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Bibliography on Intellectual Property ADR

Many articles exist on the subject of arbitration and mediation of intellectual property disputes in general, and the role of the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center in particular. This section, which is updated regularly, offers a sampling of such references. It allows users to sort publications alphabetically, by date of publication, by topic, or by language.


Author Article Publication Date Topic Language
Callanan, Ella and Wollgast, Heike WIPO ADR Procedures To Resolve FRAND and SEP Disputes LES - Les Nouvelles March 2025 ADR/FRAND EN
Kato, Margarita How to Use WIPO Deal Mediation in Commercial Negotiations

Law Society of Singapore Gazette

October 2024 Mediation EN
Goh, Caleb

Amplifying Consensus – The WIPO-Singapore ASEAN Mediation Programme

Law Society of Singapore Gazette

May 2024 Mediation EN

Kwon, Ahram

WIPO Mediation for International IP Disputes (국제 지식재산 분쟁의 해결을 위한 WIPO 조정 절차에 대한 안내)

Column by Korean IP Professionals in Europe in Kyoposhinmun

February 2024 Mediation KO

Singh, Isha

Resolving Life Sciences Disputes Beyond the Courts WIPO Magazine September 2023 ADR EN

Toscano, Leandro / Suarez, Oscar / Gkoritsa, Alexia

Resolution of Video Game and eSports Disputes throught WIPO ADR:A Game Changer Kluwer Arbitration Blog July 18, 2023 ADR EN
Toscano, Leandro / Suarez, Oscar / Gkoritsa, Alexia Resolving Video Games and eSports disputes: How can WIPO Alternative Dispute Resolution options help? WIPO Magazine, May 2023 May 2023 ADR EN
de Castro, Ignacio / Wollgast, Heike / Ferland, Justine Recent Trends in WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Gunter, Pierre-Yves / Pierce, John V. H. (eds.), The Guide to IP Arbitration, 2nd edition, pp. 235-253 December 2022 ADR EN
Gulyaeva, Natalia Patent, Copyright and Trademark Disputes Global Arbitration Review December 2022 ADR EN
Kato, Margarita Arbitration and mediation: resolving patent licensing disputes in the world of standardized technology WIPO Magazine December 2022 ADR EN
Ferland, Justine Mediation for NGOs WANGO NGO Handbook December 2022 Mediation EN
Marc Labgold, Megan Labgold (Labgold Law) Should I Arbitrate My Patent Dispute? Kluwer Arbitration Blog November 29, 2022 ADR EN
INAPI-CAM Santiago-OMPI 2022 Reporte sobre Resolución de Conflictos en Materia de Propiedad Intelectual en Chile INAPI-CAM Santiago-OMPI 2022 ADR ES

Ferland, Justine

Alternative Dispute Resolution for IP Disputes: The WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center's Experience Intellectual Property Institute of Canada, April 2022 2022 ADR EN/FR
Bonadio, Enrico  / Filatova, Diana / Tanwar, Anushka The UK Call for View on Standard Essential Patents and the Case for Arbitration Kluwer Patent Blog, January 2022 2022 ADR EN

Toscano, Leandro / Suarez, Oscar

Study on the Audiovisual Legal Framework in Latin America Pilot Project on Copyright and the Distribution of Content in the Digital Environment, CDIP, WIPO, 2021 May 2021 ADR EN
Petillion, Flip / Janssen, Jan / Noesen, Diégo Guide pour la résolution alternative de conflits en matière de propriété intellectuelle

Belgian Government

February 2022 ADR FR
Suárez, Oscar Controversias de derechos de autor y el entorno digital Ámbito Jurídico (Colombia) 2021 ADR ES
Chiara Accornero / Justine Ferland WIPO Mediation and Arbitration for SMEs European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME 2021 ADR EN
World Intellectual Property Organization Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms for Business-to-Business Digital Copyright and Content-Related Disputes WIPO 2021 ADR EN
Jing He, Annie Xue and Melissa Feng (GEN Law Firm)

Could (China-based) arbitration save the FRAND rate setting game?

