March 24, 2022
A training workshop for patent examiners of Department of Patents, Designs and Trademarks (DPDT) Ministry of Industries of Bangladesh took place from March 13 to 16, 2022, online, with the assistance of the Japan Patent Office (JPO).
The objective of the workshop was to develop skills of the DPDT’s staff with respect to utilizing examination work-products. Work-sharing that leverages on examination work done by other offices while observing the specifics of the national legal framework, is an extremely efficient and effective approach for offices with limited examination resources.
During the workshop, participants learned in particular how to research patent family information, analyze examination status in different national phases, and retrieve and compare citation and dossier information of family members.
This online workshop was organized as an introductory training for DPDT’s staff to properly prepare for the onsite training later once the pandemic situation permits.