Country / Territory Code |
.BR |
Country / Territory Name |
Brazil |
Whois Search |
Whois Search |
Dispute Resolution Policy |
Variation of UDRPRelevant differences between the UDRP and the .BR PolicyWhereas the UDRP is limited to the protection of trademark rights, under the .BR Policy a complainant may rely on:
The complainant does not have to demonstrate that the respondent lacks rights or legitimate interests in the disputed domain name, but the respondent may invoke rights or legitimate interests in the disputed domain name in its defense It is sufficient for the complainant to prove that either registration or subsequent use of the disputed domain name is in bad faith, whereas the UDRP requires the complainant to prove both elements Portuguese Courts of Brazil If the complaint is filed by an authorized representative of the complainant, it is necessary to submit a power of attorney The .BR Policy applies to all domain names registered after October 1, 2010 The Registry will implement a panel decision to transfer or cancel a domain name after 15 business days (as opposed to 10 business days under the UDRP), if the Registry does not receive documentation from one the parties regarding a court action or arbitration proceeding |
Procedural Rules |
Variation of UDRP |
WIPO Model Pleadings |
Fees |
[New reduced Fees apply as of December 11, 2017] |
WIPO Experts |
WIPO Experts |
Domain Registry |
Registration Agreement |
Eligibility Criteria |
Registration of .BR domain names is available for individuals and entities registered in Brazil through the Ministry of Finance (“Ministério da Fazenda”) Foreign entities may register .BR domain names, as long as they have a proxy legally established in Brazil who is registered in the’s system |
Supported characters |
.BR domain names support ASCII and IDN characters |
Decisions |
While every effort is made to provide up-to-date information, part of the content of this page comes from third-party sources and may not be accurate at all times. For any queries about this page or about WIPO’s domain name dispute resolution services more generally, please contact
WIPO Toolkit
- WIPO Model Complaint
- WIPO Model Response
- Schedule of Fees
- Guide to WIPO Services for the .BR ccTLD (recorded webinar in Portuguese and English)