World IP Day 2001 - Activity Reports

The following is a selection of events planned by various countries, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations in observance of World Intellectual Property Day.


1) The National Copyright Agency celebrated World IP Day in a joint effort with the Patent Office. Many famous writers, composers, performers, innovators, and government representatives attended the celebration.

Australia (

1) On Word Intellectual Property Day, IP Australia formally launched Australia's new second tier patent system, the innovation patent. The IP Day theme "Creating the Future Today" was incorporated into presentations as it is most relevant to the innovation of patents.


1) The World IP Day message and information material is presented in the public area of the Austrian Patent Office.

2) The Austrian Patent Office has created a link from their homepage to WIPO's announcement of the event.


1) The Ministry of Industries has issued two messages acknowledging the importance of invention and innovative creativity to improve living conditions.


1) Organized a workshop for comedians and humorists.

2) Announced the essay competition in the copyright office and the ministry and sent a copy to the Rector of the National University of Benin.

3) Published the WIPO message in two local papers.


1) Published the WIPO message in the national newspaper.


1) Created its own IP Day poster with WIPO's message in Bulgarian, which they distributed in libraries, academic institutions, and public places.

2) On April 26: Presentation of awards to the 3 best inventors of the year at a ceremony with various government officials in attendance.

3) Activities under the NFAP took place during the week.

4) The Publishers' Association organized an exhibition on the 23rd, the Bulgarian Copyright Day, and announced that Copyright Day would be merged with World IP Day.

5) Collective management societies organized a concert on IP Day, read out the WIPO message before the concert, and showed WIPO's multimedia productions. A number of theaters dedicated their performances of the evening to IP Day.


1) Held a joint meeting between the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism and the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture on April 25 to exchange information on intellectual property.

2) Organized activities to build awareness and promote the importance of intellectual property to social economic development.

3) Broadcast the WIPO message and answered questions on the national radio and television.


1) Had open doors days on April 24 and 25 in the Ministry of Industrial and Commercial Development.

2) Had radio and television announcements from April 23 to 25.

3) At the celebration of World IP Day on April 26, the Secretary of State stressed the importance of intellectual property to economic, social and cultural development.

China (

1) Campaign to promote intellectual property awareness among the youth of the country. Campaign slogan: "Promote ourselves into invention and innovation, respect and protect intellectual property."

2) National 100-Question Intellectual Property Quiz. Questions were published in China Intellectual Property News, People's Daily and Legal News in January 2001. An award ceremony was held on April 26, World Intellectual Property Day.

3) National Youth Invention and Innovation Television Contest. Patent applications by outstanding young inventors will be displayed and broadcast on Channel 1, 4 and 7 of the China Central Television (CCTV) during some 100 time intervals between February and June 2001. A special 100-minute program will be televised on June 1, 2001.

4) Intellectual Property Publicity Month. Intellectual property offices around the country will organize special awareness events throughout April 2001.

5) April 26 - World Intellectual Property Day Theme Evening Show. CCTV broadcasted a special show to promote intellectual property awareness.

6) Talk Show - Tell As It is - on CCTV on April 26.

7) Press Conference with participation from the Information Office of the State Council, and national authorities responsible for trademarks and copyright.

8) Editorial in the People's Daily.

9) Intellectual property related poster campaign.

Costa Rica

1) Has issued a statement on World IP Day with an invitation to participate in the WIPO essay competition.

2) Published articles in La Nacion, La Prensa Libre, and La Republica.

3) Displayed the WIPO message and posters from SEICA in the National Registry and other institutions.

4) Broadcast the WIPO message and the essay competition on radio and television.


1) Held a meeting entitled "Creating the Future Today" and had special publications prepared to mark the event.


1) Held a joint CENDA/ADCAM meeting on the 23rd and a ballet première in the evening.

2) Held various seminars on the 24th and 25th.

3) Participated in the presentation of Master degrees in Management of Intellectual Property on the 26th and had a presentation of classical music in the evening.