Competition Policy International March 29, 2021 ADR EN
South-East Asia IP SME helpdesk Guide to alternative dispute resolution in South-East Asia European Union Publications 2021 ADR EN
de Castro, Ignacio / Toscano, Leandro / Suárez Oscar Resolución alternativa de controversias en materia de propiedad intelectual Perspectiva de los de los administradores de justicia en Propiedad Intelectual en América Latina, Corte Suprema de Justicia del Paraguay / ASIPI, pp. 51-75 2021 ADR ES
Gulyaeva, Natalia Patent, Copyright and Trademark Disputes IAM 2021 ADR EN
Wollgast, Heike / Garros-Quinn, Rémi Resolving Intellectual Property and Technology Disputes Through Mediation and Arbitration Corporate Disputes Magazine, Jan-Mar 2021 2021 ADR EN
Lam, Chung Nian WIPO Guide On Alternative Dispute Resolution for Mobile Application Disputes WIPO 2020 ADR EN
Wollgast, Heike / Kato, Margarita Online mediation in IP and tech sectors Law Society Gazette 2020 Mediation EN
Fitoussi, Séverine / Garros-Quinn, Rémi INTA Roundtable — Resolving IP Disputes Through Mediation in France International Trademark Association Bulletin 2020 ADR EN
Garros-Quinn, Remi Présentation du Centre d’arbitrage et de médiation de l’OMPI Le Monde du Droit 2020 ADR FR
Palao Moreno, Guillermo Arbitraje en Contratos Internacionales de Transferencia de Tecnología Tirant lo blanch, Arbitraje 2020 ADR ES
Accornero, Chiara / Roberta Regazzoni / Marilena Losito Controversie internazionali in materia di proprietà intellettuale e tecnologia Diritto.it 2020 ADR IT
Wollgast, Heike /
Accornero, Chiara / Margarita Kato
Innovation at WIPO: spotlight on alternative dispute resolution at IP offices World Trademark Review 2020 ADR EN
Shorthose, Sally / Wollgast, Heike / Accornero, Chiara WIPO arbitration and mediation for life sciences disputes The Life Sciences Lawyer Magazine 2020 ADR EN
Wollgast, Heike / Accornero, Chiara The WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center Singapore Office – Recent Developments Law Society of Singapore Gazette 2020 ADR EN
Lim, Mark

Mediation at the new innovation frontier: how Singapore is positioning itself as the global hub for IP dispute resolution

World Trademark Review 2020 ADR EN
Nihei, Hiroko

国際知財調停の事例研究 — 実際の事件から読み取れる有用性 —

(Case Studies on International Mediation of Intellectual Property Disputes: Key Takeaways from Actual Cases)

