Urmatorul tabel de taxe va fi aplicabil in legatura cu orice procedura administrativa legata de nume de domenii care va fi administrata de catre Centru de Arbitraj si Mediere OMPI ("Centrul") in conformitate cu Regulile de Solutionare Alternativa a Disputelor privind domeniile .eu ("Regulile ADR").
Numarul de Nume de Domenii incluse in Plangere | (EURO) |
1 la 5 |
1300 EURO [Arbitru: 900 EURO; Centrul OMPI: 400 EURO] |
6 la 10 |
1600 EURO [Arbitru: 1100 EURO; Centrul OMPI: 500 EURO] |
Mai multe de 10 |
Urmeaza sa fie decis in urma consultarii cu Centrul OMPI |
Numarul de Nume de Domenii incluse in Plangere | (EURO) |
1 la 5 |
3100 EURO [Arbitru Presedinte: 1200 EURO; Co-Arbitru: 600 EURO; Centrul OMPI: 700 EURO] |
6 la 10 |
4000 EURO [Arbitru Presedinte: 1500 EURO; Co-Arbitru: 800 EURO; Centrul OMPI: 900 EURO] |
Mai multe de 10 |
Urmeaza sa fie decis in urma consultarii cu Centrul OMPI |
Solicitarea Reclamantului de a schimba Limba Procedurii ADR | Contestatia Reclamantului cu privire la masura anularii Plangerii |
Arbitru Unic 500 EURO | Arbitru Unic 500 EURO |
Taxa consta dintr-o suma care va fi retinuta de Centrul OMPI ca o taxa administrativa si o suma care se plateste Arbitrului.
Platile cu cec sau in numerar nu vor fi acceptate. Cecurile vor fi returnate expeditorului.
Toate taxele bancare, costurile de transfer sau alte sume care ar putea fi percepute in legatura cu o plata efectuata Centrului OMPI vor fi suportate de catre partea care efectueaza plata.
***Important/Action Required***
New WIPO PAY Service
From June 26, payments for all WIPO domain name cases must now be made via the new WIPO PAY facility. This streamlined system allows online payment and viewing of pending financial transactions with WIPO. WIPO PAY is secure and encrypted, and has a number of advantages, including one-click payment (with confirmation by email), the possibility to pay several transactions at once, and a “live” view of all payments across WIPO services.
Action Required Before Use
WIPO PAY requires you to Create a WIPO Account which is a simple process, taking only a couple of minutes, and only has to be done once, ahead of using WIPO PAY for the first time. WIPO Account FAQs.
Once your WIPO Account has been set up, payments can be made via the blue “Pay” button (activate as of June 26) on the Center’s domain name Fees Page. Clicking the “Pay” button will prompt you to authenticate your WIPO Account; you will then be directed to the Center’s payment page, including the payment form to be completed. As before, once the form has been completed and submitted, you will be redirected to the secure payment facility.
Modes of Payment
Payments can be made by credit card, bank transfer, PayPal, or via your WIPO Current Account. (The WIPO Current Account is designed for those carrying out frequent transactions with WIPO. Learn more about the Current Account at WIPO, including how to open one.)
WIPO does not retain sensitive financial payment-related data.
Further Information
Stay tuned for further information including FAQs.