Dominican Republic

1) Published WIPO's message in the morning and evening papers along with a message from the National Copyright Office (ONDA) and the National Industrial Property Office on IPR.

2) Broadcasted the joint message on April 26 at the 4th International Book Fair (from April 23 - May 6).

3) The ONDA has a stand at the fair and will hold a number of copyright-related activities and distribute a leaflet with the joint message along with educational brochures on the role of the ONDA and the importance of respecting copyright.

El Salvador

1) Held ceremony on April 23 in recognition of literary and artistic achievements.

2) Held a conference on intellectual property on April 25.

3) On April 26: A joint conference with Dr. José Matías Delgado University and SIECA is planned on the theme "New Challenges in Intellectual Property in the 21st Century." The WIPO message was read at the conference.

4) On April 27: A closing ceremony is planned for the Copyright and Literary Week.

Estonia (

1) Held an exhibition and seminar on IP at the Tallinn Centre of Engineering and Science and release two new publications entitled "Invention and Patent Claims" and "Acts on Legal Protection of Industrial Property" which were dedicated to World IP Day.

2) Will have an open doors day at the Estonian Patent Office on April 26.

3) Has posted WIPO's message on their website.


1) Displayed the contents of the WIPO CD and had presentations on the status of intellectual property protection in Ethiopia, namely, copyright, patent and trade mark protection by experts from the Science and Technology Commission, the Ministry of Trade and Industry and the Minstry of information and culture.

2) Sample demonstration of inventions and industrial designs protected in Ethiopia. Seven protected inventions and industrial designs were displayed and the title holders explained their works, the achievements made, and the problems faced.

3) Held discussions on intellectual property issues and reccommendations were made in the promotion of intellectual property, and encouraging and supporting local inventors and authors.

4) Mr. Asrat Bulbula, Commisioner of Science and Technology, made a speech which was followed by the reading of the WIPO IP Day statement.

Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) (

1) The EAPO published WIPO's IP Day message on its web site along with a greeting from the EAPO President Dr. Victor Blinnikov.

Germany (

1) The Patent and Trade Mark Office will publish the message "Creating the Future Today" in German on their website.


1) The government issued a diploma in favor of WIPO in recognition for the cooperation that WIPO lends in the area of promotion and protection of intellectual property.

Indonesia (

1) Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights on April 23, 2001 in Jakarta. Expected attendance was 200 participants. Seminar was expected to be opened by the Minister of Justice and Human Rights.

2) National Roving Seminar on Innovation on April 24-May 1, 2001 in Jakarta, Bandung, and Surabaya. Expected attendance at each session is 150 participants. Jakarta seminar was opened by the State Minister for Research and Technology.

3) Award Ceremony on April 26 at the Presidential Palace. WIPO offered two awards in recognition of the Best Inventor of the Year and the Best Author of the Year.

4) Organized an exhibition to raise awareness of intellectual property from April 23-26, 2001.

Ireland (

1) Have displayed posters relating to the World IP Day in the Patents Office.

2) The Irish Patents Office and Department of Enterprise, Trade & Employment ( have both announced the first World IP Day on their websites with links to WIPO's website for the international essay competition and the WIPO message.

Islamic Republic of Iran

1) Held a workshop on IP rights on the eve of April 26, displayed the WIPO message and posters during the workshop.

2) Had a radio and television interview of the Deputy Head of the Judiciary and Head of the State Organization for Registration of Deeds and Properties.


1) Will launch an essay competition in high schools.

2) On April 26: published a feature on IPR with WIPO's message in the local paper.

Japan (

1) April 18 is traditionally observed as Invention Day in Japan. The Japanese Patent Office (JPO) held events to praise those who had given distinguished services in the field of intellectual property as well as to encourage inventive activities and commercialization of inventions.

2) The JPO is widely distributing the WIPO message "Creating the Furture Today" via their website.


1) Celebrated World IP Day on April 26 with an exhibition of inventions and musical performances at the Nilafatso Skills Centre.