JCA Journal 2020 ADR JP
de Castro, Ignacio / Toscano, Leandro / Bleda, Gonzalo Los mecanismos alternativos de resolución de controversias como herramienta eficaz para facilitar la solución de conflictos en la contratación de software RDYNT - Revista Derecho y Nuevas Tecnologías, Número 2, pp. 125-138 2020 ADR ES
de Castro, Ignacio / Gadkowski, Andrzej Confidentiality and Protection of Trade Secrets in Intellectual Property Mediation and Arbitration Zeiler, Gerold / Zojer, Alexander (eds.), Trade Secrets. Procedural and Substantive Issues, pp. 79-90 2020 ADR EN
de Castro, Ignacio / Wollgast, Heike / Accornero, Chiara WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center: The WIPO Rules; WIPO FRAND ADR GIAPPICHELLI, Giurisprudenza Arbitrale, le Riviste - Fascicolo 1 2018 ADR EN
Toscano, Leandro / Suárez, Oscar Métodos alternativos de solución de controversias en el mundo de las tecnologías financieras (FinTech) FINTECH: Aspectos legales, Tomo I, CDYT, Colección Derecho y Tecnología 2019 ADR ES
Wollgast, Heike / Gadkowski, Andrzej Arbitration and Mediation Center: World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law [MPEiPro] 2019 ADR EN
Wollgast, Heike / de Castro, Ignacio WIPO Mediation: Resolving International Intellectual Property and Technology Disputes Outside the Courts Titi, Catharine / Fach Gómez, Katia (eds.), Mediation in International Commercial and Investment Disputes, pp. 259-277 2019 Mediation EN
Legler, Thomas Arbitration of Intellectual Property Disputes 37 ASA Bulletin 2/2019, pp. 289-304 2019 Arbitration EN
Wollgast, Heike / de Castro, Ignacio WIPO Mediation and Arbitration Hirsch, Laurent / Imhoos, Christophe (eds.), Arbitrage, médiation et autres modes pour résoudre les conflits autrement, pp. 173-182 2018 ADR EN
Burnier, Michèle La résolution des litiges dans les foires Hirsch, Laurent / Imhoos, Christophe (eds.), Arbitrage, médiation et autres modes pour résoudre les conflits autrement, pp. 405-414 2018 ADR FR
de Castro, Ignacio / Wollgast, Heike Review of the World Intellectual Property Organization's Arbitration and Mediation Center Grigera Naón, Horacio A. / Mason, Paul E. (eds.), International Commercial Arbitration Practice: 21st Century Perspectives, Chapter 45 2018 ADR FR
Gadkowski, Andrzej Mediacja WIPO w postępowaniach toczących się przed Urzędem Patentowym RP Kwartalnik Urzędu Patentowego RP, Nr 2/2018, pp. 23-24 2018 Mediation PL
Moehler, Christine / Reudt-Demont, Janine ADR in IP disputes – with particular focus on employment matters Pestalozzi Law 2019 ADR EN
Woller, Michael / Pohl, Michaela IP Arbitration on the Rise Kluwer Arbitration Blog, June 2019 2019 ADR EN
Toscano, Leandro /
Suarez, Oscar
Métodos alternativos de solución de controversias en el mundo de las tecnologías financieras (FinTech) FinTech Blog, Centro de Tecnología y Sociedad (CETYS) de la Universidad de San Andrés 2019 ADR ES
Toscano, Leandro /
Suarez, Oscar
An expanding role for IP offices in alternative dispute resolution WIPO Magazine, 1/2019, pp. 39-43 2019 ADR EN
Feller, Claudia / Picht, Peter / Probst, Raffael / Walz, Axel / Zigann, Matthias FRAND ADR Case Management Guidelines Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper No. 18-19 2018 ADR EN
Arroyo, Manuel (ed.) The WIPO Arbitration and WIPO Expedited Arbitration Rules Arbitration in Switzerland The Practitioner’s Guide, Kluwer Law International, The Netherlands, pp. 1737-2154 2018 ADR EN
de Castro, Ignacio /
Wollgast, Heike /
Accornero, Chiara
Effective Mediation and Arbitration Clauses and Submission Agreements for Intellectual Property Disputes GRUR Int. 7/2018, pp. 645-653 2018 ADR EN
Margellos, Théophile /
Bonne, Sophia /
Humphreys, Gordon /
Stürmann, Sven (ed.)
WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center Mediation: Creating Value in International Intellectual Property Disputes, pp. 116-126 2018 ADR DE
García Vidal, Ángel La OEPM como institución mediadora y arbitral. Informe sobre las opciones de implantación y desarrollo Cátedra de Innovación y Propiedad Industrial Carlos Fernández-Nóvoa / Fundación EOI y Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (OEPM) 2018 ADR ES
