Другие смежные/параллельные заседания: AB/XXXI
Прошлые/будущие заседания: WO/CF/XIII >> WO/CF/XIV

WIPO Conference

22 сентября по 1 октября 1997 г. (Женева, Швейцария) В очном формате

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WO/CF/XIV/1Designation of Members of the Working Group of the Permanent Committee for Development Cooperation Related to Industrial Property and of the Working Group of the Permanent Committee for Development Cooperation Related to Copyright and Neighboring RightsDesignation of Members of the Working Group of the Permanent Committee for Development Cooperation Related to Industrial Property and of the Working Group of the Permanent Committee for Development Cooperation Related to Copyright and Neighboring Rights, Полная версия документа (pdf)
WO/CF/XIV/2Report of the 1997 Session of the WIPO Permanent Committee on Development Cooperation Related to Copyright and Neighboring Rights PC/CRReport of the 1997 Session of the WIPO Permanent Committee on Development Cooperation Related to Copyright and Neighboring Rights PC/CR, Полная версия документа (pdf)
WO/CF/XIV/3ReportReport, Полная версия документа (pdf)
Meeting documents