其他相关会议/同期举行的会议: AB/XXIX
以前/今后会议: WO/GA/XVIII >> WO/GA/XIX >> WO/GA/XX

WIPO General Assembly

1996年9月23日 至 10月2日 (日内瓦, 瑞士) 现场

WO/GA/XIX/1Matters Concerning PremisesMatters Concerning Premises, 完整文件 (pdf)
WO/GA/XIX/2Matters Concerning the Draft Treaty for the Settlement of Disputes between States in the Field of Intellectual PropertyMatters Concerning the Draft Treaty for the Settlement of Disputes between States in the Field of Intellectual Property, 完整文件 (pdf)
WO/GA/XIX/3Matters Concerning Premises AddendumMatters Concerning Premises Addendum, 完整文件 (pdf)
WO/GA/XIX/4ReportReport, 完整文件 (pdf)
Meeting documents