Theurich, Sarah Art and Cultural Heritage Dispute Resolution WIPO Magazine, July 2009 2009 ADR EN
Theurich, Sarah Efficient Alternative Dispute Resolution in Intellectual Property WIPO Magazine, June 2009 2009 ADR EN
Leytes, Dina America's Cup – WIPO Provides Online Dispute Resolution Facility WIPO Magazine, June 2007 2007 ADR EN
WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center Resolving IP Disputes through Mediation and Arbitration WIPO Magazine, April 2006 2006 ADR EN
Ali, Arif Hyder / Baker, Mark A Cross-Comparison of Institutional Mediation Rules Dispute Resolution Journal, Vol. 57, No. 2, pp. 73-81 2002 Mediation EN
Anderson, Jane D. Alternative Dispute Resolution for Disputes Related to Intellectual Property and Traditional Knowledge, Traditional Cultural Expressions and Genetic Resources WIPO Publications, Background Brief - No. 8 2016 ADR EN
Anderson, Alan M. /
Young, Christopher A.
Why arbitration is a valid alternative Managing Intellectual Property, June 2007 2007 Arbitration EN
Anderson, Alan M. /
Young, Christopher A. /
Razavi, Bobak
International Arbitration: The Only Way to Resolve Multi-Jurisdictional Patent Disputes in a Single Forum Transnational Dispute Management, October 6, 2008 2008 Arbitration EN
Anderson, Margaret E. Intellectual Property Mediations: Special Techniques for a Special Field Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal, Vol. 3, No. 23, pp. 23-32 1994 Mediation EN
Bagner, Hans Expedited Arbitration Rules: Stockholm and WIPO Arbitration International, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 193-198 1997 Arbitration EN
Barraclough, Emma Why Mediation's Time Has Come Managing Intellectual Property, March 2014 2014 Mediation EN
Bejarano, Santiago /
Groz, Philipp / 
Lindsay, Lauren /
Toscano, Leandro
Arbitration in the Life Sciences and Pharmaceutical Sector Corporate Disputes Magazine: October-December Issue 2017, pp. 202-2016 2017 Arbitration EN
Bennet, Steven C. The Developing American Approach to Arbitrability Dispute Resolution Journal, Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 10-16 2003 Arbitration EN
Blackmand, Scott H. /
McNeill, Rebecca M.
Alternative Dispute Resolution in Commercial Intellectual Property Disputes The American University Law Review, Issue 47, pp. 1709-1734 1998 ADR EN
Blessing, Marc Objective Arbitrability - Antitrust Disputes - Intellectual Property Disputes Swiss Arbitration Association Special Series, No. 6, pp. 13-25 1994 Arbitration EN
Blessing, Marc The Conduct of Arbitral Proceedings Under the Rules of Arbitration Institutions; The WIPO Arbitration Rules in a Comparative Perspective WIPO Conference on Rules for Institutional Arbitration and Mediation, pp. 41-72 1995 Arbitration EN
Blessing, Marc The Mediation Rules of WIPO and Others: A Ticket to Paradise or Into a Better Mousetrap? WIPO Conference on Rules for Institutional Arbitration and Mediation, pp. 119-131 1995 Mediation EN
Blessing, Marc Arbitrability of Intellectual Property Disputes Arbitration International, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 191-221 1996 Arbitration EN
Block, Marc The Benefits of Alternate Dispute Resolution for International Commercial and Intellectual Property Disputes Rutgers Law Record, Vol. 44, pp. 1-20 2016 ADR EN
Böckstiegel, Karl-Heinz Perspectives of Future Development in International Arbitration. The Leading Arbitrators’ Guide to International Arbitration, 2nd Edition (Newman and Hill editors), p. 821 2008 Arbitration EN
Boog, Christopher /
Menz, James
Arbitrating IP Disputes: the 2014 WIPO Arbitration Rules Journal of Arbitration Studies, Vol. 24 No. 3, pp. 105-124 2014 Arbitration EN
Budge, John /
Wang, Dong Hui
Introduction To Arbitration And Mediation Procedures Of The PRC Les Nouvelles, Journal of the Licensing Executives Society International, Vol. XLII, No. 1, pp. 328 2007 Arbitration EN
Burchell, Katrina In Good Faith - The Growing Importance of Mediation in Intellectual Property Trademark World, No. 166, pp. 24-25 2004 Mediation EN
Canenbley, Cornelis Intellectual Property Law and EC Antitrust Law in Arbitration Swiss Arbitration Association Special Series, No. 6, pp. 164-174 1994 Arbitration EN