1) Held the 4th Baltic Conference on Industrial Property on April 26-27 in Vilnius.

2) Celebrated the 10th anniversary of the State Patent Bureau.

3) Held the 2nd meeting for the heads of Baltic & Nordic patent offices on April 27.

4) Held an exhibition on intellectual property protection at the Lithuania Technical Library from April 12-27.


1) Awards to outstanding inventors who exhibited at the first National Inventions and Innovations Fair held in September 2000. At a ceremony in Bamako on April 26, 2001, WIPO Awards were presented to the best inventor from Mali in 2000 as well as the best woman inventor and the best young inventor.

2) Broadcast of a film on inventors.

3) Organized visit to a company that is making good use of the intellectual property system on April 26, 2001.

4) Media interviews of people who have successfully used the intellectual property system.


1) Organized a conference in the auditorium of the National Copyright Institute.

2) Published a poster announcing the conference and IP Day.

Morocco (BMDA)

1) Organized an exhibition of BMDA posters from the 25th to 30th and held conference on BMDA activities.

2) Had Radio and television broadcasts with a statement from the head of the BMDA about WIPO's message on the 26th.

3) Sent WIPO's message to the local press agency.


1) The Minister of State for Industry, Commerce and Supplies issued a radio message on April 26.

2) Held a celebration ceremony.

3) Published and broadcasted information on World IP Day. A talk program was organized in the Department of Industries.

New Zealand (

1) the New Zealand Intellectual Property has issued press releases on World IP day to the media nationwide, including print, radio and television. The press release was placed on the IPONZ website and the Ministry of Economic Development's intranet site;

2) the General Manager of IPONZ was interviewed by the local newspaper, which is printing an article on IPONZ and World IP Day.

3) IPONZ placed an advertisement in that newspaper regarding World IP Day and invited people to attend an exhibition at a local shopping mall on World IP Day.


1) Held an exhibition in the intellectual property registry (MIFIC) in Managua.


1) Published WIPO's message in a special supplement in a local paper.

Philippines (

1) Conducted simultaneous anti-piracy enforcement of IPR through raids from April 2-30.

2) From April 15-30 had nationwide TV broadcasts 4 times daily.

3) On April 23 held a briefing and dialogue on IP issues.

4) On April 26: will have a newspaper supplement published and had a tour of the IP office, the launch of a CD-ROM on IP enforcement and a new publication concerning IP as well as an essay writing competition.


1) The Copyright Office launched a series of raids on shops selling illegal software and audiovisual in Doha to coincide with IP Day.

2) Qatar TV and Broadcasting Service interviewed the head of the CR Office about IP the aspects of law in Qatar.

3) Using a steamroller the CR Office destroyed over 50,000 pirated items seized in the raids.

Republic of Moldova (

1) Disseminated WIPO's message along with a message from the State Agency on Industrial Property Protection (AGEPI).

2) Had seminars on IP in high education institutions.

3) Had briefings and express training courses for mass-media representatives.

4) Held promotional activities, seminars, and workshops to raise awareness in research and development institutions and industry.


1) Organized three seminars on the protection of intellectual property from April 25-30 and disseminated WIPO's message in conjunction with the events.

Russian Federation

1) Published the WIPO message in the ROSPATENT News along with a similar message from the Director General of the office.


1) Held a seminar for college students and the staff of the Registry presented papers on trademarks, industrial designs, patents, and copyright.

Saudi Arabia

1) Had a number of articles published in the local papers.

Slovak Republic

1) Published WIPO's message in Slovak on their web site.

2) Held a press conference at which IP day was announced.

3) Held a conference on intellectual property and published the program on the web.

4) Organized an open doors day in IP office.

Sri Lanka

1) Dedicated a television program to the event.

2) Delivered a lecture at the University of Colombo.


1) Organized a seminar, an exhibition, and a workshop on April 25-26 and held the Thailand Innovation Awards 2001 on April 28-29.

