Date: April 8, 2014
July 1, 2014 will be the starting date from which it will be possible for the Swedish Patent and Registration Office (PRV) to retrieve priority documents according to the “New Route”, in accordance with paragraphs 10 and 12 of the modified Framework Provisions that came into effect on July 1, 2012.
Technical and operational options adopted by PRV as of July 1st 2014 are:
- Communications between PRV and the IB will be based on PCT-EDI
- PRV as a depositing Office will deposit certified copies of patent applications as priority documents via DAS, including PCT applications filed with the PRV as the Receiving Office via DAS
- PRV as an accessing Office will retrieve certified copies of PCT, patent applications that can be deposited in DAS by the corresponding depositing Offices, as priority documents for patent applications.
- PRV will accept priority documents in color or grayscale as deposited by depositing Offices.
Date: October 10, 2011 (amended on January 4, 2012)
The Swedish Patent and Registration Office notified in accordance with paragraph 10 of the Framework Provisions that it would commence operation as a depositing Office only with effect from 1 November 2011.
Following consultation with the Consultative Group and designation by the International Bureau on 10 October 2011 the scope of the Office’s participating digital library which it makes available as a depositing Office is as follows:
All national patent applications filed at the Office on or after 1 November 2011 which the applicant specifically requests be made available to the service.
All international patent applications received by the Office in its capacity as receiving Office under the PCT on or after 1 November 2011 which the applicant specifically requests be made available to the service.
Technical arrangements
- All documents and information will be exchanged over PCT-EDI in accordance with Project: WIPO Digital Access Service (DAS), Das Architecture: Document Exchange and Dataflow, Revision 1.3.
- As a depositing Office, the Office has adopted Route A from the alternative entry routes set out in the system architecture described in Annex I of document WIPO/DAS/PD/WG/2/4. the “p-doc reference” will take the form of an actual copy of the application, to be transmitted using PCT/EDI and stored by the International Bureau. The transmission arrangements have been tested by the International Bureau and found to be effective.
- The library will be hosted by the International Bureau in the same way as is already in operational use for the Australian, Finnish, Spanish and UK Offices.
Formats of application numbers
- Swedish national patent applications hosted in the library will have country code SE and application number format YYNNNNNN.
- International applications filed with RO/SE will have filing country code SE and application number format SEYYYYNNNNNN.
Practical information
- A request to the Office to make an application available through the service may be made by using intended Request Form, available from the Office website at or by sending a letter clearly stating the relevant application and indicating that it should be made available to WIPO Priority Document Access Service.
- The Swedish Patent and Registration Office will consider joining DAS at later stage as accessing Office to retrieve the document from the service.