Caron, Christophe Brevets d'invention - Le droit des brevets d'invention est (presque) entièrement arbitrable La Semaine Juridique, Edition entreprise et affaires, No. 19, 8 mai, pp. 25-27 2008 ADR FR
Ceccon, Roberto Arbitration and Intellectual Property in the Italian Legal System Journal of International Arbitration, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 65-80 1996 Arbitration EN
Celli, Alessandro L. / Benz, Nicola Arbitration and Intellectual Property European Business Organization Law Review, No. 3, pp. 594-609 2003 Arbitration EN
Chang, Wen Also on the "Arbitrability" of Patent Infringement Disputes China Patents & Trademarks, No. 2, pp. 6-39 1996 Arbitration EN
Christophersen, Ruth Mediation ? Instrument auch für den gewerblichen Rechtsschutz? Mitteilungen der deutschen Patentanwälte, Vol. 8, pp. 343-348 2002 Mediation DE
Ciracò, Daniele Forget the Mechanics and Bring in the Gardeners: An Exploration of Mediation in Intellectual Property Disputes Canadian Intellectual Property Review, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 432-462 2002 Mediation EN
Collar Fernandez, Carmen / Spolter, Jerry International Intellectual Property Dispute Resolution: Is Mediation a Sleeping Giant? The Journal of World Intellectual Property, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 555-569 1998 ADR EN
Cook, Trevor / Garcia, Alejandro International Intellectual Property Arbitration Arbitration in Context Series, Kluwer Law International, the Netherlands 2010 Arbitration EN
da Cunha Ferreira, Gonçalo / de Castro, Ignacio / Meira Moser, Luiz Gustavo / Toscano, Leandro O Uso da Mediação para a Resolução de Disputas de Propriedade Intelectual – A Experiência Internacional. Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem, Edição Especial: Arbitragem e Mediação em Matéria de Propriedade Intelectual, pp. 36-51 2014 Mediation PT
de Castro, Ignacio / Toscano, Leandro / Gadkowski, Andrzej An Update On International Trends In Technology, Media And Telecoms Dispute Resolution, Including Intellectual Property Disputes Les Nouvelles, Journal of the Licensing Executives Society International, June 2018 2018 ADR EN
de Castro, Ignacio /
Toscano, Leandro /
Bleda, Gonzalo
Tendencias internacionales en la solución de controversias en materia de tecnología, medios de comunicación y telecomunicaciones, incluidas las controversias de propiedad intelectual RDYNT - Revista Derecho y Nuevas Tecnologías, Número 1, pp. 93-110 2017 ADR ES
de Castro, Ignacio Arbitration of Intellectual Property and Technology Disputes – Recent Developments New Developments in International Commercial Arbitration 2014, Centre de recherche sur les modes amiables et juridictionnels de gestion des conflits (CEMAJ)-Université de Neuchâtel-Schulthess, pp.43-61 2014 Arbitration EN
de Castro, Ignacio /
Chalkias, Panagiotis
WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center Arbitration World, Institutional and Jurisdictional Comparisons, Fourth Edition 2012, European Lawyer Reference Series, pp. 231-248 2012 ADR EN
de Castro, Ignacio /
Meira Moser, Luiz Gustavo
Mediação e Arbitragem de controvérsias relativas à propriedade intelectual e à tecnologia - O funcionamento do Centro de Arbitragem e Mediação da Organização Mundial da Propriedade Intelectual Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação, São Paulo, v. 38, pp. 151-179 2013 ADR PT
de Castro, Ignacio /
Schallnau, Judith
What Does it Cost to Defend Your IP Rights? WIPO Magazine, June 2013 2013 ADR EN
de Castro, Ignacio /
Schallnau, Judith /
Blaya, Alicia
Technology Transactions: Managing Risks Arising from Disputes WIPO Magazine, September 2011 2011 ADR EN
de Castro, Ignacio /
Theurich, Sarah
WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center World Arbitration Reporter, JurisNet LLC, Prof. Loukas Mistelis and Laurence Shore (eds.), Second Edition, Vol. 3, Chapter 10 2010 Arbitration EN
de Castro, Ignacio /
Theurich, Sarah
Efficient Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) for Intellectual Property Disputes Handbook of European Intellectual Property Management, Kogan Page, pp. 479-485 2009 ADR EN
de Castro, Ignacio /
Theurich, Sarah /
