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[WIPO General Assembly]: [Thirtieth (16th Ordinary) Session]

2003年9月22日 至 10月1日 (日内瓦, 瑞士) 现场

  • 中文 ZIP
WO/GA/30/1计划和预算委员会的组成计划和预算委员会的组成, 完整文件 (doc) 计划和预算委员会的组成, 完整文件 (pdf)
WO/GA/30/2关于因特网域名的事项关于因特网域名的事项, 完整文件 (doc) 关于因特网域名的事项, 完整文件 (pdf)
WO/GA/30/3关于音像表演的外交会议关于音像表演的外交会议, 完整文件 (doc) 关于音像表演的外交会议, 完整文件 (pdf)
WO/GA/30/4联合国的决议和决定; 联合检查组的报告联合国的决议和决定; 联合检查组的报告, 文件主体 1 (doc) 联合国的决议和决定; 联合检查组的报告, 文件主体 1 (pdf) 联合国的决议和决定; 联合检查组的报告, 附件 1 (doc) 联合国的决议和决定; 联合检查组的报告, 附件 1 (pdf)
WO/GA/30/5[Matters Concerning the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore][Matters Concerning the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore], 完整文件 (doc) [Matters Concerning the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore], 完整文件 (pdf)
WO/GA/30/6[Matters Concerning the Advisory Committee on Enforcement][Matters Concerning the Advisory Committee on Enforcement], 完整文件 (pdf) [Matters Concerning the Advisory Committee on Enforcement], 文件主体 1 (doc) [Matters Concerning the Advisory Committee on Enforcement], 附件 1 (doc)
WO/GA/30/7[Convention on Biological Diversity: Disclosure Requirements Concerning Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge][Convention on Biological Diversity: Disclosure Requirements Concerning Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge], 完整文件 (doc) [Convention on Biological Diversity: Disclosure Requirements Concerning Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge], 完整文件 (pdf)
WO/GA/30/7 ADD.1[Draft Technical Study on Disclosure Requirements Related to Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge][Draft Technical Study on Disclosure Requirements Related to Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge], 完整文件 (doc)
WO/GA/30/8[Report][Report], 完整文件 (doc) [Report], 完整文件 (pdf)
Meeting documents