以前/今后会议: PCT/A/XIII >> PCT/A/XIV >> PCT/A/XV

PCT Union - Assembly

1986年9月8日 至 9月12日 (日内瓦, 瑞士) 现场

PCT/A/XIV/1EnglishAccession of Greece and Spain to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)Accession of Greece and Spain to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 完整文件 1 (doc) Accession of Greece and Spain to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 完整文件 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/XIV/2EnglishAppointment of the United States Patent and Trademark Office as an International Preliminary Examining Authority under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)Appointment of the United States Patent and Trademark Office as an International Preliminary Examining Authority under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 完整文件 1 (doc) Appointment of the United States Patent and Trademark Office as an International Preliminary Examining Authority under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 完整文件 1 (pdf)
PCT/A/XIV/3EnglishReportReport, 完整文件 (doc) Report, 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisRapportRapport, 完整文件 (doc) Rapport, 完整文件 (pdf)
Meeting documents