Hatanaka, Asako
Review of the World Intellectual Property Organization's Arbitration and Mediation Center International Commercial Arbitration Practice for the 21st Century, Horacio A. Grigera Naón and Paul E. Mason (eds.), Lexis Nexis, Chapter 45, pp. 1-22 2010 ADR EN
de Castro, Ignacio /
Toscano, Leandro
Resolution of ICT Disputes through Mediation and Arbitration Computer Law Review International, CRi 5/2012, pp. 147-153 2012 ADR EN
de Castro, Ignacio /
Toscano, Leandro /
Bleda, Gonzalo
Mediación y Arbitraje de la OMPI en materia de propiedad intelectual, tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación y franquicia. Últimas novedades Arbitraje: Revista de arbitraje comercial y de inversiones, volumen VIII 2015 ADR ES
de Castro, Ignacio /
Wollgast, Heike
WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center: New 2014 WIPO Rules; WIPO FRAND Arbitration (2014) 32 ASA Bulletin, Issue 2, pp. 286–296 2014 ADR EN
De Souza, Edson A Glance at Arbitration in Brazil Les Nouvelles, Journal of the Licensing Executives Society International, Vol. XLII, No. 1, p. 317 2007 Arbitration EN
de Werra, Jacques Arbitrating international intellectual property disputes: time to think beyond the issue of (non-)arbitrability International Business Law Journal, Vol. 3, pp. 299-317 2012 Arbitration EN
Delehanty, John Benefits of using mediation to resolve patent disputes The National Law Review, November 2013 2013 Mediation EN
Dessemontet, François Arbitrage, propriété intellectuelle et droit de la concurrence Swiss Arbitration Association Special Series, No. 6, pp. 55-97 1994 Arbitration FR
Doi, Teruo Arbitration: Law and Practice, and Proposed Legislation in Japan (I) Journal of The Japanese Group of A.I.P.P.I., Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 67-84 2003 Arbitration EN
Doi, Teruo Arbitration: Law and Practice, and Proposed Legislation in Japan (II) Journal of The Japanese Group of A.I.P.P.I., Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 147-166 2003 Arbitration EN
Donahey, M. Scott Enforcement of Injunctive Relief and Arbitration Awards Concerning Title to and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Asia and the Pacific Rim Hastings International and Comparative Law Review, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 727-737 1996 Arbitration EN
Dreyfus, David B. Confucianism and Compact Discs: Alternative Dispute Resolution and its Role in the Protection of United States Intellectual Property Rights in China Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution, Vol. 13, pp. 947-974 1998 ADR EN
Drouault-Gardrat, Paule /
Barbier, Marion
Mediation in France Les Nouvelles, Journal of the Licensing Executives Society International, Vol. XLII, No. 1, p. 335 2007 Mediation EN
Dubarry, Jean-Claude /
Loquin, Eric
L'arbitrabilité des litiges nés des brevets Revue trimestrielle de droit commercial et de droit économique, Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 293-303 1993 Arbitration FR
Fraser, John A. III Congress Should Address the Issue of Provisional Remedies for Intellectual Property Disputes Which Are Subject to Arbitration Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution, Vol. 13, pp. 505-547 1998 ADR EN
French, Hayley Mediation And Arbitration in England Les Nouvelles, Journal of the Licensing Executives Society International, Vol. XLII, No. 1, p. 333 2007 ADR EN
Frost, Ina Anne Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit im Bereich des geistigen Eigentums nach deutschem und US-amerikanischem Schiedsrecht Munich, 2001 2001 Arbitration DE
García Martínez, Elena El arbitraje y la mediación como fórmulas de resolución de los conflictos derivados del uso de la propiedad íntelectual a través de Internet Revista de Derecho Mercantil, No. 231, pp. 167-182 1999 ADR ES
García Martínez, Elena El arbitraje en propiedad intelectual: la necesidad de una inminente reforma del arbitraje especial del R.D. 479/1989, 5 de Mayo Separata de Anuario de Justicia Alternativa ? Derecho Arbitral, No.1, pp. 63-88 2001 Arbitration ES
