(decided cases by percentage)
Category | Percentage of Cases |
Banking and Finance | 11.22% |
Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals | 9.77% |
Retail | 9.70% |
Internet and IT | 9.67% |
Fashion | 8.64% |
Other | 7.55% |
Heavy Industry and Machinery | 6.44% |
Food, Beverages and Restaurants | 6.08% |
Entertainment | 5.59% |
Hotels and Travel | 3.84% |
Media and Publishing | 3.80% |
Electronics | 3.79% |
Automobiles | 3.48% |
Transportation | 2.91% |
Insurance | 2.43% |
Telecom | 2.01% |
Sports | 1.60% |
Luxury Items | 1.49% |