Schedule of Fees for WIPO Mediation and Expedited Arbitration for Film and Media
(All amounts are in United States dollars)
Type of Fee | Amount in Dispute | Mediation | Expedited Arbitration |
Administration Fee | Up to $ 2.5 M | $ 250 | $ 1,000 |
Over $ 2.5 M | $ 500 | $ 2,000 | |
Mediator and/or Arbitrator Fees | Up to $ 2.5 M | $ 300 per hour, capped at a maximum of $ 10,000. (*) | $ 300 per hour, capped at a maximum of $ 20,000. (*) |
Over $ 2.5 M | $ 300 per hour, capped at a maximum of $ 20,000. (*) | $ 300 per hour, capped at a maximum of $ 40,000. (*) |
(*) Indicative rates unless otherwise agreed by the Center in consultation with the parties and the mediator or arbitrator.
1. The Center may set-off all or part of the administration fees paid to it in connection with a WIPO mediation or a WIPO expert determination against the administration fees payable to the Center in connection with a WIPO expedited arbitration regarding the same dispute.
2. In exceptional circumstances, based on such factors as the amounts in dispute, the number of parties, the complexity of the dispute and the status and any special qualifications required of the mediator or arbitrator, and subject to the parties’ agreement, the Center may propose to the parties a rate and a maximum cap for the mediator’s or arbitrator’s fees different from those mentioned in the applicable Schedule of Fees.
3. A mediator or arbitrator shall be required to maintain a detailed and accurate record of the work done and the time spent on the mediation or arbitration. Following the termination of the mediation or arbitration, a copy of such records shall be provided to the parties and the Center, together with the mediator or arbitrator’s invoice.
4. After consulting with the parties and the mediator or the arbitral tribunal, the Center shall determine the final amount to be paid to the mediator or arbitrator, taking into consideration the hourly or daily rates and maximum rates and other factors such as the complexity of the subject matter of the dispute and of the mediation or the arbitration, the total time spend by the mediator or the arbitrator, the diligence of the mediator or the arbitral tribunal and the rapidity of the mediation or arbitration proceedings.
5. For the purposes of calculating the costs of the mediation or arbitration, the amount of claims expressed in currencies other than United States dollars shall be converted if necessary to amounts expressed in United States dollars on the basis of the official United Nations exchange rate prevailing on the date of payment.
6. For the purpose of calculating the arbitrators’ fees, the value of any counterclaim should be added to the amount of the claim.
7. A 25% reduction on the Center’s administration fees applies if a party (or both parties) to the dispute is (are) named as applicant or inventor in a published PCT application, holders of international registrations under the Hague system or the Madrid system, or WIPO Green technology providers or seekers.