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Прошлые/будущие заседания: A/33 >> A/34 >> A/35

Ассамблеи государств-членов ВОИС: Thirty-Fourth Series of Meetings

20 сентября по 29 сентября 1999 г. (Женева, Швейцария) В очном формате

ИндексНазвание(-я)Файл (-ы)
A/34/INF/1 REV.
A/34/2 REV. - WO/PBC/1/2 REV.[Revision of Annex 10 of Document A/34/2 - WO/PBC/1/2 Draft Program and Budget for the 2000-2001 Biennium]
A/34/3[Vision and Strategic Direction of WIPO][Vision and Strategic Direction of WIPO], Полная версия документа (pdf)
A/34/4[Proposal for the Amendment of Article 9.3) of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization]
A/34/5(Report of the First Session of the Program and Budget Committee)
A/34/6[Program Performance in 1998]
A/34/7[Accounts of the l996-l997 Bieniums; Interim Financial Statement for l998; Arrears in Contributions as of July l999]
A/34/8[Status of the Payment of Contributions on September 15, 1999]
A/34/8 CORR.
A/34/9(Constitutional Reform)
A/34/10 CORR.
A/34/10 REV.
A/34/11[Designation of the Auditor]
A/34/12[Composition of the WIPO Coordination Committee]
A/34/13[Joint Resolution Concerning Provisions on the Protection of Well-Known Marks]
A/34/14(Diplomatic Conference on the Proposed Patent Law Treaty)
A/34/15[Election of the Members of the Executive Committees of the Paris and Berne Unions and Designation of the Ad Hoc Members of the WIPO Coordination Committee]
A/34/15 REV.[Election of the Members of the Executive Committees of the Paris and Berne Unions and Designation of the Ad Hoc Members of the WIPO Coordination Committee]
A/34/16(General Report)
A/34/16 PROV.
Meeting documents