García Martínez, Elena La tutela de transmisión digital de obras: jurisdicción, arbitraje y mediación on-line o el procedimiento administrativo de impugnación de nombres de dominio? Informática y Derecho, Vol. 2, pp. 761-783 2002 ADR ES
Gibson, Christopher Awards and Other Decisions [WIPO Arbitration Rules] The American Review of International Arbitration, Vol. 9, pp. 181-204 1998 Arbitration EN
Goldscheider, Robert The Use of Reasonable Royalties as the Measure of Damages in Arbitration and Other ADR Proceedings that Adjudicate Intellectual Property Disputes The American Review of International Arbitration, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 45-55 1995 Arbitration EN
Goldscheider, Robert The Employment of Experts in Mediating and Arbitrating Intellectual Property Disputes The American Review of International Arbitration, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 399-407 1995 ADR EN
Goldstein, Jorge A. /
Shea, Tim
Scientific Collaborations and Inventorship Disputes IP Litigator, November/December 2006, pp. 18-22 2006 ADR EN
Grantham, William The Arbitrability of International Intellectual Property Disputes Berkeley Journal of International Law, Vol.14, pp. 175-221 1996 Arbitration EN
Greenbaum, Eli Forgetting FRAND: The WIPO Model Submission Agreements Les Nouvelles, June 2015 2015 ADR EN
Groß, Michael Intellectual Property Rights and Mediation - A New Challenge or "Nice to Have"? Journal of International Dispute Resolution, No. 4, p. 147 2005 Mediation EN
Gurry, Francis The WIPO Arbitration Center and its Services WIPO Worldwide Forum on the Arbitration of Intellectual Property Disputes, pp. 323-329 1994 Arbitration EN
Gurry, Francis Objective Arbitrability - Antitrust Disputes - Intellectual Property Disputes Swiss Arbitration Association Special Series, No. 6, pp. 110-120 1994 Arbitration EN
Gurry, Francis Introduction [Information about the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center] The American Review of International Arbitration, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 1-5 1994 ADR EN
Gurry, Francis The WIPO Arbitration Center and its Services The American Review of International Arbitration, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 197-201 1994 Arbitration EN
Gurry, Francis Fees and Costs [WIPO Arbitration Rules] WIPO Conference on Rules for Institutional Arbitration and Mediation, pp. 91-102 1995 Arbitration EN
Gurry, Francis The Commencement of Arbitral Proceedings [WIPO Arbitration Rules] WIPO Conference on Rules for Institutional Arbitration and Mediation, pp. 11-16 1995 Arbitration EN
Gurry, Francis Confidentiality in Mediation WIPO Conference on Mediation, pp. 37-51 1996 Mediation EN
Gurry, Francis The Dispute Resolution Services of the World Intellectual Property Organization. Journal of International Economic Law, pp. 385-398 1999 ADR EN
Hanotiau, Bernard Objective Arbitrability, its Limits, its Problem Areas Swiss Arbitration Association Special Series, pp. 26-43 1994 Arbitration EN
Hanotiau, Bernard L'arbitrabilité des litiges de propriété intellectuelle: une analyse comparative ASA Bulletin 1, No. 3, pp. 3-15 2003 Arbitration FR
Herrmann, Gerald The Arbitral Decision [WIPO Arbitration Rules] WIPO Conference on Rules for Institutional Arbitration and Mediation, pp. 83-89 1995 Arbitration EN
Hoffmann, Julia International Arbitration of Cross-Border IP Disputes Journal of the Intellectual Property Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc., pp. 26-33 2006 Arbitration EN
Holzner, Nelson Die objektive Schiedsfähigkeit von Immaterialgüterrechtsstreitigkeiten Die objektive Schiedsfähigkeit von Immaterialgüterrechtsstreitigkeiten 2001 ADR DE
Horn, Maxine Creative Barcode WIPO Magazine, August 2011 2011 ADR EN
Horning, Richard Allan Interim Measures of Protection; Security for Claims and Costs; and Commentary on the WIPO Emergency Relief Rules The American Review of International Arbitration, Vol. 9, pp. 155-176 1998 ADR EN
Hwang, Michael /
Lee, May Ling
Confidentiality in Arbitration - The Criteria Adopted by Institutions Singapore Institute of Arbitrators Newsletter, No. 2, pp. 3-7 2005 Arbitration EN
Iimura, Toshiaki In-Court and Out-of-Court Settlement of Intellectual Property Rights Disputes Presented at SOFTIC Symposium, www.softic.or.jp 2002 ADR EN
