其他相关会议/同期举行的会议: WO/CF/XIV, WO/GA/XXI
以前/今后会议: AB/XXX >> AB/XXXI >> A/32

Governing Bodies of WIPO & the Unions Administered by WIPO

1997年9月22日 至 10月1日 (日内瓦, 瑞士) 现场

AB/XXXI/1 PROV.2Preliminary Draft Consolidated and Annotated Agenda of the 1997 Ordinary Sessions of the Twenty-One Governing BodiesPreliminary Draft Consolidated and Annotated Agenda of the 1997 Ordinary Sessions of the Twenty-One Governing Bodies, 完整文件 (pdf)
AB/XXXI/2Accounts for the 1994-95 Biennium; Arrears of Contributions of Developing Countries; Program and Budget and Contributions for the 1998-99 BienniumAccounts for the 1994-95 Biennium; Arrears of Contributions of Developing Countries; Program and Budget and Contributions for the 1998-99 Biennium, 完整文件 (pdf)
AB/XXXI/3Designation of the AuditorDesignation of the Auditor, 完整文件 (pdf)
AB/XXXI/4Activities in the Year 1996
AB/XXXI/5Activities from January 1 to June 30, 1997; Interim Financial Statement for 1996; Status of the Payment of Contributions on July 1, 1997
AB/XXXI/6Overview of the Activities and Developments in the Year 1996 and the First Half of the Year 1997
AB/XXXI/7Election of the Members of the Executive Committees of the Paris and Berne Unions and of the WIPO Coordination Committee
AB/XXXI/10Status of the Payment of Contributions on September 15, 1997
AB/XXXI/11Activities of the WIPO Permanent Committee on Industrial Property Information (PCIPI) between July 1, 1995, and July 4, 1997
AB/XXXI/12General Report
AB/XXXI/12 CORR.Corrigendum to Document AB/XXXI/12
AB/XXXI/WG/1[Report of the Working Group on the Conditions of the Appointment of the Director General Elect]
Meeting documents