], Полная версия документа (doc) [Admission of Observers], Полная версия документа (pdf)
A/37/9[Report of the Fifth Session of the Program and Budget Committee][Report of the Fifth Session of the Program and Budget Committee], Полная версия документа (doc) [Report of the Fifth Session of the Program and Budget Committee], Полная версия документа (pdf)
A/37/10[Evaluation Report of the External Auditor on the New Construction][Evaluation Report of the External Auditor on the New Construction], Основной текст документа 1 (doc) [Evaluation Report of the External Auditor on the New Construction], Основной текст документа 1 (pdf) [Evaluation Report of the External Auditor on the New Construction], Добавление 3 (doc) [Evaluation Report of the External Auditor on the New Construction], Добавление 3 (pdf)
A/37/10 CORR.
A/37/11[Draft Texts of Proposed Amendments to the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization][Draft Texts of Proposed Amendments to the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization], Полная версия документа (doc) [Draft Texts of Proposed Amendments to the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization], Полная версия документа (pdf)
A/37/12[Draft Texts of Proposed Amendments to the Paris Convention and other WIPO-Administered Treaties][Draft Texts of Proposed Amendments to the Paris Convention and other WIPO-Administered Treaties], Полная версия документа (doc) [Draft Texts of Proposed Amendments to the Paris Convention and other WIPO-Administered Treaties], Полная версия документа (pdf)
A/37/13[Appointment of the Director General in 2003][Appointment of the Director General in 2003], Полная версия документа (doc) [Appointment of the Director General in 2003], Полная версия документа (pdf)
A/37/14[General Report][General Report], Полная версия документа (doc) [General Report], Полная версия документа (pdf)
Meeting documents