2) The Director General of the Department of Intellectual Property issued a message acknowledging the importance of inventors and authors to the well being of mankind.


1) Held a series of workshops for World IP Day.

2) Awarded, for the first time, a diploma of merit to a person or institution that has defended and protected literary and artistic rights.

Trinidad and Tobago

1) On April 20, Mr. Richard Aching of the Intellectual Property Office made an appearance on TV6 Morning Edition to highlight the activities for intellectual property week and a presentation was made in the main library of the University of the West Indies (UWI).

2) There were press advertisements in all three daily papers on Sunday, April 22.

3) In the morning of April 23, a special presentation was made to the IP office staff. In the afternoon, speakers will address steelpan enthusiasts on patents.

4) On April 24, on T&T This Morning, Mr. Richard Aching highlighted activities for IP week. The IPO staff held a morning session on Internet fraud and, in the afternoon, the IPO made a presentation to video club owners.

5) IP Day was officially launched at 3pm on April 25. This was followed by an invitation to guests and to the press to view a mini exhibit at Cabildo Chambers.

6) On April 26, Minister Gillian Lucky made an appearance on TV6 Morning Edition to elaborate on intellectual property and the significance of the events. There was a public exhibition on Brian Lara Promenade.

7) An introductory lecture on IP, focussing on patents, was held at the John Donaldson Technical Institute on April 27. A special presentation on e-commerce, patent information services, and the future automation of the IPO was presented to IP practitioners.


1) The United Nations Information Center in Tunisia issued a publication on WIPO and its activities entitled "Journée internationale de la propriété intellectuelle".

2) The Minister of Culture issued a statement on the importance of creating and creators in society. The event received wide press coverage.

Turkey (

1) Lectures, seminars, courses, and awareness programs were on the agenda for World IP Day.

Ukraine (

1) A conference on the role of intellectual property in economic and cultural development in Ukraine took place on April 20. The winners of "Invention 2000" received WIPO medals at the conference.

2) The government in cooperation with Tavria Association of Intellectual Property will organized a conference dedicated to the first World Intellectual Property Day on April 27.


1) Organized the an exhibition entitled "Intellectual Property Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow."

2) Organized a quiz, "Patent Knowledge," with award and prizes for the winners.

Viet Nam

1) Planned mass media dissemination of WIPO's message in Vietnamese on April 26 along with a message from the National Office of Industrial Property (NOIP).

2) Made a broadcast on the national television news and broadcasted a 30 minute film on the protection of IPR.

3) Translated WIPO leaflets and distributed them nationwide.

4) Worked out a detailed plan with the Minsitry of Education and Training for promoting WIPO's essay competition.

World Trade Organization (

1) The WTO has announced the first World Intellectual Property Day on its website and has included links to WIPO.

Association of American Publishers

1) Issued the following statement in support of the event:


Washington, DC, April 26, 2001: American publishers joined with colleagues all over the world today in celebrating the creative and economic contribution of authors, artists, and other innovators, marking the first observance of World Intellectual Property Day. The date of the celebration was chosen by the members states of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The Convention which established WIPO entered into force on April 26, 1970.

Former Congresswoman Pat Schroeder, President and CEO of the Association of American Publishers, said: "The celebration is meant to call attention to the ways in which creative endeavor enriches our lives, eases our work, and feeds our spirit." Mrs. Schroeder pointed out that the theme of this year's celebration--"Creating the Future Today"-- is particularly significant for Americans. "The industries built on intellectual property-especially copyright-power the U.S. economy in terms of jobs, productivity, and international trade. Since 1977 these industries have grown at double the rate of the rest of the U.S. economy," she said.

Mrs. Schroeder welcomed the recent adoption of the European Copyright Directive, and urged those nations, which have not yet ratified the two most recent WIPO copyright treaties to do so quickly. " We can continue to prosper in the information age only so long as we are willing and able to protect and nurture creativity through a strong international framework of intellectual property rights," she said.

