The Committee on WIPO Standards (CWS) establishes task forces consisting of experts nominated by the members and observers of the CWS with a clear mandate to work out specific issues. They elaborate proposals regarding the mandate received and report to the CWS, which is the authority for considering recommendations and questions raised by task forces, as well as for taking appropriate follow-up actions and decisions.
3D Task Force Wiki
Task Force to propose necessary revisions of WIPO Standard ST.91 on three-dimensional (3D) models and images
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API Task Force Wiki
Task Force to propose necessary revisions of WIPO Standard ST.90 on Web Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for data exchange supporting machine to machine communications and WIPO ST.97 on capturing IP data using JSON.
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Authority File Task Force Wiki
Task Force to propose necessary revisions of WIPO Standard ST.37 on recommended formats for patent authority files.
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Blockchain Task Force Wiki
Task Force to explore possible uses of blockchain technology in the IP ecosystem and propose a new WIPO standard on using IP data with blockchain technology
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Digital Transformation Task Force Wiki
Task Force to review paper or image based communication in view of electronic publication and exchange of IP documentation and propose revisions of relevant WIPO Standards as required
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IP Data Exchange Task Force Wiki
Task Force to analyze existing practices and challenges experienced by IP offices with a view to explore solutions to improve global IP data exchange
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ICT Strategy Task Force Wiki
Task Force to prepare a final proposal for a set of recommendations based on the feedback from the CWS Members on the proposed 10 recommendations on ICT and IP administration
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Legal Status Task Force Wiki
Task Force to propose necessary revisions of WIPO Standards ST.27, ST.87, and ST.61 on patent, design, and trademark legal status data; and support their use by the IP community
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Name Standardization Task Force Wiki
Task Force on applicant name standardization and providing better “quality at source” in relation to applicant names
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Part 7 Task Force Wiki
Task Force for ensuring the maintenance and update of Surveys published in Part 7 of the WIPO Handbook
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Public Access to Patent Information Task Force Wiki
Task Force for preparing recommendations for systems providing access to publicly available patent information of industrial property offices and manages updates to Part 7 of the WIPO Handbook
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Sequence Listings Task Force Wiki
Task Force to propose necessary revisions of WIPO Standard ST.26 on the presentation of nucleotide and amino acid sequence listings based on XML, and to support use of the WIPO Sequence Suite
Trademark Standardization Task Force Wiki
Task Force to propose necessary revisions to ST.60 on bibliographic data relating to marks
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XML4IP Task Force Wiki
Task Force to revise and update WIPO Standard ST.36, ST.66, ST.86 and ST.96
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Completed discussions (Archive)
ST.36 Task Force Wiki
Task Force previously assigned to revise and update WIPO Standard ST.36
- PFRs | Documentation
ST.66 Task Force Wiki
Task Force previously assigned to revise and update WIPO Standard ST.66
- PFRs | Documentation
ST.86 Task Force Wiki
Task Force previously assigned to revise and update WIPO Standard ST.86
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ATRs Task Force
Task Force previously assigned to the Annual Technical Reports on patent, trademark and industrial design information activities
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Citation Practices Task Force
Task Force previously assigned to harmonize and identify parts of patent specifications
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Correction Procedures Task Force
Task Force previously assigned to analyze correction procedures in patent offices
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Design Representation Task Force Wiki
Task Force previously assigned to make necessary revisions of WIPO Standard ST.88 , on electronic visual representations of designs
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P-Docs Task Force
Task Force previously assignged to analyze standards and procedures relating to the provision (including certification) and exchange in electronic form of priority documents
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ST.10/C Task Force Wiki
Task Force previously assigned to the revision of WIPO Standard ST.10/C
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ST.14 Task Force Wiki
Task Force previously assigned to the revision of WIPO Standard ST.14
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ST.22 Task Force
Task Force previously assigned to the revision of WIPO Standard ST.22
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Trademark Standards Task Force Wiki
Task Force previously assigned to the revision and establishment of WIPO standards relating to trademarks
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WIPO Handbook Task Force Wiki
Task Force previously assigned to the activities related to the WIPO Handbook
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