International Dispute Resolution Survey Pre-empting and Resolving Technology, Media and Telecoms Disputes School of International Arbitration of Queen Mary Univeristy of London, Pinsent Masons 2016 ADR EN
ITU, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau Understanding patents, competition & standardization in an interconnected world ITU, 2014 2014 ADR EN
Japan Intellectual Property Association Study of Japanese Perspective on IP/ADR (Mediation and Arbitration) Intellectual Property Management, Vol. 53, No. 6, pp. 913-925 2003 ADR EN
Jeftha, Alan Arbitrating IP in South Africa Managing Intellectual Property, Vol. 3, Issue 37, pp. 14-15 1994 Arbitration EN
Joppich, Brigitte Alternative Dispute Resolution under WIPO Rules for TV Format Protection Right Issues The original article was published in German with the title "Fernsehformatstreitigkeiten und alternative Streitbeilegung" in GRUR-Prax 2010, 213. The publication of the English translation of the article on this website has been kindly authorized by the author and the publisher GRUR-Prax. 2010 ADR EN
Kaboth, Daniel Das Schlichtungs- und Schiedsverfahren der Weltorganisation fur geistiges Eigentum (WIPO) Frankfurt am Main, 2000 2000 ADR DE
Kadhim, Noor Agreeing on how to disagree: Arbitration and other Alternative Resolution Methods for Art and Cultural Heritage Disputes The International Journal of Arbitration, Mediation and Dispute Management, 80 Arbitration, Issue 3 2008 ADR EN
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Konishi, Kei Mediation/Arbitration Under Japanese Law Les Nouvelles, Journal of the Licensing Executives Society International, Vol. XLII, No. 1, p. 337 2007 ADR EN
Kortian, Khajaque Mediation And Arbitration Of Intellectual Property Disputes in Australia Les Nouvelles, Journal of the Licensing Executives Society International, Vol. XLII, No. 1, p. 315 2007 ADR EN
Kreindler, Richard H. Arbitration: A Creative Alternative to Intellectual Property Litigation in Light of Two Recent U.S. Supreme Court Decisions World Arbitration and Mediation Report, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 13-17 1998 Arbitration EN
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Lew, Julian D.M. ICC Working Party on Intellectual Property Disputes and Arbitration Swiss Arbitration Association Special Series, No. 6, pp. 44-54 1994 Arbitration EN
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Nelson, Robert /
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Niblett, Bryan The Arbitration of Intellectual Property Disputes WIPO Worldwide Forum on the Arbitration of Intellectual Property Disputes, pp. 197-202 1994 Arbitration EN
Niblett, Bryan The Arbitration of Intellectual Property Disputes The American Review of International Arbitration, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 117-120 1994 Arbitration EN
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Pagenberg, Jochen The Arbitrability of Intellectual Property Disputes in Germany WIPO Worldwide Forum on the Arbitration of Intellectual Property Disputes, pp. 81-94 1994 Arbitration EN
Pagenberg, Jochen The Arbitrability of Intellectual Property Disputes in Germany The American Review of International Arbitration, Vol. 5, No.1, pp. 44-53 1994 Arbitration EN
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Park, Eun A (Jessica) Alternative Dispute Resolution of Patent and Technology Disputes through the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center WIPO중재조정센터를 통한 특허 및 기술 분쟁의 소송 외 해결, SEP Inside, Vol. 5, pp. 64-69 2015 ADR KR
Park, Eun A (Jessica) Alternative Dispute Resolution of Intellectual Property and Technology Disputes through the WIPO Center 지식재산 및 기술 분야에서의 국제 분쟁: WIPO센터를 통한 대체적 분쟁 해결, Arbitration Journal Vol. 341, pp. 56-61 2014 ADR KR
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Paulsson, Jan The WIPO Expedited Arbitration Rules: Fast-Track Arbitration WIPO Conference on Rules for Institutional Arbitration and Mediation, pp. 113-116 1995 Arbitration EN
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Schalkwijk, Piet /
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