The Association of American Publishers is the national trade association of the U.S. book publishing industry. AAP's approximately 300 members include most of the major commercial book publishers in the United States, as well as smaller and non-profit publishers, university presses and scholarly societies. AAP members publish hardcover and paperback books in every field and a range of educational materials for the elementary, secondary, post-secondary and professional markets. Members of the Association also produce computer software and electronic products and services. The protection of intellectual property rights is all media, at home and abroad, is one of the Association's primary concerns.

International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) (

1) The IFG issued a media release in support of WIPO:

Journalists around the world today welcomed the launching of the first World Intellectual Property Day (April 26) and said the campaign to secure authors' rights would be strengthened in the coming months.

The IFA, the world's largest journalists' group, says that the creation of a special day by WIPO, the United Nations copyright agency, marks long overdue recognition of the contribution of authors and creators to daily life.

"High protection of authors' rights guarantees quality, ensures diversity and enhances press freedom," said the IFJ. "But this is not universally recognized and governments must do more to secure creators' rights, in particular moral rights. Above all, we need a universal culture of creativity which is the driving force behind this special day for authors."

International Labour Organization (ILO) (

1) The ILO Director General Mr. Juan Somavia has issued the following message in support of World IP Day.

On this first World Intellectual Property Day, 26 April 2001, the International Labour Office joins the World Intellectual Property Organization in saluting innovators and artists everywhere who shape how we work, how we spend our leisure time and how we chart our future through their inventions, works of art and entertainment, and other fruits of the human mind.

Such creativity best flourishes when writers, performers, inventors and others can operate in an environment which encourages and supports their intellectual achievements, and when they can engage in constructive partnerships with those who can help to bring their work to a wide public. Employers, workers and governments all have a role to play in this process. The ILO is committed to doing its part to support that universal creativity which must underpin social progress.

International Publisher's Association (

1) IPA has written to its member associations, communicating both WIPO and IPA messages, and encouraging them to celebrate the World Intellectual Property Day.

2) Posting of a message (below) in support of the first World Intellectual Property Day

The International Publishers Association warmly welcomes the celebration of the first World Intellectual Property Day - "Creating the Future Today" - on April 26, 2001 as a way to pay tribute to authors, artists and creators, who are among the main contributors to the economic, social and cultural developments of societies everywhere in the world. This enrichment is however possible only if the work of their minds is duly protected. The primary mission of IPA is the defense of copyright following the motto: "Respect copyright, encourage creativity".

On the occasion of the first World Intellectual Property Day, a delegation of the African Publishers Network (APNET), one of IPA's regional affiliate members, met with WIPO Officials from the Global Intellectual Property Issues and Cooperation for Development divisions.

IPA has written to its 77 member associations in 66 countries to encourage a celebration of the World Intellectual Property Day and will gather information about events organized by publishers associations on its website (

Secretaría de Integración Económica Centroamericana (SEICA)

1) Published two posters.

The Secretariat of the League of Arab States

Published the following declaration concerning the first World IP day:

The Secretariat of the League of Arab States joins the World Intellectual Property Organization and the International Community in celebrating the first World Intellectual Property Day under the slogan "creating the future today" and avails itself of this opportunity to confirm that creation is an individual act that is incomplete without benefiting the community. It is essentially a social activity that serves human welfare. The assets of such activity should be thus highlighted and disseminated while controlling, at the same time, abusive acts.

Together with human aspiration to more knowledge, the growing increase in creations and innovations sustained by accumulation and development of knowledge, must give hope for a better future.

Thus, to achieve progress of all mankind, it is of paramount importance to foster creativity and protect the rights of creators.

Thanks to human genius, time and place barriers are being removed and secrets of the universe unfathomed. However, such achievements will be in vain if the progress cleavage in this global village is not reduced and collective responsibility for a common future thus acknowledged.

United Nations (New York)

1) Issued a press release and a statement announcing the Day.

2) On April 26 the Daily Highlights announced the event in English and French.

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