September 1, 2022
In 2022, WIPO conducted a research on the IP Education textbook for young people, “HOW TO EXPLORE IDEAS,” to review and improve the textbook and find the better use of it with support from the Funds-In-Trust Japan Industrial Property Global (FIT/Japan IP Global).
In the past, the WIPO Japan Office (WJO) published an IP education textbook for young people, “HOW TO EXPLORE IDEAS,” and its teaching note for teachers, with support from the FIT/Japan IP Global. The textbook illustrates the importance of creativity and respect for creativity in an easy to learn approach. It explains the importance of creative thinking and the roles of IP by drawing an example of cup noodles invented by ANDO Momofuku, which is now an internationally consumed product. It also helps readers with develop their creativity.
In 2022, the WJO conducted a research on the textbook with support from the FIT/Japan IP Global, including holding demonstration classes using the textbook in four high schools and technical college, to review and improve the textbook and find the better use of it. As a result of the research, the teaching note was updated and the research report was published, which illustrates that the "HOW TO EXPLORE IDEAS" textbook can be a useful material for classes taught in high schools as proven in the demonstration classes.
Please visit the textbook webpage to explore your ideas for IP education for young people!