Hague Information Notices 

Our information notices provide you with detailed information on important Hague System developments, including new Members, declarations, changes in fees, and amendments to the legal framework.
Notices published since April 1, 2010 only are available in Spanish.

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Hague Notices – Information Notices and updates on developments in the Hague System.

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5 مارس 2012 Level of the standard designation fee concerning international applications: Bulgaria (HAGUE/2012/4)
5 مارس 2012 Declarations under Articles 7(2), 11(1)(b) and 14(3)(a) of the 1999 Act and Rule 36(1) of the Common Regulations: Bulgaria (HAGUE/2012/3)
6 فبراير 2012 Accession to the 1999 Act: Tajikistan (HAGUE/2012/2)
3 فبراير 2012 WIPO International Designs Web Statistics (HAGUE/2012/1)